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Dawn Of The Post Human Era

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  • Dawn Of The Post Human Era

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    July 10, 2015 3:16 pm
    Cheer up, the post-human era is dawning

    Artificial minds will not be confined to the planet on which we have evolved, writes Martin Rees

    So vast are the expanses of space and time that fall within an astronomer’s gaze that people in my profession are mindful not only of our moment in history, but also of our place in the wider cosmos. We wonder whether there is intelligent life elsewhere; some of us even search for it. People will not be the culmination of evolution. We are near the dawn of a post-human future that could be just as prolonged as the billions of years of Darwinian selection that preceded humanity’s emergence.

    The far future will bear traces of humanity, just as our own age retains influences of ancient civilisations. Humans and all they have thought might be a transient precursor to the deeper cogitations of another culture — one dominated by machines, extending deep into the future and spreading far beyond earth.

    Not everyone considers this an uplifting scenario. There are those who fear that artificial intelligence will supplant us, taking our jobs and living beyond the writ of human laws. Others regard such scenarios as too futuristic to be worth fretting over. But the disagreements are about the rate of travel, not the direction. Few doubt that machines will one day surpass more of our distinctively human capabilities. It may take centuries but, compared to the aeons of evolution that led to humanity’s emergence, even that is a mere bat of the eye. This is not a fatalistic projection. It is cause for optimism. The civilisation that supplants us could accomplish unimaginable advances — feats, perhaps, that we cannot even understand.

    Human brains, which have changed little since our ancestors roamed the African savannah, have allowed us to penetrate the secrets of the quantum and the cosmos. But there is no reason to think that our comprehension is matched to an understanding of all the important features of reality. Some day we may hit the buffers. There are chemical and metabolic limits to the size and power of “wet” organic brains.

    Today’s computers do not learn like we do. Their internal network is far simpler than a human brain, but they partly make up for this disadvantage because their “nerves” transmit messages at the speed of light, millions of times faster than the chemical transmission in human brains. They can learn to identify dogs, cats and human faces by crunching through millions of images. They learn to translate from foreign languages by reading multilingual versions of millions of pages of EU rules, among other documents (and, crucially, they never get bored).

    These are primitive steps, and there is disagreement about the route towards machines of human-level intelligence. Some think we should emulate nature, and reverse-engineer the human brain. Others say that is as misguided as designing flying machine by copying how birds flap their wings. Philosophers debate whether “consciousness” is special to the wet, organic brains of humans, apes and dogs, so that robots, even if their intellects seem superhuman, will still lack self-awareness or inner life. But of the kind of “thinking” that has enabled humans to understand and then harness the forces of nature, far more will be done by silicon computers (or quantum ones) than has ever been managed by people.

    Today’s computers have “nerves” which transmit messages at the speed of light, millions of times faster than the chemical transmission in human brains
    Artificial minds will not be confined to the 14 mile layer of water, air and rock in which organic life has evolved at the earth’s surface. Indeed this biosphere may be far from an optimal habitat for post-human “life”. Interplanetary and interstellar space will be the preferred arena for the grand constructions of robotic fabricators, including the non-biological brains that might one day develop insights as far beyond our imaginings as string theory is for a monkey.

    The collective activities of human brains have underpinned the emergence of all our culture and science. They may not have been the first intelligences in the cosmos, however, and they are most unlikely to be the last. Searches for extraterrestrial intelligence are attracting growing support. Astronomers have learnt in the past decade that there are likely to be billions of earthlike planets, orbiting stars in our galaxy. Searches will focus on the nearest of these. But we do not know how likely it is that chemistry generates life (replicating, metabolising, entities), nor what chance primitive organisms have of evolving to earth-like biospheres. If our searches fail, there will be a compensation: if advanced life is exceedingly rare, we need be less cosmically modest. Our earth, though a tiny speck in the cosmos, could be the unique “seed” from which intelligence spreads through the galaxy.
    Our era of organic intelligence is a triumph of complexity over entropy, but a transient one, which will be followed by a vastly longer period of inorganic intelligences less constrained by their environment. If life is widespread, worlds orbiting stars older than the sun could have had a head-start. If so, aliens are likely long ago to have transitioned beyond the organic stage.

    We have no crystal ball. But it is a fair bet that machines, not organic brains, will most fully understand the cosmos. They may be our own remote descendants. Or they may be out there already, orbiting distant stars. Either way, it will be the actions of autonomous machines that will most drastically change the world, and perhaps what lies beyond.
    The writer is the Astronomer Royal

  • #2
    Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era


    • #3
      Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era


      • #4
        Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era


        • #5
          Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

          Not Bullshit,

          And we are rushing into this far faster than most realise.
          The writer thinking in thousands of years which is a blink to nature.
          Some think the exponential increase in computing will come to a halt and we will all be saved from the rise of the machines.
          What will happen is that computers themselves will help design better versions of themselves (ok they already do) but I mean a new type of machine based on a chemistry and physics humans have not explored and then it's game over for humans as the highest form of known intelligence on the planet (well Corporations have probably taken that title).

          The main function of human Civilization is to understand the the universe, we are its way of understanding itself, the universe seems to favour those entities that seek an retain knowledge.

