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PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

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  • #31
    Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

    Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
    By "disingenuous" you mean liar, don't you Slim?
    No, I meant insincere and I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
    did you first review the comments to see if your assertion is correct?
    Is that a serious question? I quoted from them. Have you reviewed them? People are saying PCR's record of prediction is terrible. THAT is not an example of ad hominem.
    Originally posted by j4f2h0 View Post
    "Last year he called for hyperinflation in May 2013. If we are basing any conclusion from his conclusion we are all wrong id say! J4
    Originally posted by verdo View Post
    It's not enough that he is wrong on the calls year after year, but he dives into these crazy theories of his with pretty much zero evidence. He's embraced by the gold/silver community because he's a perma-bull, and tells people what they want to hear to keep their spirits up, and to keep them entertained.
    Chomsky and EJ agreed with verdo. Thus ends my review of this thread.
    Few bother to point out where PCR is wrong
    Does PCR keep a running tally of his prognostications? That might be helpful.
    Last edited by Slimprofits; April 14, 2014, 11:22 AM.


    • #32
      Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

      Originally posted by jk View Post
      ... i don't recall badjuju's remarks to/about you, raz, perhaps they were in threads i haven't followed. but if they occurred, ...
      Start reading here.

      And as for one of the participants charge that I "hijacked" the thread, go to the very first post and you'll clearly see that I didn't "hijack" anything.


      • #33
        Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

        Originally posted by Slimprofits View Post
        No, I meant insincere and I was giving you the benefit of the doubt...
        In terms of the impression of insincerity, trust me, I empathize. And respectfully, I do not care who agrees with whom about what. I am happy to be a minority of one and have no interest in convincing anyone of anything.

        If EJ wants to ban discussion of PCR and his ideas, that is his right and pretty much ends the matter for us. EJ gets to decide and we get to abide or quit. But please stop trying to tell me I don't see what I see and hear what I hear. There are dozens of instances, but note how this thread lines up so nicely with experience. And do check out at all those reasoned and well thought out rebuttals of PCR's ideas in the comments.

        Say, that Alinsky guy was on to something:

        “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon…you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.”

        - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
        You know, Slim, I think we're right back to where we were last week in our discussion about "thoughtcrime," "crafting narratives" and "maintaining illusions." Had we continued we would have likely come to a point where we would be talking about what is happening right now - the fate of people who persist promoting unpopular ideas and facts.

        As for BJ, I have no regrets standing up to a bully. And I'm sure he'll be back (if he's not lurking). I hear he has plenty of free time.


        • #34
          Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

          Originally posted by Raz View Post
          Start reading here.

          And as for one of the participants charge that I "hijacked" the thread, go to the very first post and you'll clearly see that I didn't "hijack" anything.
          good heavens! i'm glad i never got into that thread. if there's one thing less edifying than arguing about politics, it's arguing about religion.

          and btw raz, you needn't have supplied a link. i took your word for it, because i think of you as a serious, thoughtful person worthy of my respect. that assessment is not changed by the other impression i have, which is that you and i disagree about a LOT of things, likely including politics, religion and social policy, which covers a lot of territory.

          nonetheless, that hasn't prevented us from having productive discussions, both directly and indirectly, in the threads in which we both participate. it is that kind of atmosphere that afaik makes this internet-based community unique, and it is something i value, and try to foster. if someone is abusive, i would rather appeal to the better angels of his nature than join him in an exchange of abuse. if that failed, there is an ignore function here, or at least there used to be. i used it for a while, once, years ago, to tune out someone i found particularly offensive and irritating, and who tended to bring out the worse angels of MY nature.


          • #35
            Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

            Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
            In terms of the impression of insincerity, trust me, I empathize. And respectfully, I do not care who agrees with whom about what. I am happy to be a minority of one and have no interest in convincing anyone of anything. If EJ wants to ban discussion of PCR and his ideas, that is his right and pretty much ends the matter for us. EJ gets to decide and we get to abide or quit. But please stop trying to tell me I don't see what I see and hear what I hear. There are dozens of instances, but note how this thread lines up so nicely with experience. And do check out at all those reasoned and well thought out rebuttals of PCR's ideas in the comments.
            The bolded parts indicate that you severely misunderstood my previous posts on this thread. That's probably my fault.

