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Nordic Nations Aren't The Utopias They're Made Out To Be

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  • Nordic Nations Aren't The Utopias They're Made Out To Be

    Stop the Scandimania: Nordic nations aren’t the utopias they’re made out to be

    They may do well on happiness surveys, but they have plenty of problems. (iStock)

    By Michael Booth
    January 16
    Michael Booth, a British journalist, is the author of “The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia.”

    ‘What’s there not to love?” actor Will Ferrell enthuses in the second episode of NBC’s expat-comedy “Welcome to Sweden.” “Picking blueberries, outhouses, a year off if you have a baby — even if you don’t have a baby, just a year off. Your family around constantly. Lagom — not too much, not too little. I mean, they’re doing it right over here.”

    Ferrell is in character, but his fervor is all too familiar. The United States is in the midst of an episode of chronic Scandimania, brought on in part by the habitually high placing of Sweden and its similarly prosperous, egalitarian, collectivist neighbors — Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland — in global rankings of everything from happiness to lack of corruption, gender equality and consumption of organic root vegetables.

    It is true, the old Viking tribes excel in many of these areas, but I fear, lately, we non-Scandis have become rather blinded by the Northern Lights.

    Consider the glowing reports on Finnish schools (the best in the world, says Smithsonian Magazine, though the latest rankings show they are slipping),Norwegian prisons (“superior” claims the Atlantic — it helps that Norway barely has any criminals) and Swedish road safety (New York Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to borrow the model, though I suspect that speeding fines that rise with income wouldn’t be popular in Manhattan). And there’s the adulation of Nordic cuisine. (Is there a U.S. publication that hasn’t gone foraging with René Redzepi? Car and Driver, maybe.)

    The Washington Post is not immune to Scandinavia’s charms, recently marveling at how Danish branches of McDonald’s manage to pay their employees 2.5 times U.S. McDonald’s workers’ wages (clue: When about 75 percent of earnings disappear as income and consumption taxes, higher wages are more necessity than choice).

    The New York Times also seems to have a crush on the Nordics. “Joy Is Always in Season,” it gushed in a piece on Denmark (the latest Gallup pollsindicate that’s less true than it once was), and last month the Times assured us that “A Big Safety Net and Strong Job Market Can Coexist. Just Ask Scandinavia.” (*Cough* unemployment is 5.6 percent in the United States, vs. 8.1 percent in Sweden, 8.9 percent in Finland and 6.4 percent in Denmark.)

    I live in Denmark, and although it appears to have been surpassed as the happiest country in the world by Panama, Costa Rica or Fiji (depending on which list you believe), it is still a pretty great country, especially in which to raise kids. But Scandinavia is not the utopia that American liberals or the 11 million Americans of Nordic descent often make it out to be, just as it is not the quasi-commie, statist gulag that those on the right would often have us believe.

    And global and domestic events are conspiring to make life a little more uncertain for these former high achievers. I am not just talking first-world problems, although those are definitely a Scandi specialty — at a recent dinner party, I heard one woman complain that her son’s preferred university did not offer the surfing degree he wanted. Rather, the Scandinavian model’s structural fissures are coming under increasing stress.

    Plummeting oil prices
    have made the Norwegians jumpy, for instance. The oil boom that began in the early 1970s transformed them from the butt of country-bumpkin jokes to the Beverly Hillbillies of the north. But now revenue is declining, and their economy is stuttering for the first time in decades.

    Meanwhile, the Norwegians seem to have lost their parsimonious, workaholic, Lutheran mojo. Norwegians treat Friday as a “free day” andtake more sick leave than anyone else in Europe, if not the world — a law enshrines their right to claim sick days even while on holiday. And they don’t want to work in fish-processing factories anymore. They’ve delegated that to cheap foreign laborers, while, at the same time, the popularity of the right-wing, anti-immigration Progress Party indicates declining tolerance for those very outsiders.

    Sweden, too, has its problems. It is struggling with increasing racial tension — as evidenced by the firebombing of a mosque in Eskilstuna on Christmas Day.

    It has also seen the rise of a hitherto gagged right wing. The Sweden Democrats party, which has its roots in the neo-Nazi movement, won 13 percent of the vote in September’s general election. Some credit its rise to Sweden’s “open door” immigration policy; others point to the poor integration of those immigrants and their resulting overrepresentation in crime and unemployment figures.

    Either way, the party’s electoral success prompted hasty political horse trading among other parties intent on keeping extremists as far from the levers of power as possible, which in turn prompted allegations that Sweden’s political establishment was subverting the democratic process. This has distracted from the slowing economy, increasing state and household debt levels, and one of the highest youth unemployment rates in Europe.

    Denmark took a bigger hit than its neighbors following the 2008 global economic crisis, which increased pressure on its massive welfare state, funded by the highest taxes in the world. Household debt is the highest in Europe (any connection there, I wonder?). And there is a nagging suspicion that the universal, free education and health care we receive are not as good as they should be. Danish schools perform poorly in international rankings, and the country has the world’s highest cancer rates.

    Like the Norwegians, the Danes appear to have taken their foot off the gas. They too enjoyed an oil boom, albeit a rather more modest one that peaked in the 1980s, and along with the Norwegians they work among the fewest hours a year of any Europeans.

