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Hilary's Emails

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  • #61
    Re: Hilary's Emails



    • #62
      Re: Hilary's Emails

      Manufacturing is industrial. While it will increase from here the real growth is in the knowledge industries:


      • #63
        Re: Hilary's Emails

        I agree. Meds and eds.


        • #64
          Re: Hilary's Emails

          Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
          I know what happened there. A thug attacked a police officer and got shot dead. Then, the racial arsonists took over and concocted a Big Lie about Hands Up, Don't Shoot and the media amplified that lie, encouraged by the this vile administration.
          Racial arsonists says the gentlemen holding the Zippo.


          • #65
            Re: Hilary's Emails

            Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
            Racial arsonists says the gentlemen holding the Zippo.

            The man fleeing the scene was shot in the BACK. Unless that cop had just taken a bullet from this man he had no justification whatsoever to shoot him. This cop is a murderer - plain and simple. The only question is Murder 1 or Murder 2. Since it appears the officer "rearranged" the evidence I'd say it's most likely Murder 1. If so, he should get the needle.

            Michael Brown wasn't shot in the back; he wasn't fleeing - he was charging.


            • #66
              Re: Hilary's Emails

              Both Ferguson and Charleston represent a rush to judgement. Each turned out to be different from what was alleged.

              Having spent some time in the black community I have seen both sides of the issue. There definitely is racial profiling and a fear of the police. There is racism. Importantly there are bad actors on both sides of the law.

              Ferguson was turned into a major issue by the left and the press. Fortunately the FBI got the facts and showed the real event. The administration failed to state that no judgement should be made until facts were revealed.

              Charleston clearly shows that a small number police are culpable. Not only were the facts misrepresented, but evidence was planted and a coverup took place.

              Accidents happen on both sides. Police training and action must be controlled. Where criminal action is proven justice must be swift.

              Community leaders need to reach out to their neighborhoods. Black citizens are exposed to way too much crime in their communities.

              Body cameras, dashboard cams, and non lethal force are necessary to prevent future incidents.


              • #67
                Re: Hilary's Emails

                Originally posted by Raz View Post
                You overlooked a key point within the article. I've highlighted it for you.

                In addition, I wouldn't compare Colin Powell to Hillary Clinton: Hillary is a pathological liar - she lies even when there is no need for her to hide something. If she told me the sky was blue I would have to walk outside and look for myself.

                Powell only had to lie once to wreak havoc across the middle east, wreck our economy, and kill thousands of U.S. soldiers. Can you possibly imagine what Hillary might do?


                • #68
                  Re: Hilary's Emails

                  Powell did not lie. He was given false information by the CIA:


                  No one really knows if there were or were not any chemical and biological weapons moved out of Iraq just before the war. There are many possibilities:



                  • #69
                    Re: Hilary's Emails

                    del the double... see next


                    • #70
                      Re: Hilary's Emails

                      Originally posted by aaron View Post
                      Powell only had to lie once to wreak havoc across the middle east, wreck our economy, and kill thousands of U.S. soldiers. Can you possibly imagine what Hillary might do?

                      you mean besides continuing on with the disastrous sequence of events that wildbill's aparatchix got rolling in the mid-late90's,
                      culminating with their benefactors primary objective, this on top of the failures of their own regulators at the time to throttle what would become the 2nd worst economic wipeout in the past century - which then SET THE STAGE FOR EVERYTHING THATS HAPPENED SINCE?

                      Originally posted by vt View Post
                      Powell did not lie. He was given false information by the CIA:


                      and we'll just fuhgetabout the fact that the prev occupant's own assessments, the entire UN security council were all pretty convinced of their existence and the fact that at the moment of truth, nearly all 535 in both houses of congress were also pretty sure of themselves - when THEY nearly ALL VOTED to take out saddam -

                      and therefore -
                      who is ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE for iraq attack2 ?

                      (with iraq attack3 comin right up after obomba's abandonment of em)

                      SADDAM AND ONLY SADDAM
                      since had he simply accepted the dozens of attempts by the UN, et al - to back the sitch off the brink - NONE OF IT WOULD'VE HAPPENED - and geedubya would've been gone after one term...

                      and i still believe that the lower manhattan mob also knew the sitch their activities had created and were looking for a fallguy to be stuck holding the bag (of s__t) that THEIR BOY had started rolling down hill

                      since afterall - most of the past occupants have 'returned to the ranch' after their terms are up -

                      but where did the hil&bill show end up?
                      GROUND ZERO baybee - and just look at how they've rewarded him/them since....

                      and i think woody puts it quite aptly:

                      'the united states of AMNESIA'

                      Golden Hillary.

                      Hillary Clinton has a problem which is much bigger than just Goldman Sachs. 29 of the Dow 30 have already given generously in one way or another to Ms. Clinton’s presumed 2016 presidential campaign. Goldman Sachs just might be the most repulsive of the big corporate donors.

                      Goldman Sachs embodies everything most populists, both the libertarian kind and the progressive kind, should despise. It is a company which should no longer exist. The investment bank was leveraged over 100 to 1 just prior to the 2008 Crash and when the downdraft came it was saved by friends in the highest levels of government and ultimately by the American taxpayers who were soon to feel the wrath of the Great Recession.

                      By the second quarter of 2009 Goldman Sachs was booking record “profits” thanks to the massive infusion of cash and ongoing support from the Fed. The bank was recapitalized completely and as a bleak economic light fell across the American landscape that year Goldman stood on top of the rubble it helped create.

                      This is the firm the newly “populist” Hillary Clinton has cozied up to in a big way.
                      but i'm.. like.. sooo shur that all this is merely co-incidental

                      Last edited by lektrode; April 09, 2015, 09:16 AM.


                      • #71
                        Re: Hilary's Emails

                        Hillary's polls are dropping:




                        • #72
                          Re: Hilary's Emails

                          Lek, what's up with that last link? If Obama's a communist, he's the shittiest one I've ever heard of. Looks like the rich got a lot richer and the poor and middle class didn't get any richer under his Presidency to me.

                          I'm pretty convinced part of the left/right economic split and part of the liberal complaints about inequality are because inequality's actually a bigger problem in liberal places than conservative ones...


                          • #73
                            Re: Hilary's Emails

                            Very early to be worrying about this unless you work in the Clinton camp. You seem to be operating on the premise that the primary is a foregone conclusion for her. That didn't work out so well for her in 2008. Plenty of Dems not so happy to just hand the nomination to someone based on a name...especially someone who's so cozy with corporate America.

                            Remember, this wasn't so long ago:


                            • #74
                              Re: Hilary's Emails

                              Polls mean little at this stage.............except to donors. With the current process donors are important.

                              Waiting for the day were there are no more donors.


                              • #75
                                Re: Hilary's Emails

                                Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                                Racial arsonists says the gentlemen holding the Zippo.

                                You high, Woody? That's not a story about Big Mike Hands Up Don't Shoot Brown.

                                The cop in SC is charged with murder and rightly so.
                                Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho

