Re: Sexodus- Males In Crisis
I could term a lot of ideas "kooky" if I relied on random hits at Google. I use the term because it refers to behavior - not rigid determinism as the gay lobby would have (demand!) everyone concede.
I've made no attempt to hide my theistic world view, and that of the subset Eastern Orthodox. The Church teaches that EVERYONE without exception is corrupted by the cosmic nature of the Fall, and that applies to every impediment and passion of human nature: alcoholism, gluttony, same sex attraction, the hyper ithyphalic libido of William Jefferson Clinton, etc.
Be that as it may, we all have a choice of how we behave. And I'm weary of the pseudo-science used to silence anyone who disagrees that some people simply have no choice for their behavior.
I recall that you were uncomfortable with procured abortion. A flat-out condemnation of it I don't remember, but my memory isn't as good as it once was. And I don't care to discuss it any further, but you were the one who brought up the subject of "reproductive rights" - and in the context of the benign and favorable results of the Feminist movement.
Well I do agree that the FIRE overlords who presently own the federal government love the cover provided by such distractions, it is the Left who champions the Gay Rights and "Choice" lobby so I fail to see just how the "right wing", whatever that is, makes exclusive use of these "wedge" issues to redirect the righteous claims of the proletariat.
I do not agree that they are "inconsequential", but the poor have in mass been won over to the sexual mores of the American Left so you shouldn't worry about that particular distraction. As you said to vt: your side is winning.
Originally posted by Woodsman
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I've made no attempt to hide my theistic world view, and that of the subset Eastern Orthodox. The Church teaches that EVERYONE without exception is corrupted by the cosmic nature of the Fall, and that applies to every impediment and passion of human nature: alcoholism, gluttony, same sex attraction, the hyper ithyphalic libido of William Jefferson Clinton, etc.
Be that as it may, we all have a choice of how we behave. And I'm weary of the pseudo-science used to silence anyone who disagrees that some people simply have no choice for their behavior.
Originally posted by Woodsman
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Originally posted by Woodsman
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Originally posted by Woodsman
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