Re: The Right to Be Forgotten
we ALL have our various biases, ms shiny!
and i dont have any more/less than anyone else.
but ms shiny!, ms shiny!, ms shiny!
surely you know that * i * KNOW that... esp hanging around these parts.
and i dont cling to any belief that eye havent seen with my own eyeballs - but one thing i am NOT,
is 'siding' with any particular side - certainly NOT with the 'Big R' bunch - as i've mentioned on more than several occasions that i am NOT a member of either party but do consider myself and identify as a 'small r' type - which likely needs to be highlighted here to make my point:
and when indicating my distinction between 'the 2 sides' - genl'y speaking - i'm doing so at the local/state level - as in:
it has been my direct/eye-witness experience in residing in the GLARINGLY different states as i have, that i prefer one over the other - and for the reasons i mentioned in my prev post - but on the national level, i'd agree with you (and woody)
i'm also pretty sure you have noticed, in my numerous/prev posts - that i'm a FIRM SUPPORTER of the 'social-safety net' - including medicaid, foodstamps, housing etc - and think that social security needs to be FIXED - by UPPING THE FICA CAP - not scrapped, nor 'privatized', nor turned over to the vultures of wall st so they can plunder that treasure chest, as they have so many others - and MOSTLY IN DEM-RUN STATES - as they OVER TAX/SPEND on all manner of 'nice to have' pet projects, OVER-PROMISING all manner of goodies to garner the votes of another sliver of the electorate, thus giving away their states treasuries in doing so - again, while the political class lards on the layers of the buracracy, with all the appointed Directors, the Deputy Directors, the Assistant deputy directors, the secrataries to the deputy directors, along with ARMIES of unionized deadweight file-cabinet-fillers - who mostly could be replaced by self-serv database driven websites - but are kept on within 'the system' because they can be counted on to reliably vote a certain way -
and it would be one thing if all this worked well for The Rest of US - but usually 'works' only for the cronies, the union feather-bedders and the rest of the parasites (not those genuinely in need, but i draw the line on generation after generation of 'baby factories' and THEIR 'advocates' along with entire .gov funded 'industries' that have grown at the same rate - mostly since the '60's - as the .mil &other industrial-complexes) that feed on their citizen's ambivilance - mostly due to the politcal class over-promising and failure to honestly budget, failure to adequately fund or tax for all their promises - thus forcing their cities/states to go deeper into debt - which then benefits their masters in lower manhattan - which is The Real Problem
how can anyone - on either side - NOT 'hate the lamestream media' these daze ?? ...
and yes, i accept your criticism as friendly.
but those are links i've have run across on random searches - i'm also a believer in the old saying of:
where theres smoke, theres usually a fire...
and if any of whats on them isnt true, at least to some extent - considering how long some of that material has been around - one would think that either the publishers of it wouldve had their asses sued off for slander/libel etc or it might've been debunked by now ? - esp in the lamestream media - but just like this material is IGNORED by the lamerstream media - since it makes THEIR TEAM look bad, they flatly refuse to even try to connect ANY of the many dots, as they know where it will lead them - and that is a problem.. or, rather a VERY INCONVENIENT TRUTH.
again, my friend - i think you jump to conclusion, but its OK - i'm kinda/sorta guilty, but not the way you accuse me of being biased - i'm under no delusions of one side of the other of 'being better' - but do stand for one thing and that would be that THE REAL PROBLEM IS THE POLITICAL CLASS - ON BOTH SIDES - is concerned only for their own re-election - and have sold The Rest of US out
as you might guess, i dont see it that way; "falling for it" - but i do believe in calling things the way i see them - and pardon the expression - but that means calling a spade a spade - and near everything thing eye do see in the lamerstream media indicates to me - that at the very least - the op/ed depts, that is: who decides WHAT is 'news' and how its either presented or ignored - are staffed at the top by those who apparently think what has been happening since 2007 is somehow the fault of geedubya&co, aka The Big R's - and they're all quite subtle in the way they do it - leaving them plenty of 'plausible deniability' as to their own obvious bias - but in a certain aptitude test i took once upon a time, i scored quite high in 'pattern recognition' - and the pattern in the media is really quite glaringly obvious, at least to those who pay attention to such stuff - i just happen to because my ole man did - and he - a 1920 unit, ww2 vet, grew up in BOS, self-emply'd, was a lifelong dem, until appx the late60's/early70's - after MA/dem politix basically put him OUT of biz and we became 'economic refugees' of ole Taxachusettes and 'fled north of the border'...
and ya know what, ms shiny! ?
just about everything the ole man railed/ranted/raved about, eye have come to know/witness as more/less true - and altho most of it is subject to debate and ones opinion/observation - particularly ones occupation (read: whether one benefits from the machinations of the political class or gets sucked-up and wiped out by it - with myself in the latter group, as was my ole man) - tends to weigh heavily on how one sees things - the state one lives in and what party happens to control things, ALSO influences how one sees things, particulaly how one defines .gov corruption - but my POV is defined more by how the basic functions of the .gov either FUNCTION OR DONT -
read: does The Public GET WHAT IT PAYS FOR, or doesnt it?
and my obs/POV - shaped by my experience in the GLARINGLY different states i've resided in - and believe it, or not - i agree with woody more than i disagree with him on a lot of things - but IMHO, i think the red states do a better job for The Public than the blues do - but maybe thats because i DONT depend on .gov largess and the political/crony class for my livelyhood - and while i'm very sympathetic to the cause of helping the downtrodden/disadvantaged, i also happen to think that one sides politics/policies are designed not to help them, but to increase their numbers, which in turn increases the likelyhood of that sides stranglehold on the power and process
it also increases the likelyhood of EXCESSIVE SPENDING AND DEBT which increases the power of those in contol of the debt machine and its influence in the beltway - or as i like to refer to it: The Beltway/Lower Manhattan Axis of Evil - and who has been benefitting from this and who has been running blocking/cover for it all
all the while the lamestream media ignores it or flatly refuses to connect the dots, because they KNOW where it will lead them.
and again i'll state that if it was a bunch of Republicans - like say the execs of the TX oil industry, who are likely the most Big-R of any industry going - who had run the economy into the dirt, NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE in 10 years?
the headlines would be H.U.G.E. and non-stop - but when its the big NY banks ? - whos top execs happen to inhabit one of The Bluest of the blue states - and we all know that in order to 'be somebody' in the upper end of biz/social circles, one is usually part of the dominant political bunch - just like most of the social services industrial-complex, the 'advocacy' industrial-complex, the .edu industrial-complex, etc etc - and this is why the lamerstream media bunch IGNORES THE BIGGEST CRIME STORY OF THE PAST 100 YEARS
and why?
because it makes their team look bad, thats why.
the only belief i cling to, ms shiny! ?
is that the political class - ON BOTH SIDES - is NOT working for We, The People, ALL THE PEOPLE - anymore.
but i will concede to/agree with what you are saying - its just that i think theres just slightly more to blame on one side, as they continue to pander to ever smaller slivers of the electorate to gain their 1or2% margins of 'victory' - and the election of 2008 is the evidence (to me) that they will employ ANYTHING in their end-justifies-the-means tactics - and by that i mean putting in the most inexperienced, unqualifed candidate for the highest office and did so in the most triangulated calculation in history - nears i can tell - since i happen to think ole hil was far more qualified, but they mustave been worried that a white woman wouldnt bring out the inner city crowd in sufficient numbers - so teddy stabbed her in the back and the rest is history...
i also think its because the lower manhattan mob KNEW what was coming, after bear sterns went down - and they couldnt take any chances - they needed control over ALL 3 BRANCHES, to make certain that they would get not only their TRILLIONS in bailouts, but didnt even have to suffer a haircut on transactions that the underwriters not only DIDNT have the capital to back up, but no license to even sell in the first place???
and if that makes me guilty of being biased - then i plead insanity.
Originally posted by shiny!
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and i dont have any more/less than anyone else.
lek, lek, lek, it's ALL THEATER.
They are merely two sides of the same, counterfeit coin. The only difference between the "sides" is that one is going to rob you with a gun and the other is going to rob you with a knife. Given that, why do you still cling to the belief that one robber is better or worse than the other?
