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Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends Report

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  • Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends Report

  • #2
    Re: Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends Report

    Tapping into one of EJ's themes, that of the "Monthly Payment Consumer":

    It's interesting to look at how these devices were quickly turned into must have monthly payments for many Americans. Up until the non-dialup internet / non "pay-phone" era, pretty much every household had one landline phone line, but maybe more. Businesses had their land lines. Some people had pagers. Even today I still see lonesome coin-op pay phones every once in a while. Some businesses had their dedicated fax lines. And of course cable television (which plays into the above chart although not explicitly mentioned) was rapidly growing. Now there are many households with a landline, high speed internet, cable tv, and mobile+data phones for everyone. That's the extreme of course, a growing number of households and certain businesses don't use landlines and/or cable tv and whatever other combinations.
    Last edited by Slimprofits; May 28, 2014, 08:11 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends Report

      Originally posted by Slimprofits View Post
      ...a growing number of households and certain businesses don't use landlines and/or cable tv and whatever other combinations.
      have cable, but only for the 'net - dumped the tv a couple years ago - getting all the boobtube we need (or can endure) via rabbit ears and/or netflix/pandora/fm radio for the rest - and altho i havent had landlines for going on 10years, was using VOIP, but even dropped that, since the celco's have gone to all ya can eat (or text, but prefer to use a laptop for that) - and so far anyway - the only thing i use my spiffy new smartphone for is googlemaps and snapping pix...

      but then.. i'm one o them early-adapter burntouts and can (now) resist most temptation to jump on the 'lektronic junk bandwagon

