Link to story here
I'd like to know peoples thoughts on this. I got up this morning to see the story, and the first thought in my mind in the hell does ISIS down a supersonic Russian jet? Is russian military equipment that dated and obsolete? Well lo and behold...I learn that Turkey had shot it down claiming that they were violating turkish airspace. Look, say what you want about Putin, but given Turkey's tacit support of ISIS, from buying their oil, to bombing kurdish forces trying to fight isis, this most recent incident honestly seals the deal for me when it comes to Turkey. The Turkish government, or at least some part of it supports ISIS. How do you justify shooting down a russian jet, knowing that they are there trying to take down an enemy Turkey should have been dealing with themselves long ago? You're telling me that turkey can't give russia a bit of leeway to use a sliver of their airspace to take these guys down near the border? I mean, they acted as if the Russian jet was headed straight for Instanbul, missiles loaded.
Perhaps if this were the only incident with Turkey, maybe i could give them some sort of benefit of the doubt, but time and time again they've shown that they aren't serious about fighting ISIS, to the point where you would swear ISIS and Turkey were allies. It's really hard for me to turn a blind eye to this. Even if turkey was in the right, could they not avoid shooting it down to avoid an unnecessary international incident, and then complain about it to the right bodies after the fact? I know all the powers have their own interests being in the region, including Putin, but to take this plane down was callous as hell in my view
I'd like to know peoples thoughts on this. I got up this morning to see the story, and the first thought in my mind in the hell does ISIS down a supersonic Russian jet? Is russian military equipment that dated and obsolete? Well lo and behold...I learn that Turkey had shot it down claiming that they were violating turkish airspace. Look, say what you want about Putin, but given Turkey's tacit support of ISIS, from buying their oil, to bombing kurdish forces trying to fight isis, this most recent incident honestly seals the deal for me when it comes to Turkey. The Turkish government, or at least some part of it supports ISIS. How do you justify shooting down a russian jet, knowing that they are there trying to take down an enemy Turkey should have been dealing with themselves long ago? You're telling me that turkey can't give russia a bit of leeway to use a sliver of their airspace to take these guys down near the border? I mean, they acted as if the Russian jet was headed straight for Instanbul, missiles loaded.
