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Weather? Or Not?

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  • Weather? Or Not?

    Dane Wigington runs a website dedicated to exposing and explaining to the public the dangers of climate engineering, also known as “chemtrails.” This is not some sort of conspiracy theory but hard science, also known as “solar radiation management” or “geoengineering.” What does Wigington say to the disbeliever? “We have film footage of these tankers spraying at altitude, up close nozzles visible. We have close up photographs of these nozzles right behind the engines. At that point, the argument ends. We have footage of the crime happening. There is no argument or dispute–it is absolutely going on. We have President Obama going on the record saying that climate change is the greatest national security threat of all. . . . Do you think that they would ask our permission before they do this? That is a very naïve thought,” says Wigington.

    Wigington says the greatest true threat is chemicals and heavy metals being sprayed globally. Wigington contends, “Although geoengineering, or solar radiation management, is sold as a runaway warming mitigation, we have enough data to know it is making the situation worse and not better. So, at this point, it is an attempt to hide the problem. . . . Climate engineering is shredding the ozone layer, which allow more thermal energy to come in. So, the more they spray, the more they have to spray. It is also redirecting upper level wind currents, which is also redirecting ocean currents. We have warm water now pumping into the artic, and that is releasing methane. We have a global methane cataclysm going on right now. Geoengineering is making a host of bad things worse.”

    How bad? Wigington says, “We have a species extinction rate today that is likely approaching 300 every single day. 200 to 300 different plants and species going extinct every single day. So, we are in the sixth great mass extinction now. I don’t care how much money you print. I don’t care how much you falsify unemployment figures. If the planet can’t support life, it’s game over. We are on a fast track for that place. . . . The bottom line, at this point, is the power structure is doing all it can to hide reality from the climate, to the species extinction rate, to the economic figures. It’s like a snake eating its own tail. They simply are trying to hide it as long as they can to stay off panic as long as they can but we are on the fast track to total disaster and total collapse.

    How much time do we have before total collapse? Wigington says, “I would be surprised if we reached the end of this year without some very big shoes dropping. That doesn’t mean that everything comes to an end. It simply means they will have a very hard time hiding the gravity and the immediacy of what we face for much longer. We have massive military operations like Jade Helm taking place, which is absolutely unprecedented.

    We have alarming things starting to occur, and I would argue that the power structure is being pushed further and further into a corner. People are waking up, and the moment people wake up to climate engineering . . . at that moment our paradigm will shift. The power knows this, and I would argue that they are preparing for that right now. . . . This is a matter of record. The Pentagon has been preparing for total global societal collapse for quite some time. A lot of bad things are happening all around us while we are watching football and Dancing with the Stars.”

    In closing, Wigington says, “We are talking about a climate shift. The climate is disintegrating right now, and climate engineering is helping to fuel that process.”

    Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dane Wigington, founder of

  • #2
    Re: Weather? Or Not?

    Next up....little green men, Big Foot and the Lock Ness Monster.


    • #3
      Re: Weather? Or Not?

      is it chemtrails or is it haarp? or both? it's just so complicated...


      • #4
        Re: Weather? Or Not?

        Originally posted by jk View Post
        is it chemtrails or is it haarp? or both? it's just so complicated...
        from Wikipedia:

        High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP):

        The HAARP project directs a 3.6 MW signal, in the 2.8–10 MHz region of the HF (high-frequency) band, into the ionosphere. The signal may be pulsed or continuous. Then, effects of the transmission and any recovery period can be examined using associated instrumentation, including VHF and UHF radars, HF receivers, and optical cameras. According to the HAARP team, this will advance the study of basic natural processes that occur in the ionosphere under the natural but much stronger influence of solar interaction, and how the natural ionosphere affects radio signals.