          Machines are fast catching up at this task with the help of humans, the minute they can do this with out humans is when the supercede us.


          • #6
            Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

            Originally posted by Techdread View Post
            Not Bullshit,

            And we are rushing into this far faster than most realise. ...

            What will happen is that computers themselves will help design better versions of themselves (ok they already do) but I mean a new type of machine based on a chemistry and physics humans have not explored and then it's game over for humans as the highest form of known intelligence on the planet (well Corporations have probably taken that title).

            The main function of human Civilization is to understand the the universe, we are its way of understanding itself, the universe seems to favour those entities that seek an retain knowledge.

            Machines are fast catching up at this task with the help of humans, the minute they can do this with out humans is when the supercede us.
            That's some good stuff you're smoking, dude.
            I never grew anything that good back in the day.


            • #7
              Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

              We only need to look at almost every younger person holding; permanently; in their hand; some form of electronic device, to see that we are evolving at a very rapid rate; from a mostly farming community through manufacturing into vast mega cities full with these young electronic users.

              At what point does the user find that someone has integrated into the electronics, the capability of listening in - to the internal electronic signals of the human holding the device? That single step will set the next step of the evolution of humanity into motion at a speed we can only imagine.

              Then there are the set backs imposed by unexpected changes in the surface environment caused by natural events; a super volcano is a good example. When Yellowstone next explodes, (taking into account the last time that occurred), perhaps the population of the planet will diminish to a few hundred thousand.

              Thus there are so many variables; no one will be able to accurately predict. Will there end up a new sub species living in the remains of a once mega city? Who can tell?

              But bullshit this is not; of that I am certain.

              PS: I am not on Skype. will have to find out why my icon says I am.


              • #8
                Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

                According to Ray Kurtzweil, Director of Engineering at Google, "The Singularity" will occur in 2049. I for one, welcome our new AI overlords! /sarc ;-)

                Obligatory Juice News Media (hilarious, but educational) video:

                THE SINGULARITY

                My personal take:
                I believe:
                - Intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe is 99.9999% a given. Even many scientists are finally coming around to the same conclusion (perhaps with lower 90's % as a 'given')
                - After watching some 500 hours of UFO/alien related documentaries, interviews, investigations, I believe some UFOs are alien ships from other planets in the Universe and some from alternate dimensions. I should add, that it took me weeks to actually find semi-reliable sources of information, at first 95% of the info on UFO's/aliens on youtube was laughable if not sad.
                - Given our rough location in the known universe as a distance from the Big Bang, we are extremely unlikely to be the first planet to develop life, and likewise intelligent life.
                - Therefore, it is highly probable intelligent life has developed elsewhere first, AND, that it happened at minimum thousands if not millions of years ahead of homo sapiens.
                - If we assume this, and take into consideration how far we've evolved in the past ~200 years, imagine what "MAGICAL" things, unimaginable to us now, could be achieved in 1,000 years, or 10,000, or 1 MILLION years.
                - One of the leading theories of some relatively credible 'ufologists' is that the alien grays (the small ones - there's supposedly 4 different types), are bio-robots without conscience, but with super brains capable of outhinking humans at least 100x faster, and also capable of interfacing with our brains directly to put us in a comma-like-state with a mere thought. They can also read our minds, according to hundreds (thousands?) of alien abduction cases.

                My point being, the distant future is not mere robots with fast CPUs, capable of performing many servile physical or computational tasks for us, but rather Bio-computer Cyborgs with a mind of their own but still obedient to a 'master' of sorts. My hope is that, such a 'master' is still mostly human ;-)

                The concerns of one prominent Ufologist, Richard Dolan, is that there is a high likelihood that a "Breakaway Civilization" is already existing; meaning that ultra secret military projects funded by black budgets have already achieved extremely advanced human AI and Biogentic improvements, thanks to reverse engineering of alien technology. Before you laugh, watch Richard Dolan's presentation.

                PS. I've never seen a UFO or alien, but can't ignore the vast 'evidence'/people reporting personal stories around the world.

                - At minimum and in the next few hundred years, I think we will see humans pre-programing the DNA of children before they are born to remove all genetic diseases, possibly in some countries things like eye/hair color etc may be legal to modify (aka. Gattica movie - youtube clip), countries will race (legally,underground or justified under DND super soldier like programs) to implement IQ improving changes. Bionics already existing for a couple of decades, will advance dramatically, and humans may start pro-actively modifying themselves for "self-improvement". I.e. put in an eye that can see 10x better, embedded chips for augmented reality tie-in with the brain/ID access etc/improved memory, Skeletal replacements to improve strength, etc, I could go on, but you get the idea.
                Last edited by Adeptus; July 14, 2015, 06:00 PM.
                Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!