They are merely two sides of the same, counterfeit coin. The only difference between the "sides" is that one is going to rob you with a gun and the other is going to rob you with a knife. Given that, why do you still cling to the belief that one robber is better or worse than the other?
surely you know that * i * KNOW that... esp hanging around these parts.
and i dont cling to any belief that eye havent seen with my own eyeballs - but one thing i am NOT,
is 'siding' with any particular side - certainly NOT with the 'Big R' bunch - as i've mentioned on more than several occasions that i am NOT a member of either party but do consider myself and identify as a 'small r' type - which likely needs to be highlighted here to make my point:
Small “r” republicanism
In a republic, political and economic elements are embedded within a society to serve the betterment of the individual, not the converse. At its birth, the Founders framed America as a democratic republic, not just a democracy, and small-r republicanism places the individual – living within society – to the foreground.
One of the meta-ideals of small-r republicanism is not downsizing, but rather decentralization: The decentralization of political and economic institutions in a modern, complex society, reformed at a human and local scale, and positioned to better serve the individual and society. This decentralization makes citizen engagement with political and economic institutions easier and conversely, expects citizens to engage for their own self interests in better governance and responsive economic activity.
The American form of small-r republicanism:
a) declares all humanity as created equal, in that all possess the same divinely-given or naturally-imbued rights, natural in that no external body bestows these liberties on individuals, thus they cannot be arbitrarily revoked;
b) establishes these natural rights as individual liberties, liberties that need citizens to voluntarily uphold through social and civic responsibilities, otherwise liberties without responsibilities degenerate into license, which tears asunder the fabric of society;
c) defines sovereign power as resting in the people, since it is the people who possess natural rights and liberties, with the people bestowing limited powers to local, state, and national governments so that government can ensure the good of society;
d) realizes that government does not always provide for the good of society, thus establishes not merely a vote, but the need for citizen engagement within the political process to ensure political and economic powers do not tyrannize individual liberties nor corrupt governance, hence the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution;
e) positions most governance near the people, which enables civic engagement and does not isolate government in a remote, opaque, centralized institution with increasing arbitrary powers;
f) upholds private property which, when held without debt encumbrances, ensures a citizen’s independence;
g) supports the presence of decentralized free markets with numerous independent proprietors, so that large monopolies or oligarchies operating in corporate- and/or government-controlled centralized markets do not threaten liberties;
h) regulates society by the rule of law, wherein fixed rules provide guidance to citizens, thus assuring no assertion of arbitrary powers nor lawmakers existing above the law; and
i) values a society where citizens can secure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with contentment, preferable to a hyper-competitive, distraught, over-stretched empire that is globally despised.
In a republic, political and economic elements are embedded within a society to serve the betterment of the individual, not the converse. At its birth, the Founders framed America as a democratic republic, not just a democracy, and small-r republicanism places the individual – living within society – to the foreground.
One of the meta-ideals of small-r republicanism is not downsizing, but rather decentralization: The decentralization of political and economic institutions in a modern, complex society, reformed at a human and local scale, and positioned to better serve the individual and society. This decentralization makes citizen engagement with political and economic institutions easier and conversely, expects citizens to engage for their own self interests in better governance and responsive economic activity.
The American form of small-r republicanism:
a) declares all humanity as created equal, in that all possess the same divinely-given or naturally-imbued rights, natural in that no external body bestows these liberties on individuals, thus they cannot be arbitrarily revoked;
b) establishes these natural rights as individual liberties, liberties that need citizens to voluntarily uphold through social and civic responsibilities, otherwise liberties without responsibilities degenerate into license, which tears asunder the fabric of society;
c) defines sovereign power as resting in the people, since it is the people who possess natural rights and liberties, with the people bestowing limited powers to local, state, and national governments so that government can ensure the good of society;
d) realizes that government does not always provide for the good of society, thus establishes not merely a vote, but the need for citizen engagement within the political process to ensure political and economic powers do not tyrannize individual liberties nor corrupt governance, hence the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution;
e) positions most governance near the people, which enables civic engagement and does not isolate government in a remote, opaque, centralized institution with increasing arbitrary powers;
f) upholds private property which, when held without debt encumbrances, ensures a citizen’s independence;
g) supports the presence of decentralized free markets with numerous independent proprietors, so that large monopolies or oligarchies operating in corporate- and/or government-controlled centralized markets do not threaten liberties;
h) regulates society by the rule of law, wherein fixed rules provide guidance to citizens, thus assuring no assertion of arbitrary powers nor lawmakers existing above the law; and
i) values a society where citizens can secure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with contentment, preferable to a hyper-competitive, distraught, over-stretched empire that is globally despised.