            Edit: I have not attempted to tell you what to think about, what to read, whom to listen to, how much to eat, when to drink or maybe most importantly, whose ass to kiss.

            What I attempted to do was point out that not all of the criticisms against PCR on this thread fall under the umbrella of Ad hominem. I'm not talking about what other poster's have written to each other nor about posts in other threads.
            Last edited by Slimprofits; April 14, 2014, 05:07 PM.


            • #36
              Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

              Originally posted by Slimprofits View Post
              The bolded parts indicate that you severely misunderstood my previous posts on this thread. That's probably my fault.

              Edit: I have not attempted to tell you what to think about, what to read, whom to listen to, how much to eat, when to drink or maybe most importantly, whose ass to kiss.
              You know, it just might be that I don't have the cognitive mojo to understand your big thoughts, but you're so very gracious to allow me to tag along for the ride. If you need any suggestions on whose you might kiss, be sure to ask me first.


              • #37
                Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

                Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                You know, it just might be that I don't have the cognitive mojo to understand your big thoughts, but you're so very gracious to allow me to tag along for the ride. If you need any suggestions on whose you might kiss, be sure to ask me first.
                There is no hidden or veiled meanings in my posts, yet you continue to dig for them. I have not set out to insult you. Let's clear up this nonsense right now. You wrote this, "The most senior iTulipers are content to publicly declare PCR insane. Assuming they are not trained in psychiatry, I'd say this was an ad hominem attack if I ever heard one." You are telling me this is a complete sincere opinion and not at all you being a wise ass? If yes, I apologize, calling you disingenuous was a mistake and I should have clarified earlier.


                • #38
                  Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

                  Sincere, forgiving, finished.


                  • #39
                    Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

                    Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                    Sincere, forgiving, finished.
                    In the old days, eight years ago when the site became a forum, all topics other than economics were not permitted, politics and religion in particular, for reasons demonstrated in this thread.

                    These topics are decisive. Political arguments do not help us put our heads together to answer a question: what's going to happen and how can we prepare ourselves and those we love?

                    We're not in the "what we want to happen!" business here.

                    We're in the "what's going to happen?" business and we've done a great job for the most part since 1998.

                    I don't see how PCR helps us.

                    Let me put it this way.

                    If I appeared regularly on Prison Planet as PRC does how many members will begin to question my judgement and cancel their subscriptions?

                    All of them, I hope.

                    I expect that Twin Focus Capital Partners will terminate my role as their economic advisor.

                    I expect that the boards I'm on will stop listening to me.

                    I was invited several times to King World News and turned it down. Not my cup of tea.

                    I won't play CNBC's game either.

                    These decisions have costs.

                    The way I see it I work for you guys.

                    Respect this institution, please, that we have built together.


                    • #40
                      Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?



                      • #41
                        Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

                        Originally posted by EJ View Post

                        Let me put it this way.

                        If I appeared regularly on Prison Planet as PRC does how many members will begin to question my judgement and cancel their subscriptions?

                        All of them, I hope.

                        I expect that Twin Focus Capital Partners will terminate my role as their economic advisor.

                        I expect that the boards I'm on will stop listening to me.

                        I was invited several times to King World News and turned it down. Not my cup of tea.

                        I won't play CNBC's game either.

                        These decisions have costs.

                        The way I see it I work for you guys.

                        Respect this institution, please, that we have built together.
                        Magnificently well said. I understand and agree.

                        Your response exemplifies several of the reasons why I have such great respect for you.


                        • #42
                          Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

                          Originally posted by Raz View Post
                          Magnificently well said. I understand and agree.

                          Your response exemplifies several of the reasons why I have such great respect for you.


                          • #43
                            Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

                            Originally posted by EJ View Post
                            In the old days, eight years ago when the site became a forum, all topics other than economics were not permitted, politics and religion in particular, for reasons demonstrated in this thread.

                            These topics are decisive. Political arguments do not help us put our heads together to answer a question: what's going to happen and how can we prepare ourselves and those we love?

                            We're not in the "what we want to happen!" business here.

                            We're in the "what's going to happen?" business and we've done a great job for the most part since 1998.
                            The problem with this reasoning is that it implies that we are helpless and can merely prepare and position ourselves for the inevitable vs actively trying to effect the outcome via dialog and action. Nonetheless it's your site and I will respect your rules.

                            The only things worth talking about are religion and politics b/c they are the only things which matter in the long run. If we can't discuss these, how can we begin to formulate and maintain a just society?