    In Iceland, a combination of ultra-Nordic social cohesion — bluntly, nepotism — combined with Milton Friedman-style rampant monetarism led to the near-bankruptcy of the entire country. This wasn’t just a question of bonkers bankers, but a kind of collective giddy spree that saw ordinary households taking out sophisticated yet reckless loans in yen or mortgages in Swiss francs. The Icelanders are recovering after a fashion, but their pride has taken a mighty blow, they still owe an awful lot of money, and few outsiders are prepared to lend to these semi-feral mavericks.

    Finally, Finland is dealing with the double whammy of a loss of trade with Russia — after the European Union imposed Ukraine-related sanctions — and the decline of its golden goose, Nokia. Prime Minister Alexander Stubbrecently blamed Apple for the country’s economic woes: The iPad killed off Finland’s paper industry, he moaned, while the iPhone destroyed Nokia.

    The Finns also have a colorful portfolio of demons and taboos with which to wrestle, ranging from binge drinking (alcohol is the No. 1 cause of deathfor working-age people) to one of the highest homicide rates in Western Europe. There was a particularly nasty double ax murder in Oulu on Wednesday.

    All that said, the Nordic countries do remain true lands of opportunity. There is far greater social mobility here — freedom for people, regardless of background, to fulfill their potential and rise up the income scale — than there is in the States. Scandinavia also has relatively low crime, great public transportation and low-cost day care.

    But here are just two Scandi-paradoxes that might make you hesitate before signing on a nice penthouse in Turku: These countries that do so well in life-satisfaction surveys also record the highest consumption of antidepressants in the world, and despite their reputation for gender equality, they have the highest rates of violence against women in Europe.

    I suspect that few Americans would truly embrace a Scandinavian-style society. The tax rates alone would likely be a sufficient deterrent. Though I’m a freelance journalist, I essentially work until Thursday lunchtime for the state. And it’s not as if the money that is left in my pocket goes all that far: These are fearfully expensive countries in which to live.
    The Scandinavians’ collective modesty, distrust of boasting and self-censoring of ambitions would also be hard for Americans to comprehend, I suspect. A Danish acquaintance who lives in Washington was recently back in Copenhagen having coffee with friends. She remarked, proudly, that her son was doing especially well in math. “There was a silence, and then someone changed the conversation,” she told me. “If I had said he was great at role-playing or drawing it would have been fine, but it was totally wrong to boast about academic achievement.”

    Even if you are willing to accept such downsides, there is no exportable model for turning a country Scandinavian. These lands have evolved into the flawed, fascinating paragons of civilization that they are today over many centuries, through a combination of unique historical events, religion, geography and climate — to which some might add DNA. There is no secret to replicate their success.

    Put it another way: I’m not saying the Nordic miracle is over, but it was never a miracle. And it’s over.

  • #2
    Re: Nordic Nations Aren't The Utopias They're Made Out To Be

    Originally posted by vt View Post

    Stop the Scandimania: Nordic nations aren’t the utopias they’re made out to be

    ...And there’s the adulation of Nordic cuisine. (Is there a U.S. publication that hasn’t gone foraging with
    René Redzepi
    ? Car and Driver, maybe.)

    Adulation of Nordic cuisine? This must be an invented trend started by a cable channel with lots of air time to fill between yoga demonstrations and the "How to Tablescape" self help programming.

    Hmmm, Nordic cuisine, eh.

    Some Scandinavian descendants claim their strength and longevity derived from eating lutefisk once a year.

    Growing up in Norway, I had no idea that anyone would find this traditional food repulsive, I thought of it as a delicacy and still do.

    It is first dried - and then soaked in lye and you have the real thing.

    What is lye anyway? Oh, it is a strong smelling solution made from birch ashes and water.

    You might wonder, how can anyone eat fish that has been soaked in birch ashes? To us aficionados of this "stinky-fish-stuff" - it does not matter. We love it and when/if you can get used to the jelly-like texture, you'll love it too.

    An old folk tale about the origin of this Norwegian delicacy, tells about when the Vikings were pillaging Ireland. St. Patrick sent men to pour lye on the stored dried fish on the Viking Long ships with the hope of poisoning the Vikings andthereby ridding Ireland of these feared Nordic intruders.

    However, rather than dying of poisoning or starvation, the Vikings declared "this stuff" a delicacy and it has been a favored fare in Norway, ever since that day.


    • #3
      Re: Nordic Nations Aren't The Utopias They're Made Out To Be

      Originally posted by vt View Post
      The New York Times also seems to have a crush on the Nordics. “Joy Is Always in Season...
      Yup, just another fine day at the beach.


      • #4
        Re: Nordic Nations Aren't The Utopias They're Made Out To Be

        So far the best customers I've had are from Norway, Sweden. I guess if the life is good, you will be good to your suppliers as well.


        • #5
          Re: Nordic Nations Aren't The Utopias They're Made Out To Be

          We knew a young coupe from Finland with two young children about a year ago. He was here for a year on business, and we more or less made friends. While I remember quite a few things, including their generous gift of a few groceries they could not pack for back home, what I remember most is he could not wait to get back home.


          • #6
            Re: Nordic Nations Aren't The Utopias They're Made Out To Be

            Count me as a fan. Scandimania? not totally, I prefer the Alps.

