Re: Nurse, Bring Me RE's Charts
RE is always local. Around here you can build a nice 1800 sq ft home for much less. Sisya's $800k would buy a new 6000 sq ft home with all the amenities around here, in a nice upscale area. Amazing differences in home prices around the country. But even in Atlanta theres a big premium to live "in town".
Also interesting that Sishya's experience in home appreciation mirrors what i've seen. People who can afford a $600k plus home seem to be doing just fine. The middle class, not so much. The Atlanta paper just ran an article about mobile home sales rebounding, for what its worth.
Originally posted by Thailandnotes
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Also interesting that Sishya's experience in home appreciation mirrors what i've seen. People who can afford a $600k plus home seem to be doing just fine. The middle class, not so much. The Atlanta paper just ran an article about mobile home sales rebounding, for what its worth.