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Trump knows nothing about the KKK

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  • #16
    Re: Trump knows nothing about the KKK

    Trump may get some black votes:


    • #17
      Re: Trump knows nothing about the KKK

      I would love to see a Trump-Sanders presidential election. Both candidate would be running on a platform with a plank of, "Oligarchs, the party is over." (Of course, Trump could be lying.) I think it's about time that the establishment felt a little fear.
      I don't think Sanders will win over Clinton although he should.

      If Trump wants to really throw everyone for a loop and really be anti-establishment if Clinton does beat Sanders as it looks likely, he should pick Sanders as his VP.

      I am telling you that is a winning ticket all the way and give him a ton of credibility with all the disenfranchised.


      • #18
        Re: Trump knows nothing about the KKK

        This is exactly what is going to happen, he will pull the "blue dog" democrats to his side and the Republican voters (not the establishment) will fall in line to not allow Hillary to be voted in.

        The accusations of racism don't stick. Trump isn't a racist and everyone knows it.

        Yes, his Trump University was bullshit and a grab at money, truly it was BS for the people who paid for it. His Trump steaks also horrible and all of his books are BS. He really is out for self-promotion.

        But he will win the nomination for GOP, the first person to do it who isn't actually a Republican. I could see him easily mopping the floor with Hillary. Look at his interview on the Jimmy Fallon show where he speaks his mind about immigration and Muslims, it is much more nuanced where most people would tend to agree.

        As a side not, Kasich was the best during the debate but he doesn't have much personality and is also an establishment candidate. Personally I would only vote for Sanders, if I voted. A Trump/Sanders ticket would be a clear winner in my view and completely anti-establishment.

        Look at these voters who are secretly voting for Trump and why they are doing it.

        "Before he ran, the left’s stranglehold on the national conversation of what is or isn’t tolerable was getting stronger by the minute. It was the year of Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal. Black Lives Matter. Anyone who even hinted at disapproval was exiled. Every week, someone would dare to blurt out something un-PC, and the media would absolutely crucify them. It had me thinking this was it. We’ve lost. How on earth can we hope to defeat these people, with their complete domination of the national conversation and relentless narrative of “Progress! Tolerance! Acceptance! Feels!”?
        Political correctness is the birthplace of disastrous, un-American policies that will destroy the country in a death by a thousand cuts. But here comes Trump, the first person who didn’t even blink when the machine turns its sights on him.
        He didn’t just fight back. He chewed it up and spit it out."
        Last edited by ProdigyofZen; March 04, 2016, 05:10 PM.


        • #19
          Re: Trump knows nothing about the KKK

          Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
          I don't think Sanders will win over Clinton although he should.

          If Trump wants to really throw everyone for a loop and really be anti-establishment if Clinton does beat Sanders as it looks likely, he should pick Sanders as his VP.

          I am telling you that is a winning ticket all the way and give him a ton of credibility with all the disenfranchised.
          Interesting that that was exactly what I was thinking after seeing the results of the primaries on Tuesday where Sanders did not do as well as I had hoped. At this point, it does look like Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democrat nominee for president and I'm not sure if Sanders is going to have a place with meaningful ability to influence policy in Clinton's administration should she win the presidency.

          Trump selecting Sanders as his vice president, assuming Sanders doesn't win the Democrat nomination, would do much tamp down the accusations of Trump being a racist although the Republican ticket would be two white men. Also, I think Sanders would add spice to a potential Trump presidency, winning a lot of hearts by having a person with a more left-leaning view on some issues, versus Trump selecting one of the mindblowingly dreadful Republican also-rans: Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Fiorina, Bush, etc. -- a veritable panel of zombies working for their big-money masters.


          • #20
            Re: Trump knows nothing about the KKK

            There's two ways of looking at those incidents: One is that Trump is the jackbooted thug the media seems to love painting him as and the second is that the anti-Trump people are doing everything in their power to disrupt his campaign and removing them from his rallies is an effective way of making sure their bullhorns don't drown out whatever message he is trying to communicate.

            There is a growing movement in the U.S. where people will shout down and use bullying tactics to silence people communicating a message that is unliked. As an example, as some are aware, this is occurring at many universities across the U.S.--even the elite institutions--where professors are at risk of losing their jobs.

            I'd be curious to know why and how Hillary Clinton's rallies don't attract such detractors. I find it very difficult to believe that all the people who dislike Clinton are too polite to go to her rallies to make loud protests or there are too few rude people who dislike Clinton to be able to make enough noise to be disruptive.


            • #21
              Re: Trump knows nothing about the KKK

              Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
              If Trump wants to really throw everyone for a loop and really be anti-establishment if Clinton does beat Sanders as it looks likely, he should pick Sanders as his VP.
              How about this for a fun election scenario: Trump and Sanders win the nominations of their respective parties. Then, Trump picks Sanders as his VP running mate and Sanders picks Trump as his running mate.


              • #22
                Re: Trump knows nothing about the KKK

                Originally posted by Jam View Post
                How about this for a fun election scenario: Trump and Sanders win the nominations of their respective parties. Then, Trump picks Sanders as his VP running mate and Sanders picks Trump as his running mate.
                That is exactly the way major defense contractors bid major weapons systems, so it's probably only a matter of time...


                • #23
                  Re: Trump knows nothing about the KKK

                  I don't support Trump but you left out the other side.

                  An inconvenient fact:



                  Notice I didn't use anything from Infowars to criticize your propaganda thread