                • #9
                  Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

                  Originally posted by Adeptus View Post
                  - At minimum and in the next few hundred years, I think we will see humans pre-programing the DNA of children before they are born to remove all genetic diseases, possibly in some countries things like eye/hair color etc may be legal to modify (aka. Gattica movie - youtube clip), countries will race (legally,underground or justified under DND super soldier like programs) to implement IQ improving changes. Bionics already existing for a couple of decades, will advance dramatically, and humans may start pro-actively modifying themselves for "self-improvement". I.e. put in an eye that can see 10x better, embedded chips for augmented reality tie-in with the brain/ID access etc/improved memory, Skeletal replacements to improve strength, etc, I could go on, but you get the idea.
                  Neuromancer/Count Zero/Mona Lisa Overdrive meets 2001: A Space Odyssey. I like it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

                    Originally posted by Woodsman View Post


                    • #11
                      Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

                      Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                      as in desperate for a way out. I suppose it beats the old man with the long white beard in the heavens . . . .


                      • #12
                        Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

                        Originally posted by don View Post
                        as in desperate for a way out. I suppose it beats the old man with the long white beard in the heavens . . . .
                        Pop Quiz:

                        Q: What's the difference between Heaven's Gate and Kurzweil's H+ Transhumansm?
                        A: Kurzweil's followers aren't drinking the powerful KoolAid until ~ 2045.

                        Meanwhile, would anyone like some "life extension supplements?"

                        I hear they work on the same principal as those penis extension supplements you've seen so many e-mails about.

                        Or was it the Nigerian Prince?

                        PT Barnum?

                        Who can keep up?

                        Bonus Question:

                        Q: Which one of these two men started a sham religion purely for greed and profit?


                        • #13
                          Re: Dawn Of The Post Human Era

                          So basically, you are agreeing with Alex Jones ;-)

                          Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
                          Pop Quiz:

                          Q: What's the difference between Heaven's Gate and Kurzweil's H+ Transhumansm?
                          A: Kurzweil's followers aren't drinking the powerful KoolAid until ~ 2045.

                          Bonus Question:

                          Q: Which one of these two men started a sham religion purely for greed and profit?

                          Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!


                          • #14
                            How near?

                            Originally posted by vt View Post

                            Artificial minds will not be confined to the planet on which we have evolved, writes Martin Rees
                            We are near the dawn of a post-human future that could be just as prolonged as the billions of years of Darwinian selection that preceded humanity’s emergence.

                            The far future will bear traces of humanity, just as our own age retains influences of ancient civilisations. Humans and all they have thought might be a transient precursor to the deeper cogitations of another culture — one dominated by machines, extending deep into the future and spreading far beyond earth.

                            . . . . .

                            Tesla demonstrated a remotely controlled boat in 1898. The crowd was very impressed. Tesla himself thought it a significant step towards intelligent machines, in that, the boat could respond purposefully to external stimuli. We've been hearing this stuff for decades, the latest version being that "machine vision" will revolutionize manufacturing.

                            I work with computers on a daily basis. And I am constantly reminded how incredibly STUPID they are. They make a blatant error and carry on like nothing at all is wrong. Humans constantly evaluate and judge what they do, finding their own mistakes.

                            Has anybody yet seen one of these $10k robots actually being used?


                            • #15
                              Re: How near?

                              Originally posted by Polish_Silver View Post
                              We've been hearing this stuff for decades, the latest version being that "machine vision" will revolutionize manufacturing.
                              I work with computers on a daily basis. And I am constantly reminded how incredibly STUPID they are. They make a blatant error and carry on like nothing at all is wrong. Humans constantly evaluate and judge what they do, finding their own mistakes.
                              Has anybody yet seen one of these $10k robots actually being used?
                              Well, you are comparing standard software, to AI software. Two completely different paradigms. The first is human programmed to linearly execute tasks. The software is stupid because the humans who wrote the software made, well, human errors. With AI, the theory goes that "all" the humans have to do is to get the software to be smart enough to program itself (this has already been somewhat achieved) to improve itself (also achieved but with limitations) by taking over its own programming, and become self aware (the biggest challenge, if not an impossibility). Once that's achieved, the speed of progress/improvement iterations will be extremely exponential on a scale impossible by humans, even if millions of them joined together to program.

                              "Imagine a machine ... with the analytical power greater than the *collective intelligence* (aka. Infinite IQ!) of every person, in the history of the world!" - Transcendence movie 2014

                              One of the desired outcomes of AI is to solve all of humanity's major issues within an extremely short amount of time (weeks? months? 1-3 years max?)

                              * Engineer perfect human with zero diseases - Hookup AI to DNA editing machine and give it info on all genetically inherited machines. Goal: Edit DNA to remove all possible disease.

                              * Achieve Human Immortality - Hookup AI with nano-particle fabrication machine, feed it all the books on medicine in the world + all books on biology & chemistry. Set Goal: develop nano bots to repair all damaged cells of any kind in any human. Bye bye cancer et all.

                              * Achieve galaxy colonization - Hookup AI to well all scientific engineering & physics books & programmable factory with robots & commodities. Set goal: develop faster than light travel engine & suitable vehicle to transport humans across galaxy.

                              The list of magical possibilities is vast.

                              Very rough graph of expected scientific/human progress once AI goes live... It's really more like a flat line for 99.8% of it, then a 0.1% bump in the last 50 years, until the singularity, then an 89 degree vertical upward arrow.

                              Last edited by Adeptus; July 15, 2015, 04:25 PM.
                              Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!

