It's official.
Is this a well timed leak to prep congress for amending the Fed charter allowing for the buying of equities, or maybe to give them cover when they admit they are doing it , or maybe to get everyone, including retail, to go all in on equities, knowing the Fed and other CBs have their backs.
I don't know about everyone else, but as predictable as this was, it is still rather .... well ....uh ... what's the right word?
Is this a well timed leak to prep congress for amending the Fed charter allowing for the buying of equities, or maybe to give them cover when they admit they are doing it , or maybe to get everyone, including retail, to go all in on equities, knowing the Fed and other CBs have their backs.
I don't know about everyone else, but as predictable as this was, it is still rather .... well ....uh ... what's the right word?