        This will enable scientists to develop methods to mitigate these effects to improve the reliability or performance of communication and navigation systems which would have a wide range of both civilian and military uses, such as an increased accuracy of GPS navigation and advances in underwater and underground research and applications. This may lead to improved methods for submarine communication or an ability to remotely sense and map the mineral content of the terrestrial subsurface, and perhaps underground complexes, of regions or countries, among other things. The current facility lacks range to be used in regions like the Middle East, according to one of the researchers involved, but the technology could be put on a mobile platform.[11]

        The project is funded by the Office of Naval Research and jointly managed by the ONR and Air Force Research Laboratory, with the principal involvement of the University of Alaska. Many other universities and educational institutions of the United States have been involved in the development of the project and its instruments, namely the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Stanford University, Penn State University (ARL), Boston College, UCLA, Clemson University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, College Park, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MIT, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, and the University of Tulsa. The project's specifications were developed by the universities, which are continuing to play a major role in the design of future research efforts.

        According to HAARP's management, the project strives for openness, and all activities are logged and publicly available. Scientists without security clearances, even foreign nationals, are routinely allowed on site. The HAARP facility regularly (once a year on most years according to the HAARP home page) hosts open houses, during which time any civilian may tour the entire facility. In addition, scientific results obtained with HAARP are routinely published in major research journals (such as Geophysical Research Letters, or Journal of Geophysical Research), written both by university scientists (American and foreign) and by U.S. Department of Defense research lab scientists. Each summer, the HAARP holds a summer school for visiting students, including foreign nationals, giving them an opportunity to do research with one of the world's foremost research instruments.

        I never paid any attention to any of the above, including Wigington's claims. Is there any credence to any of this?


        • #5
          Re: Weather? Or Not?

          Originally posted by don View Post

          I never paid any attention to any of the above, including Wigington's claims. Is there any credence to any of this?
          you just quoted the OFFICIAL description of haarp.

          ALSO from wikipedia

          Conspiracy theories[edit]

          See also: List of conspiracy theories: Development of weapons technology
          HAARP is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. Various individuals have speculated about hidden motives and capabilities of the project. For example, Rosalie Bertell warned in 1996 about the deployment of HAARP as a military weapon.[26] Michel Chossudovskystated in a book published by the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform that "recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes."[27] Over time, HAARP has been blamed for triggering catastrophes such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes in Iran, Pakistan, Haiti, Turkey, Greece and the Philippines, major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome.[5][28][29]
          Allegations include the following:
          • A Russian military journal wrote that ionospheric testing would "trigger a cascade of electrons that could flip earth's magnetic poles".[30]
          • The European Parliament and the Alaska state legislature held hearings about HAARP, the former citing "environmental concerns".[31]
          • Nick Begich Jr., the son of former U.S. Representative Nick Begich and brother of U.S. Senator Mark Begich, author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP, has claimed that HAARP could trigger earthquakes and turn the upper atmosphere into a giant lens so that "the sky would literally appear to burn", and maintains a website that claims HAARP is a mind control device.[30][32]
          • Former Governor of Minnesota and noted conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura questioned whether the government is using the site to manipulate the weather or to bombard people with mind-controlling radio waves. An Air Force spokeswoman said Ventura made an official request to visit the research station but was rejected-"he and his crew showed up at HAARP anyway and were denied access".[33]
          • Physicist Bernard Eastlund claimed that HAARP includes technology based on his own patents that has the capability to modify weather and neutralize satellites.[4]
          • It has been proposed as a cause of low frequency background hums said to be heard in various locales.[34]

          its connection to chemtrails is obvious!


          • #6
            Re: Weather? Or Not?

            its connection to chemtrails is obvious!
            Now that's fun stuff. Thing is the older I get, the more these things wind up being largely confirmed to one degree or another.

            It wasn't too long ago when only nutters thought the government boys were hoovering all our communications and transactions. Now we know it was true all along.

            Would the government put poison in liquor, or knowingly let syphilis patients become gravely ill while pretending to treat them, or administer LSD to unsuspecting subjects, or plan terrorist attacks against Americans to blame them on a foreign power, or claim it was attacked when no attack occurred? Yes, in fact it would and did.