it has been my direct/eye-witness experience in residing in the GLARINGLY different states as i have, that i prefer one over the other - and for the reasons i mentioned in my prev post - but on the national level, i'd agree with you (and woody)
I know I showed you a lot of statistics proving that the meme of the fat, lazy welfare queen is a lie, but still you persist in believing it.
and it would be one thing if all this worked well for The Rest of US - but usually 'works' only for the cronies, the union feather-bedders and the rest of the parasites (not those genuinely in need, but i draw the line on generation after generation of 'baby factories' and THEIR 'advocates' along with entire .gov funded 'industries' that have grown at the same rate - mostly since the '60's - as the .mil &other industrial-complexes) that feed on their citizen's ambivilance - mostly due to the politcal class over-promising and failure to honestly budget, failure to adequately fund or tax for all their promises - thus forcing their cities/states to go deeper into debt - which then benefits their masters in lower manhattan - which is The Real Problem
You hate the "lamestream media" yet somewhere you're finding alternative propaganda sources that feed your confirmation bias. WorldNet Daily, perhaps? I'm not saying this to be critical, but as a friend. Confirmation bias is pervasive, highly seductive and very dangerous, and we all fall for it at some time or another.
and yes, i accept your criticism as friendly.
but those are links i've have run across on random searches - i'm also a believer in the old saying of:
where theres smoke, theres usually a fire...
and if any of whats on them isnt true, at least to some extent - considering how long some of that material has been around - one would think that either the publishers of it wouldve had their asses sued off for slander/libel etc or it might've been debunked by now ? - esp in the lamestream media - but just like this material is IGNORED by the lamerstream media - since it makes THEIR TEAM look bad, they flatly refuse to even try to connect ANY of the many dots, as they know where it will lead them - and that is a problem.. or, rather a VERY INCONVENIENT TRUTH.
Again with the confirmation bias. Endless wars and credit bubbles, followed by corporate bailouts and free money printing by the Fed for their bankster buddies, all fostered equally if not more by the "better side" for which you're biased, have done more to sap our nation's wealth than Medicaid, food stamps and school lunch programs for hungry children. It's FIRE, not poor people, that is destroying the economy.
While the "better side" (as you see it) is working hard at siphoning off the wealth of the entire country and destroying the middle class in the process, they dangle a shiny lure in front of you that says, "look at all those welfare queens, unionists and criminals getting fat off of your tax dollars! Sic 'em!" ... and you bite. Every. Single. Time. They've hooked you, my friend, and they're laughing all the way to the bank (that they own).
While the "better side" (as you see it) is working hard at siphoning off the wealth of the entire country and destroying the middle class in the process, they dangle a shiny lure in front of you that says, "look at all those welfare queens, unionists and criminals getting fat off of your tax dollars! Sic 'em!" ... and you bite. Every. Single. Time. They've hooked you, my friend, and they're laughing all the way to the bank (that they own).
The only ones truly getting fat are the crooks at the very top. They use the media- lamestream and otherwise- to create class warfare between the have-littles and the have-lesses. Divide and Conquer is their game,
and you're falling for it.
and you're falling for it.
as you might guess, i dont see it that way; "falling for it" - but i do believe in calling things the way i see them - and pardon the expression - but that means calling a spade a spade - and near everything thing eye do see in the lamerstream media indicates to me - that at the very least - the op/ed depts, that is: who decides WHAT is 'news' and how its either presented or ignored - are staffed at the top by those who apparently think what has been happening since 2007 is somehow the fault of geedubya&co, aka The Big R's - and they're all quite subtle in the way they do it - leaving them plenty of 'plausible deniability' as to their own obvious bias - but in a certain aptitude test i took once upon a time, i scored quite high in 'pattern recognition' - and the pattern in the media is really quite glaringly obvious, at least to those who pay attention to such stuff - i just happen to because my ole man did - and he - a 1920 unit, ww2 vet, grew up in BOS, self-emply'd, was a lifelong dem, until appx the late60's/early70's - after MA/dem politix basically put him OUT of biz and we became 'economic refugees' of ole Taxachusettes and 'fled north of the border'...
