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Mega's dispatch from England

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  • Mega's dispatch from England

    Ah my Friends, those i have left after "Boob-gate" here is your update from Blighty:-

    The Budget:- I fat load of nothing, alsorts of talk of "balancing the books" & crap like that. The national debt of Blight has more than doubled in 6 years! all the talk of cuts has been just that with a few cuts to the welfare class..........the middleclass are NOT getting touched!

    In the old days anything like this would have been slapped by the IMF & Blighty would have a collasping £ & run-a-way inflation. However the IMF is not in sight & to put it simply there is no Police in enforcement......borrow & spend as much as you like!

    Figtclub:- Ah its PDR time, AKa Personal devolpment report, this is something the Civil Service likes to do every now & again. A chance to force you & your manger to have a little "chat" about how things are going. Strangly after the Bloodbath of the "Tim affair" last year things have gone very quite....

    One thing that does piss me off is that we are being told to write our own PDR's & write them in the 3rd person. When i asked in a meeting how much time to put in to this 400 word project i got no real answer & was told.."We don't need give any time for this..."

    In other words THEY are ment to write them but have decided not to..........

    I was also told NOT to have any Death threats to higher mangerment in the text THIS TIME.

    I have another problem i will report on but only when after its over which i hope will be soon.

    Downsizing experment:- As many of you know i downsized by vRS for a 3 cyinder 1,000 cc Turbo Ford Fiesta. I run a number of brisk Fords in the past & always enjoyed them.....this is not bad but not quite almost car.

    While i have enjoyed a reduction in running costs its come at a price...ENJOYMENT. Sure the car only weights just over a TON (1067 Kgs) & with 138 bhp / 155 flbs its goes but Ford have sowered the soup. Its a Disk (small!) & drum set up, it takes a while to slow the car from high speeds, the "Sports Seats" only grip you half way up your body, thus the top half of you falls out of the seat on any high "G" conering........which is a shame because it does have good grip.

    I done almost 12,000 miles & its not given any trouble at all.............100% each day every day & a lot better built that some VW models (German build not that great these days). I think Fords time in bed with Mazda has paid off.

    The coming Collaspe:- Well i thought 2012 & am still waiting.......just keep working, buying REAL assets & see what happen's............


  • #2
    Re: Mega's dispatch from England

    .......................and as for a "Boob-gate", i say only this:-

