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Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

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  • Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

    “They have probably not hedged it. There have probably been large Wall Street institutions that made bets believing that Britain would remain in the European Union. There are firms and banks, I suspect, which have lost hundreds of billions of dollars. There is talk of another Lehman Brothers. We don’t yet know who it will be.”

    The Democratic Party, by rescuing Wall Street, will be unmasked as the handmaidens of the financial elite.

    ...Hudson said such a stance could propel Trump and other right-wing populists to power.

    “I can see Trump winning the election if he opposes what I expect will be the coming bailout of Wall Street,” Hudson said. “By the time Obama leaves office, the economy will probably be wrecked. I see us undergoing a slow crash. The economy will go down and down and down. If the Democrats give more money to Wall Street and creditors, if they say the debts have to be repaid, if they again use government to hand money to the 1 percent, they will be discredited. Economic chaos always leads to political chaos.

  • #2
    Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

    a narrative based on an assumption for which we have, at this time, no evidence.


    • #3
      Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

      Originally posted by jk View Post
      a narrative based on an assumption for which we have, at this time, no evidence.
      HUH ?

      THERE'S PLENTY 'evidence' - to wit:

      Originally posted by hedges+hudson

      “They have probably not hedged it. There have probably been large Wall Street institutions that made bets believing that Britain would remain in the European Union. There are firms and banks, I suspect, which have lost hundreds of billions of dollars. There is talk of another Lehman Brothers. We don’t yet know who it will be.”

      The Democratic Party, by rescuing Wall Street, will be unmasked as the handmaidens of the financial elite.

      Hudson sees the crisis in Europe as, in part, spawned by the U.S. intervention in the Middle East and the Ukraine.

      If there is anyone who is responsible for the Brexit, it is Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama,” he said. “They destroyed Libya. They turned over Libyan weapons to [Islamic State], al-Qaida and [Nusra Front]. It was their war in Syria, where many of these weapons ended up, which created the massive exodus of refugees into Europe. This exodus exacerbated nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiment. Clinton and Obama are also responsible for a huge exodus of Ukrainians. This is all a response to American war policy in the Middle East and the Ukraine. In central Europe, with the expansion of NATO, Washington is meanwhile demanding that governments spend billions on weapons rather than on recovering the economy.”
      and just never mind the VOLUMINOUS DOCUMENTATION of 'the evidence' - from the 'radical rightwing extremists' such as:

      Matt Taibbi/Rolling Stone Mag
      along with INSIDE JOB, the movie that 'nobody has ever heard of' - vs 'supersize me' that most know-of, if not watched!


      • #4
        Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

        the narrative is based on a theory that the banks had big bets on "bremain" and didn't hedge those bets. we have no information about that assumption.


        • #5
          Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

          Originally posted by jk View Post
          the narrative is based on a theory that the banks had big bets on "bremain" and didn't hedge those bets. we have no information about that assumption.

          Much ado about nothing. The economy is not going to tank. The US banks are not going to go bankrupt or need another bailout. The hysteria over Brexit reminds me of the front pages of the tabloids I peruse while standing in line, bored, at the supermarket checkout.


          • #6
            Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

            yep, nuthin to see there... MOVE ALONG...



            • #7
              Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

              As a dovetail to this, what the heck is up with the markets?
              I have a myopic u.s. view but every stinking asset class is up BIG, and not just post brexit, for the whole year.
              gold, t-bills, t-bonds, corp bonds, stocks, muni-bonds, real-estate.
              This despite, lack luster growth world wide.
              I have not seen a finger print like this for a long time.
              Is it people aching to get out of "money"
              Currency crisis, bank collapse?
              What would cause every asset class to rocket up?
              Is it Europeans buying non-euro assets?
              Last edited by charliebrown; June 30, 2016, 07:32 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

                my only theory - the fed promises to keep spiking the punchbowl.


                • #9
                  Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

                  Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                  yep, nuthin to see there... MOVE ALONG...

                  There really isn't anything to see. Yet. Hedges states that "bankers and global speculators" have been wiped out. Bankers, i.e., individuals; not banks, which are institutions. I suspect Hedges intentionally chose the words he did to manipulate/mislead his readers. I've never been comfortable with some of his liberal views and this kind of sophistry leads me to think he's as worth listening to as the mainstream media.

                  Hedges has provided absolutely zero evidence that any of the financial institutions is in need of yet another bailout.


                  • #10
                    Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

                    Originally posted by jk View Post
                    my only theory - the fed promises to keep spiking the punchbowl.
                    That is doubtless part of it.

                    Perhaps the early stages of the repatriation of US$ abroad that EJ wrote about oh so many years ago ("all the US$ needed to create inflation in the USA already exist overseas...").


                    • #11
                      Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

                      Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                      yep, nuthin to see there... MOVE ALONG...

                      Actually there seems plenty to see lek. But I believe we might all be better served if the popular media pundits stopped the furious pounding of keyboards and instead opened their eyes.

                      There are too many variables and influences for anyone to predict what might happen in the years to come; right now its probably easier to forecast future oil prices than it is the economic and political union futures of the UK and the EU. All sides in this Brexit debate, including the politicians and EU bureaucrats, might be better off being open to the wide range of possibilities.


                      • #12
                        Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

                        this will be a multi-year process. perhaps it will last a decade. nothing, absolutely nothing, will be done quickly.

                        think how long the greek crisis has been going on and make your best guess as to how many more years there are to go before you will be able to say the dust has settled. that's the kind of time frame we're dealing with.


                        • #13
                          Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

                          Originally posted by jk View Post
                          this will be a multi-year process. perhaps it will last a decade. nothing, absolutely nothing, will be done quickly.

                          think how long the greek crisis has been going on and make your best guess as to how many more years there are to go before you will be able to say the dust has settled. that's the kind of time frame we're dealing with.
                          What Greek crisis? The one ~2,500 years ago? Last time I checked, the Greek islands were still wonderful and don't require much in the way of a modern economy. We've replaced city state issues with country state issues over millennia but Greece is still an amazing place except for possibly the worst wine in the world, retsina.


                          • #14
                            Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

                            Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                            What Greek crisis? The one ~2,500 years ago? Last time I checked, the Greek islands were still wonderful and don't require much in the way of a modern economy. We've replaced city state issues with country state issues over millennia but Greece is still an amazing place except for possibly the worst wine in the world, retsina.
                            i live pretty well, i think, and i surmise you do too. not everyone is so lucky. i don't think it becoming to make light of the suffering of others.


                            • #15
                              Re: Any other rumors of another Wall Street bailout?

                              Originally posted by jk View Post
                              i live pretty well, i think, and i surmise you do too. not everyone is so lucky. i don't think it becoming to make light of the suffering of others.
                              I won't pretend to be boots on the ground but the major suffering in Greece is among refugees. Greeks will be fine. They've been betrayed more times by internal and external government forces than almost anyone and they will work their way through it. This is not Syria. There is an economic problem, a currency problem and mal-investments in property in Greece. There is suffering in Syria. I don't make light of suffering and it's not becoming to confuse the two.

