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Germany (& Russia/China) has WON!

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  • Germany (& Russia/China) has WON!

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor

    5:37PM GMT 24 Nov 2014


    Britain is already a lame duck within the EU’s internal governing structure and is losing influence “by the day” in Brussels, even before David Cameron holds a referendum on withdrawal.

    This self-isolation has upset the European balance of power in profound ways, leading ineluctably to German hegemony and a unipolar system centred on Berlin. It is made worse by the near catatonic condition of France under Francois Hollande.

    Smaller states no longer form clusters of alliances around a three-legged diplomatic edifice made up of Germany, France, and Britain. They are instead scrambling to adapt to a new European order where only one state now counts. So too is the EU’s permanent civil service and the institutional machinery in Brussels and Luxembourg.

    Such is the verdict of Roman Prodi, the former Italian premier and ex-president of the European Commission.

    I pass on his thoughts because the Brexit debate in the UK invariably dwells on what the consequences might or might not be for Britain, while taking it for granted that Europe itself would somehow sail on sedately as if nothing had changed. But everything would change, and we can already discern it.

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    “France is ever more disoriented and Britain is losing power by the day in Brussels after its decision to hold a referendum on EU membership,” he said.

    “All the countries that previously maintained an equilibrium between Germany, France, and Britain (from Poland, to the Baltic States, passing through Sweden and Portugal) are regrouping under the German umbrella,” he told the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero.

    “Germany is exercising an almost solitary power. The new presidents of the Commission and the Council are men who rotate around Germany’s orbit, and above all there is a very strong (German) presence among the directors, heads of cabinet and their deputies. The bureaucracy is adapting to the new correlation of forces,” he said.

    “Even the Americans are doing so. When there is a problem between Europe and the United States, President Obama telephones Mrs Merkel, not the British prime minister. In short, Germany has become the referee of Europe. As is well known, the rules in football are enforced when the referee whistles, and right now Germany is issuing the yellow card to a lot of countries,” he said.

    There is a good deal of federalist slapstick in these comments but Mr Prodi touches on a point that we tend to gloss over in the internal “Brit-Brit” debate on Europe. The Atlantic free trade deal between the EU and the US has stalled in great part because Britain no longer has the gravitational pull to forge a dominant alliance, while Germany is dragging its feet.

    The new order was all too clear when Jean-Claude Juncker was picked to take over the Commission. Sweden’s Frederik Reinfeldt and Holland’s Mark Rutte both joined Mr Cameron in opposing Mr Juncker at first - calling for fresh blood – but left the British leader dangling alone once Chancellor Merkel began to apply the gentlest of pressure.

    “Wherever you go in Europe, people want to be close to Berlin,” said Mats Persson from Open Europe. “You feel it in Madrid. The Czech government is obsessed with this. There is a lot of Merkel hugging going on.”

    The implicit argument is that by disengaging from Europe, Britain is bringing about the Europe it most fears: a more protectionist bloc, and one less amenable to our liberal view of the world.
    You might argue that any benefits derived from stopping the Continent hurting itself are outweighed by the benefits of keeping well clear – and I would concur, chiefly for reasons of democratic accountability and sovereign self-government – but you cannot wish away these risks altogether.

    Britain’s clout in Brussels was already waning before Mr Cameron pledged an EU referendum. It stems from Maastricht. By staying out of monetary union – with all its implications – the UK effectively opted out of the EU's future even then. This was disguised in the early years of EMU. It became crystal clear once the crisis exposed the fundamental failings of an orphan currency with no economic government to back it up.

    Mr Cameron’s diplomatic loneliness was plainly visible at the December summit in 2011, when he felt forced to veto the Fiscal Compact. He was of course right on merits. The Fiscal Compact – pushed through outside the EU treaty structure – was and is an atrocious mix of pedantry and pre-modern economic illiteracy, with a delayed fuse that risks trapping the eurozone in depression for another decade.

    Yet such was the zeal to push it through that he could not muster an alliance even from those countries – the majority – that knew it to be folly. They simply bent to power. In other words, he could not save the European political leaders from their own suicidal errors.

    German hegemony is entirely unwelcome to Germany itself, and that is part of the problem. Frightened of its own historical shadows – “rearmament and dictatorship” as Mr Prodi puts it rather harshly – Germany still tries to think and behave much of the time as a subordinate power, like a large Sweden. But it is not a large Sweden; it is the policy-maker for a bloc of over 500m people.
    It denies its own leadership, retreating into 3pc deficit rules and formulaic austerity, with very destructive results when leveraged through the whole eurozone by the mechanisms of EMU.

    If Mr Prodi is broadly correct – and I suspect he is – British withdrawal from the EU will accelerate an unstable chain reaction and ultimately cause the whole project to unravel. It is simply unthinkable that the EU can survive as a reconstituted Holy Roman Empire governed from Berlin, yet without at least the charisma and sanctity bestowed on the medieval Hohenstaufen by Rome.
    The EU is either a treaty club of democracies and equals, or it is nothing

  • #2
    Re: Germany (& Russia/China) has WON!

