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  • have nothing to worry about.

    Mega's take on this:-

    1. "They" are sh1t scared
    2. The Banks can NOT withstand even a small dip
    3. They gone into FULL Bulsh1t mode

    Note the "fluffy man + calm back ground music"

    Sum Up:- Its coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: have nothing to worry about.

    Originally posted by Mega View Post

    Mega's take on this:-

    1. "They" are sh1t scared
    2. The Banks can NOT withstand even a small dip
    3. They gone into FULL Bulsh1t mode

    Note the "fluffy man + calm back ground music"

    Sum Up:- Its coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The video is by the Bank of Canada (our version of The Fed).

    The mainline banks in Canada won't have a problem from mortgages. This isn't like the USA circa 2006. The banks here have been very careful to make sure they shed the risk, and a lot of that is carried by the taxpayer because of mortgage insurer CMHC, which is a government creation.

    Its over-indebted private households that are going to be in trouble, and the banks will see their losses coming from things like credit card defaults.


    • #3
      Re: have nothing to worry about.

      Just been watching a TV program about oil production in Peru.............There are massive un-tapped stocks................there is the little problem of the native people whom live in the forrest............but Hell Am sure we find that they are a THREAT to American national sercurty!.............Commie/Islamic terror types.......we must help the "Free" people of Peru....

