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Re: Trump to Win?

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  • #61
    Re: Trump to Win?

    Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post
    That's actually how we spell it in the "Queen's English" out here in the Commonwealth Alex Jones.

    We are a global community are we not?

    Since when did "taking the high road" include silly stabs at others' correct use of grammar?

    Your evidential "bar" lowers and rises like the tide.
    I admit it brother. I accuse myself of the following crimes. I have been a U.S. English chauvinist. I have fetishisized the facts of history.

    "...I have seduced Party members of both sexes. I've been to the proletarian areas. I deliberately contracted syphilis in order to spread the disease to my wife and other Party members. together with other agents, I have counterfeited banknotes, wrecked industrial machinery, polluted the water supply, guided Eurasian rocket bombs to targets on Airstrip One by means of coded radio signals. I stand here, a victim of the influence of Emmanuel Goldstein. Guilty on all counts. I'm glad I was caught. I was mentally deranged. Now I am cured. I ask only for you to accept my love of our leader. I ask only to be shot while my mind is still clean."

    [fanfare sounds]

    "A glorious victory! A vast, strategic maneuver to outflank the Eurasian Forces on the African front has been successful. Perfectly coordinated, it has resulted in the utter rout of the Eurasian Army. There have been nearly a million prisoners. It has been an utter rout. This immense victory brings the war within measurable distance of its end."


    • #62
      Re: Trump to Win?

      Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
      I admit it brother. I accuse myself of the following crimes. I have been a U.S. English chauvinist. I have fetishisized the facts of history.
      Who knew Orwellian references could be SO humorous?

      If you were offended by my humour I hope you were able to find a safe space in your faraday cage.


      • #63
        Re: Trump to Win?

        Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post
        Who knew Orwellian references could be SO humorous?

        If you were offended by my humour I hope you were able to find a safe space in your faraday cage.
        No. No offense at all. And I do admire the "Faraday cage" sobriquet. It's very clever and I have every intention of taking the turn of phrase for my own.

        I was meaning to ask, what do you think of Wikileaks taking responsibility for sponsoring Friday morning's Internet attack? Me, it felt like another instance of science fiction moving into reality. I told my bowling buddies this evening that we had gone "Full William Gibson."

        Me, I think these brave fools have moved from the realm of mere "criminal" to de facto "combatants" and should expect a world of hurt to descend on them and soon. Now while I"m hardly in the minority for thinking that they're doing the American people a valuable service and that those Yanks among them are patriots no different than the "Sons of Liberty," the best they can hope from the USG is to be considered a sort of modern day "Bonnie and Clyde" or "John Dillinger," meaning they get no quarter whatsoever. It is "war," isn't it?


        • #64
          Re: Trump to Win?

          Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
          No. No offense at all. And I do admire the "Faraday cage" sobriquet. It's very clever and I have every intention of taking the turn of phrase for my own.

          I was meaning to ask, what do you think of Wikileaks taking responsibility for sponsoring Friday morning's Internet attack? Me, it felt like another instance of science fiction moving into reality. I told my bowling buddies this evening that we had gone "Full William Gibson."

          Me, I think these brave fools have moved from the realm of mere "criminal" to de facto "combatants" and should expect a world of hurt to descend on them and soon. Now while I"m hardly in the minority for thinking that they're doing the American people a valuable service and that those Yanks among them are patriots no different than the "Sons of Liberty," the best they can hope from the USG is to be considered a sort of modern day "Bonnie and Clyde" or "John Dillinger," meaning they get no quarter whatsoever. It is "war," isn't it?
          I yearn for a return to the 90's.

          Specifically the period between AS(After Snowcrash) and BC(Before Cryptonomicon), back during the tech boom when gas was $1 a gallon, and houses & education were cheap.

          And few of us ever heard of places like Khobar, Nairobi, and Dar El Salaam.

          Back then, readers of fiction by Gibson and Stephenson only had the real world open source example of astronomer Cliff Stoll patiently identifying and trapping KGB agent for hire Markus Hess in his book Cuckoo's Egg.

          I opened a new thread on some of this a few hours ago.

          As I've been posting recently, malignant cyber activity, particularly sabotage(mostly DDOS) and information operations/propaganda seem to have gone expontential.

          Cheap,high volume, internet of things IP cameras and sensors are one major tool for building cheap, quick, and easy botnet attack arrays as per:

          And confirmed by a friend of mine in the IP camera/sensor industry yesterday.

          As far as the information operations/propaganda there are very, very few with the credibility, knowledge, and ability to find the needles of truth in the haystack of bullish!t.

          We are in a period where most are retelling or repeating lies.

          On the information operations/propaganda side of the house here's one of the very best and balanced perspectives that I've found:



          • #65
            Re: Trump to Win?

            Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
            The internet is like pick up basketball.
            A game blossoms in the most unlikely neighborhood.
            You are lucky to get in early, and for a while it is too good to believe.
            Then carloads of people start driving further and further to get in,
            and in the end, it's just a bunch of assholes getting in fights,
            and then you go by years later and there are no nets on the hoops and its deserted.
            Best analogy I've read in years. Applies to many situations and I hope you don't mind if I use it now and again, as appropriate. Thanks. Stetts


            • #66
              Re: Trump to Win?

              "Anyway the state of Texas opened an investigation. So they think its quite a something. Voting is rather decentralized. Lot of precincts out there."
              True. Worse, the system used for the last few years no longer has ANY paper trail. You do get a little printout before leaving the booth, but that's it. No telling what happens to the bits and bytes. My plan is to at least take a cell phone photo of the screen just before pressing the "vote" button. Some proof of what I voted, at least. I'm told recounts are done by merely using the same computers that were used in the original count. How is that better?
              Take care, Stett


              • #67
                Re: Trump to Win?

                Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                Have you read the Goldman speeches? Hoo boy. She calls them the "spinal column" and "nerves" of America. She has such sympathy for banksters.
                She was the senator from New York for eight years.

                Don't you think that Clinton talking to Wall Street is like the senator from West Virginia talking to the coal companies?
                If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will.


                • #68
                  Re: Trump to Win?

                  The coal companies didn't come within a whisker of bringing down our economy, nor did they need to be bailed out by the taxpayer.


                  • #69
                    Re: Trump to Win?

                    A recent Tweet of his was also revealing: "If I'm elected President I am going to keep Radical Islamic Terrorists out of our country!" That if is interesting. It's not what presidential candidates usually say. They usually say when I'm elected president. They're not supposed to be contemplating defeat. But it looks like Trump is.

                    And why shouldn't he? He's down in the polls by the same amount that John McCain was at this point eight years ago, and just about everybody knew by late October 2008 that Barack Obama was going to win handily.

                    This has to be hard for Trump. Since The Art of the Deal came out 30 years ago, he's talked about himself as though he's a great winner, the best ever. But now, his impending failure is plain for all to see. And it was plastered all over his face tonight.

                    The big talker has nothing left to say. The greatest blowhard of the modern era seems to be all out of hot air, as the moment of his defeat grows closer and closer.
                    from the weekly standard, "the windbag in winter."


                    • #70
                      Re: Trump to Win?

                      Originally posted by vt View Post
                      The coal companies didn't come within a whisker of bringing down our economy, nor did they need to be bailed out by the taxpayer.
                      Do coal mining companies pay their U.S. Senators, active or retired, $250,000 for a 1-hour speeches?


                      • #71
                        Re: Trump to Win?

                        Originally posted by Milton Kuo View Post
                        Do coal mining companies pay their U.S. Senators, active or retired, $250,000 for a 1-hour speeches?
                        No, they pay their US Senators to allow them to sell a product that poisons the atmosphere and the oceans and they only want to hear them speak for coal on the Senate floor. Thankfully coal companies are going out of business.


                        • #72
                          Re: Trump to Win?

                          Originally posted by Ellen Z View Post
                          She was the senator from New York for eight years.

                          Don't you think that Clinton talking to Wall Street is like the senator from West Virginia talking to the coal companies?
                          No, not in the least.

                          Who has more national influence, Shelley Capito and Joe Manchin combined, or HRC all by her lonesome? How many coal company executives are on the Board of the Federal Reserve? How many of them go on to be Treasury Secretary or Commerce Secretary or Fed chairman?

                          If you believe Peabody and Arch have the same depth and breadth political influence, as Goldman and JPMorgan then okay, that's what you believe.

                          Is there anything else you want to talk about?

                          Wall Street Pays Bankers to Work in Government and It Doesn't Want Anyone to Know
                          Simon Johnson Reminds Us That the Banks’ Quiet Coup is Still Very Much in Place
                          The Guys from Government Sachs
                          How Goldman Sachs took over the world
                          An updated list of the former Goldmanites that rule the world
                          Goldman Sachs CEO: ‘Yes, So Flat Out, Yes, I Do’ Support Hillary Clinton

                          Last edited by Woodsman; October 23, 2016, 08:17 AM.


                          • #73
                            Re: Trump to Win?

                            Originally posted by jk View Post
                            A recent Tweet of his was also revealing: "If I'm elected President I am going to keep Radical Islamic Terrorists out of our country!" That if is interesting. It's not what presidential candidates usually say. They usually say when I'm elected president. They're not supposed to be contemplating defeat. But it looks like Trump is.
                            Not only is that assertion factually incorrect and easily disproved, it's a hilarious bit of "whistling past the graveyard."

                            "if I'm elected"/"if elected"

                            G.H.W. Bush

                            MAGA GO TRUMP! MAGA

                            "A Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress."
                            "A hiring freeze on all federal employees."
                            "A requirement that for every new federal regulation, 2 existing regulations must be eliminated."
                            "A 5-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government."
                            "A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government."
                            "A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections."

                            MAGA GO TRUMP! MAGA
                            Last edited by Woodsman; October 23, 2016, 07:51 AM.


                            • #74
                              Re: Trump to Win?

                              There are not two political parties (criminal enterprises), there are four:


                              This from 1963. the more things change the more they remain the same.

                              Today you have a radical wing on the left in the Democrat party and a radical right wing within the Republican party. The moderates are at the other end of spectrum make up the other half of both parties, but their leadership is partly the elite.


                              • #75
                                Re: Trump to Win?

                                Originally posted by vt View Post
                                There are not two political parties (criminal enterprises), there are four:


                                This from 1963. the more things change the more they remain the same.

                                Today you have a radical wing on the left in the Democrat party and a radical right wing within the Republican party. The moderates are at the other end of spectrum make up the other half of both parties, but their leadership is partly the elite.
                                i don't think the republican party can be viewed as having 2 wings- extreme right and moderate. instead there are the trumpenproletariat who don't mind big gov't broad entitlements but resent the elites and also the minorities/immigrants; there are the anti-gov't/drown the gov't in the bathtub groups which also tend to align with the "religious liberty"/anti-abortion groups; then there are the country club/small and large business groups which don't care as much about social issues, are fine with gov't spending that they can exploit [e.g. defense, subsidies, tax preferences] but opposed to social spending in general.

                                which one do you call "moderate"? and which do you call "right wing"?