            When a group of people operate with impunity under color of law but outside its strictures and in total secrecy, almost anything is possible.

            In my opinion, there is nothing these gentleman won't do. We kid ourselves if we believe otherwise.

            And to those who say soulless reptilian creatures don't rule us, I offer two words: Dick Cheney.

            Last edited by Woodsman; May 05, 2015, 09:58 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Weather? Or Not?

              Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
              Now that's fun stuff. Thing is the older I get, the more these things wind up being largely confirmed to one degree or another.

              It wasn't too long ago when only nutters thought the government boys were hovering all our communications and transactions. Now we know it was true all along.

              Would the government put poison in liquor, or knowingly let syphilis patients become gravely I'll while pretending to treat them, or administer LSD to unsuspecting subjects, or plan terrorist attacks against Americans to blame them on a foreign power, or claim it was attacked when no attack occurred? Yes, in fact it would and did.

              When a group of people operate with impunity under color of law but outside its strictures and in total secrecy, almost anything is possible.

              In my opinion, there is nothing these gentleman won't do. We kid ourselves if we believe otherwise.

              And to those who say soulless reptilian creatures don't rule us, I offer two words: Dick Cheney.

              All the conspiracy kooks who believed in Area 51? Not so kooky after all.

              Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


              • #8
                Re: Weather? Or Not?

                Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                Now that's fun stuff. Thing is the older I get, the more these things wind up being largely confirmed to one degree or another.

                It wasn't too long ago when only nutters thought the government boys were hovering all our communications and transactions. Now we know it was true all along.

                Would the government put poison in liquor, or knowingly let syphilis patients become gravely I'll while pretending to treat them, or administer LSD to unsuspecting subjects, or plan terrorist attacks against Americans to blame them on a foreign power, or claim it was attacked when no attack occurred? Yes, in fact it would and did.

                When a group of people operate with impunity under color of law but outside its strictures and in total secrecy, almost anything is possible.

                In my opinion, there is nothing these gentleman won't do. We kid ourselves if we believe otherwise.

                And to those who say soulless reptilian creatures don't rule us, I offer two words: Dick Cheney.


                That's all well and good, Woodsman, but the reason the particular conspiracy theory of chemtrails doesn't hold water (if you'll pardon the pun) has nothing to do with whether one trusts the government, or anyone else.

                There's simply a better scientific explanation for why condensation trails show up at times behind high-altitude jets. And you don't have to take anyone's word for it, either. You can demonstrate the physics principles quite dramatically by building a homemade cloud chamber in your kitchen. (And you get to count subatomic particles with it as well, how's that for a bonus?!)

                I'm certainly not disputing that the government has often proven itself unworthy of trust.

                And no, you don't have to be a complete nutter to at least listen carefully to some conspiracy theories.

                But when a given conspiracy theory rests on a simple misunderstanding of the basics of water droplet nucleation and condensation, being a nutter really does help.

                This is one that's probably best to let go.


                • #9
                  Re: Weather? Or Not?

                  Originally posted by astonas View Post

                  That's all well and good, Woodsman...
                  Pal o'mine, how did you get the impression that anything I wrote gave credence to that thing? I talked about the Tuskegee "experiment", Lemnitzer's Operation Northwoods, and the Tonkin Gulf fiasco. Not a contrail in sight.

                  I suppose I should have read the original post before wading in, no? Serves me right for getting too deep, as in out of my depth. Anyway, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if 50 years from now some graduate student stumbles upon a yellowing document at the National Archives. Just the same, I'll be easing myself in to my first 1000 years in purgatory by then.

                  Fundamentally my default position on government was best articulated by George Carlin years ago.

                  I haven't had any reason to change that orientation in the twenty years since. It won't change no matter how many squiggly lines folks see in the sky, be they jet jockeys playing tic-tac-toe or a nefarious attempt to poison our precious bodily fluids.

                  I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero.
                  Last edited by Woodsman; May 05, 2015, 09:59 PM.