and ya know what, ms shiny! ?
just about everything the ole man railed/ranted/raved about, eye have come to know/witness as more/less true - and altho most of it is subject to debate and ones opinion/observation - particularly ones occupation (read: whether one benefits from the machinations of the political class or gets sucked-up and wiped out by it - with myself in the latter group, as was my ole man) - tends to weigh heavily on how one sees things - the state one lives in and what party happens to control things, ALSO influences how one sees things, particulaly how one defines .gov corruption - but my POV is defined more by how the basic functions of the .gov either FUNCTION OR DONT -
read: does The Public GET WHAT IT PAYS FOR, or doesnt it?
and my obs/POV - shaped by my experience in the GLARINGLY different states i've resided in - and believe it, or not - i agree with woody more than i disagree with him on a lot of things - but IMHO, i think the red states do a better job for The Public than the blues do - but maybe thats because i DONT depend on .gov largess and the political/crony class for my livelyhood - and while i'm very sympathetic to the cause of helping the downtrodden/disadvantaged, i also happen to think that one sides politics/policies are designed not to help them, but to increase their numbers, which in turn increases the likelyhood of that sides stranglehold on the power and process
it also increases the likelyhood of EXCESSIVE SPENDING AND DEBT which increases the power of those in contol of the debt machine and its influence in the beltway - or as i like to refer to it: The Beltway/Lower Manhattan Axis of Evil - and who has been benefitting from this and who has been running blocking/cover for it all
all the while the lamestream media ignores it or flatly refuses to connect the dots, because they KNOW where it will lead them.
and again i'll state that if it was a bunch of Republicans - like say the execs of the TX oil industry, who are likely the most Big-R of any industry going - who had run the economy into the dirt, NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE in 10 years?
the headlines would be H.U.G.E. and non-stop - but when its the big NY banks ? - whos top execs happen to inhabit one of The Bluest of the blue states - and we all know that in order to 'be somebody' in the upper end of biz/social circles, one is usually part of the dominant political bunch - just like most of the social services industrial-complex, the 'advocacy' industrial-complex, the .edu industrial-complex, etc etc - and this is why the lamerstream media bunch IGNORES THE BIGGEST CRIME STORY OF THE PAST 100 YEARS
and why?
because it makes their team look bad, thats why.
As long as you cling to the belief that one side is even slightly better than the other and worth defending, you help support the dysfunctional system and perpetuate it. And the system's interests do not include us in any way, shape or form.
* When the word BUT is inserted between two phrases, it serves to negate the phrase that preceeded it. As an experiment, the next time you find yourself thinking, "I've given up on both sides, BUT" ... try removing the "BUT" and replacing it with a period. How does it feel?
* When the word BUT is inserted between two phrases, it serves to negate the phrase that preceeded it. As an experiment, the next time you find yourself thinking, "I've given up on both sides, BUT" ... try removing the "BUT" and replacing it with a period. How does it feel?
is that the political class - ON BOTH SIDES - is NOT working for We, The People, ALL THE PEOPLE - anymore.
but i will concede to/agree with what you are saying - its just that i think theres just slightly more to blame on one side, as they continue to pander to ever smaller slivers of the electorate to gain their 1or2% margins of 'victory' - and the election of 2008 is the evidence (to me) that they will employ ANYTHING in their end-justifies-the-means tactics - and by that i mean putting in the most inexperienced, unqualifed candidate for the highest office and did so in the most triangulated calculation in history - nears i can tell - since i happen to think ole hil was far more qualified, but they mustave been worried that a white woman wouldnt bring out the inner city crowd in sufficient numbers - so teddy stabbed her in the back and the rest is history...
i also think its because the lower manhattan mob KNEW what was coming, after bear sterns went down - and they couldnt take any chances - they needed control over ALL 3 BRANCHES, to make certain that they would get not only their TRILLIONS in bailouts, but didnt even have to suffer a haircut on transactions that the underwriters not only DIDNT have the capital to back up, but no license to even sell in the first place???
and if that makes me guilty of being biased - then i plead insanity.