Re: Are You A One Percenter
Hum, interesting.
Not sure where you are going or what your examples immediately go to the extreme but the simple fact remains that Rand advocated accepting no government handouts etc.
She even went as far to say "Anyone who does not advocate full capitalism, is, to that extent, pro-socialist." | The Letters of Ayn Rand"
You cannot in good conscience preach one thing and do the other. I am not saying she didn't produce good work, values and concepts with Objectivism etc but when you make a stance, an extremely strong stance and statement that she made throughout her entire life then switch that stance to accept SS and Medicaid (no matter if she "paid" into it or not) then continued to preach to the plebeians to not accept government handouts then I find that hypocritical.
And I am all for people having one thought process and then later in life changing their stance against their previous stance. That either shows political savvy or evolution of thought/learning. For example being pro-abortion when younger and anti-abortion when older or vice versa.
Collecting entitlement benefits while advocating the abolition of them is hypocritical because you can freely reject such offerings.
Originally posted by DSpencer
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Not sure where you are going or what your examples immediately go to the extreme but the simple fact remains that Rand advocated accepting no government handouts etc.
She even went as far to say "Anyone who does not advocate full capitalism, is, to that extent, pro-socialist." | The Letters of Ayn Rand"
You cannot in good conscience preach one thing and do the other. I am not saying she didn't produce good work, values and concepts with Objectivism etc but when you make a stance, an extremely strong stance and statement that she made throughout her entire life then switch that stance to accept SS and Medicaid (no matter if she "paid" into it or not) then continued to preach to the plebeians to not accept government handouts then I find that hypocritical.
And I am all for people having one thought process and then later in life changing their stance against their previous stance. That either shows political savvy or evolution of thought/learning. For example being pro-abortion when younger and anti-abortion when older or vice versa.
Collecting entitlement benefits while advocating the abolition of them is hypocritical because you can freely reject such offerings.