    Originally posted by Mega View Post

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor

    5:37PM GMT 24 Nov 2014

    ...Britain is already a lame duck within the EU’s internal governing structure and is losing influence “by the day” in Brussels, even before David Cameron holds a referendum on withdrawal...

    ...“France is ever more disoriented and Britain is losing power by the day in Brussels after its decision to hold a referendum on EU membership,” he said...

    And as Britain loses influence (power) in Brussels, it would seem Brussels loses influence (power) in London. Isn't that the point?

    Originally posted by AEP View Post
    ...Britain’s clout in Brussels was already waning before Mr Cameron pledged an EU referendum. It stems from Maastricht. By staying out of monetary union – with all its implications – the UK effectively opted out of the EU's future even then. This was disguised in the early years of EMU. It became crystal clear once the crisis exposed the fundamental failings of an orphan currency with no economic government to back it up.

    Mr Cameron’s diplomatic loneliness was plainly visible at the December summit in 2011, when he felt forced to veto the Fiscal Compact. He was of course right on merits. The Fiscal Compact – pushed through outside the EU treaty structure – was and is an atrocious mix of pedantry and pre-modern economic illiteracy, with a delayed fuse that risks trapping the eurozone in depression for another decade.

    Yet such was the zeal to push it through that he could not muster an alliance even from those countries – the majority – that knew it to be folly. They simply bent to power. In other words, he could not save the European political leaders from their own suicidal errors...
    If this is the quality of leadership and decision making within the EU it would seem Britain may have made consistently better decisions by NOT participating in such nonsense than many of the other European nations, who now find themselves in dire economic straits with no obvious way out other than "starvation by austerity". The UK's current 6% unemployment rate must be the envy of all manner of EU currency bloc nations who are witnessing out migration of their youth, while Britain is in the enviable position of debating whether to put restrictions on incoming migrants.

    Originally posted by AEP View Post
    ...Smaller states no longer form clusters of alliances around a three-legged diplomatic edifice made up of Germany, France, and Britain. They are instead scrambling to adapt to a new European order where only one state now counts. So too is the EU’s permanent civil service and the institutional machinery in Brussels and Luxembourg...

    ...“All the countries that previously maintained an equilibrium between Germany, France, and Britain (from Poland, to the Baltic States, passing through Sweden and Portugal) are regrouping under the German umbrella,” he told the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero...

    ...This self-isolation has upset the European balance of power in profound ways, leading ineluctably to German hegemony and a unipolar system centred on Berlin. It is made worse by the near catatonic condition of France under Francois Hollande...

    ...“Germany is exercising an almost solitary power. The new presidents of the Commission and the Council are men who rotate around Germany’s orbit, and above all there is a very strong (German) presence among the directors, heads of cabinet and their deputies. The bureaucracy is adapting to the new correlation of forces,” he said...
    So if Germany is exercising "solitary power", and in the EU "only one state now counts", then shouldn't the minions in Brussels be worried. After all, under this scenario why does Germany need Brussels at all?

    As for countries like Poland "regrouping under the German umbrella", put me down as a diehard skeptic. As long as there is a chance the German pocketbook will remain open to continue to bail out the folly of the EU currency bloc, it is rational that the other nations in that club will curry favor with the Teutons (not to be confused with the Brits, who will be busy flavoring curry for post-referendum East Indian take-out).

    One need go back only to the winter of 2002/03 ("Old Europe") to see how things might play out. The Poles, and the rest of Eastern Europe, know damn well that if Russia ever threatens them again their ONLY hope for assistance will be the Americans. With its increasingly fickle "Fortress America" foreign policy, I am certain these nations must wonder if they can actually count on American leadership in NATO and otherwise. But I doubt any of them are naive enough to believe that in a real crisis the Germans will do anything more than bury themselves in beer and bratwurst, while calling for yet another international conference.

    Epilogue: One of the goals of the EU was to create an economic bloc that could challenge the power of the massive USA economy. If Britain splits, this observer does not believe there is any chance Europe will challenge the USA for many generations, if ever. The politically and economically moribund France and Italy will probably be a major drag on Germany for years to come, while Russia shows signs of being an ever present and expensive distraction.

    Britain's historical international ties are with the USA and it's former colonies in the Commonwealth, not with continental Europe, which has always, and continues to be a rival to British ambitions.

    At $78 Brent and falling, Russia is done. China will use the window of low commodity prices to finish the job of stripping Russia of much of its mineral endowment at cheap prices, and continue to immensely enrich Putin and his cohorts at the permanent expense of all of the rest of the Russian people (watch the now 20 year long out migration of young Russians become relentless).

    If the Brits split, seems the three winners will be the UK, China and the USA (but my years ago prediction on this thread started by jk is still intact)
    Last edited by GRG55; November 25, 2014, 11:48 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Germany (& Russia/China) has WON!

      Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
      If the Brits split, seems the three winners will be the UK, China and the USA (but my years ago prediction on this thread started by jk is still intact)

      In a multi-polar world order, a big win by one player (China) would mean a loss to all other major players even if some of the players had gained nominally at the expense of the losing player that lost big time.

      This had been the case since Sept 11, from the macro point of view, despite what had been published on MSM, the US and UK had been losing all the way.
      Last edited by touchring; November 26, 2014, 04:43 AM.

