Greetings from "Airstip one"
So, what's happening?
Well, the Prime Minster of Blighty has tried to shaft Mega big time!
The poor woman can't or won't deliver Brexit, she tried to do an end run last week.......this was sunk by tuesday, so now she wants to extend "Trans-sit-ion" other words try to kick the can down the road or into the long grass, in the finest polical way. Only not this time............
I am lucky to have Dave Davies, Boris Johnson & Jacob Mogg...............Real Tory people!
Everytime the Prime Minster try to pull the wool over everyones eyes, DD/BoJo & Moggy open fire.
Last week it looked like something out of "Blackadder" (BBC TV show).
Goverment policy was driven by what ever was in the Daily Mail the week before. I could spend much time on the attempt to do "popular" things rather than the right thing. Quite a lot of effort has been used to "Lay smoke" over the massive Police cuts.
Meantimes Those (Soros funded/ Useful fools) are yet again trying to stop what was voted & agreed on!
This Prime minster is lost, worst than John Major & time is running out for her.....she might only have hours.
So, what's happening?
Well, the Prime Minster of Blighty has tried to shaft Mega big time!
The poor woman can't or won't deliver Brexit, she tried to do an end run last week.......this was sunk by tuesday, so now she wants to extend "Trans-sit-ion" other words try to kick the can down the road or into the long grass, in the finest polical way. Only not this time............
I am lucky to have Dave Davies, Boris Johnson & Jacob Mogg...............Real Tory people!
Everytime the Prime Minster try to pull the wool over everyones eyes, DD/BoJo & Moggy open fire.
Last week it looked like something out of "Blackadder" (BBC TV show).
Goverment policy was driven by what ever was in the Daily Mail the week before. I could spend much time on the attempt to do "popular" things rather than the right thing. Quite a lot of effort has been used to "Lay smoke" over the massive Police cuts.
Meantimes Those (Soros funded/ Useful fools) are yet again trying to stop what was voted & agreed on!
This Prime minster is lost, worst than John Major & time is running out for her.....she might only have hours.