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Mega's dispatch from England............(its been awhile)

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  • Mega's dispatch from England............(its been awhile)

    My Friends.......& Metalman

    I thought a few words on what is happening over here in "Blighty"............its coming!

    Houses prices are turning, after the Tory goverment doing what Labour had done before them (Rothchilds Blue team/Red Team/ HIS teams) ie jacking up the money for cheap house price loans & giving it to sh1t heads whom have little hope of repaiding them...

    Well we reached the end of the line..the tide has turned.

    In London & the south the asking prices are falling..........up by Liverpool its a Bloodbath!

    Where i walk Bella (My Dog) i see a large number of houses for sale & shocking even more is the fact that a large % of them are "No Chain". In other words they emputy or the seller is unable to rent it!

    Rents are falling as well, once "They" ran out of money & the Welfare refused to pay for "one bloke in a 3 beedroom house" then they were toast. 30-40% of the rented market is welfare.....with Liverpool city concil rebuilding old estaes in inn-city they can save a shed full of cash by renting those to the scum, not nice homes in nice area's......

    WE have not yet reached "crittical mass" but it building......

    Had something of a set back a few weeks ago, they sent me on a trainng course. Now 90% of the trainning i had has been in house & its been very good.....took awhile to sink in but i been doing very well.

    Sadly it didn't last........they sent me "to the other place" for trainning to use other data base & scanning stream. The X**** system uses a differant method that is at odds at with what i been taught & was using day to day. I explained in e-mails to a number of staff that i would likely struggle & why .....also i need extra help........they simply didn't respond or told me "No one ever fails that test".

    Guess What...........yes i failed.

    To use the system the people whom "own" demand that you get can get close (i did 89%) then "talk" the staff though your mistakes & get the extra marks....(i didn't). Why you ask?.....well good question, i come off a bad shift & it had been very hot for a few days before thus little sleep at night.......i was tired & simple couldn't find the extra few % required.....for the 1st time someone had failed....& it was me.

    I kept my cool & went on my way, that night i wrote a report on what happened. I noted the pressure from the trainning staff to end early (we finished at 2pm not 4.15) how it was rushed & how we were tested on VERY old laptops that didn't behave the same way as machines we been trainned on in the morning.

    I then took 2 days leave (which effectivly gave me a gap of almost 5 days)...& then i began to circle the wagons. I contacted my union & awaited for either the traiing manger or line manger to "chat" to me on the subject.......both did, i saw them off.

    After "Mega" had "expressed his view's" on the subject they very sheeply mubble-ed a bit & said something about me resitting the test in Dec ish.........hopefuly i not done any long term damage.

    Its getting very boring......i fear that i am losing faith in Jim Rickards. He got a good track record but sadly his (their) plan to swap the $ for Gold backed SDR's is not going any where fast. I most just sit tight, but i fear its YEARS more to go as yet.........

    Hair transplant:-
    The 1st bloke i lined up fell though, i think he sussed that was going to be a tough job. I got thin hair & not as much transplantable hair as he hoped for. While i don't expect to look like a 1980's Rock star i would have thought using F.U.E a very good improvment could be made. However i have found someone else whom i pass his door everyday on the way to work......he is on Spex recormended list.......i do more digging on him this weekend.

    Apart from that am fine, hope you are too.

  • #2
    Re: Mega's dispatch from England............(its been awhile)

    I wish you a 100% score when you retake the test. Now that you know what it entails I'm sure you'll do fine.

    Regarding PMs, remember: "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."

    Now go enjoy a walk with Bella. It's been too hot here these last three months to go for walks. Ellie Mae and I are just itching for winter so we can go outside and play.

    Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


    • #3
      Re: Mega's dispatch from England............(its been awhile)

      Originally posted by shiny! View Post
      I wish you a 100% score when you retake the test. ....
      been too hot here these last three months to go for walks. Ellie Mae and I are just itching for winter so we can go outside and play.


      • #4
        Re: Mega's dispatch from England............(its been awhile)

        Originally posted by Mega View Post
        Its getting very boring......i fear that i am losing faith in Jim Rickards. He got a good track record but sadly his (their) plan to swap the $ for Gold backed SDR's is not going any where fast. I most just sit tight, but i fear its YEARS more to go as yet........
        My Man Mega, only here can you be sure of the going price


        • #5
          Re: Mega's dispatch from England............(its been awhile)

          My twin brother had hair transplants probably 15 years ago and they turned out pretty good. I can only imagine the technology has gotten a lot better. His only problem now is explaining why his twin is balding and he isn't.


          • #6
            Re: Mega's dispatch from England............(its been awhile)

            My friends i thank you..........