                            Else we are merely pawns of the economic powers, helpless to effect change, and I suspect that self-congratulations for having survived relatively unscrathed as Rome burns b/c I was smart enough to foresee and plan for it and now I watch my fellows go down with the ship will ring hollow and bittersweet.

                            Perhaps BJ was right.


                            • #44
                              Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

                              Originally posted by vinoveri View Post
                              The only things worth talking about are religion and politics b/c they are the only things which matter in the long run. If we can't discuss these, how can we begin to formulate and maintain a just society?
                              I think the answer would be that there are plenty of places on the internet to discuss religion and politics and how to formulate and maintain a just society. This place, however, is intended to be a place to discuss what is actually happening and how to respond to it in a personal financial sense.

                              Of course you could make the argument that in order to decide how to respond to a situation you have to understand how it came about and how it is likely to evolve going forward. And often the economic decisions a society makes are affected by or based on their moral worldview, which is where religion and politics come in.

                              The place where things go bad is when we get into flame wars over whether what has happened and what is likely to happen based on the moral/political/religious zeitgeist is morally right or wrong, and what should happen.

                              My observation is that the conflicts usually break down along egalitarian/99%-er versus libertarian/free-market-er lines. This is one of the few sites I visit where there is a roughly equal number of people representing both viewpoints. I guess that says something about the objectivity and pragmatic usefulness of the proprietor's approach: both ends of the political spectrum can see the value in it.


                              • #45
                                Re: PCR: Gold & the Dollar - A Fight to the Death?

                                Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
                                ....the answer would be that there are plenty of places on the internet to discuss religion and politics and how to formulate and maintain a just society. This place, however, is intended to be a place to discuss what is actually happening and how to respond to it in a personal financial sense.....
                                that says something about the objectivity and pragmatic usefulness of the proprietor's approach: both ends of the political spectrum can see the value in it.

                                but it really does get tiresome - not to mention B.O.R.I.N.G - continuously re-hashing and endlessly re-arguing that which has DIVIDED US - and that would be:

                                WE, THE PEOPLE - mostly since the 1960's - being sliced into ever thinner slivers of the electorate, as the political class and their benefactors in lower manhattan, as well as the various industrial complexes continue to get fat at our, that is: WE, THE PEOPLE'S expense.

                                those that benefit from the MORE MORE MORE syndrome that has over-taken every effort to make what used-to be OUR government focus on WHAT BENEFITS THE MAJORITY is now being run for the benefit of the same scant minorities in the .gov-industrial complexes that have resulted in the absolute and abject FAILURE OF BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS TO EVEN COME UP WITH A BUDGET - particularly since the elections of 2006 & 2008 - when The Party of the SPECIAL INTERESTS took over, with veto-proof control of all 3 branches, when they could've done ANYTHING they wanted to...

                                and what have they 'done for us' - or, rather make that - 'DONE TO US' - just like a century ago - with TODAY, 15april - being the most glaring "anniversary" of our FINANCIAL ENSLAVEMENT...

                                what have they DONE TO US, indeed:

                                sides dump 4 TRILLION down the rathole known as 'financial services' (read: the biggest organized crime spree in history)

                                blow another several TRILLION on merely delaying the inevitable

                                'saving the auto industry' (read: save the auto unions, who share 51.8% of the blame with inept management)

                                a(nother) TRILLION DOLLAR GIVEAWAY - known by its truly orwellian name of the 'affordable care act' - that has 'fixed' not a single GD thing about the nightmare known as the 'healthcare' industry - which is merely an example of the liberals penchant for the use of euphemisms to describe what should be called the MEDICAL SERVICES industrial complex, that coupled with this same group's over-reaching mandate-driven, colosally screwed up 'system' of 'insurance' - rather than a FEE-FOR-SERVICE business model that USED-TO EXIST - back when one didnt have to take out a second mortgage to go to a hospital for an overnight stay - or before various things like 'substance abuse therapy', viagra or 'hormonal' therapy, 'gender-indentity/sex change therapy', never mind stuff such as routine maternity or birth-control and other LIFESTYLE CHOICE events became 'insurable events'

                                and i wont even get into the various and now sundry items that pass as 'critically important issues' that have given rise to near daily farces like their 'middle east policy' and 'military code of justice' interpretations

                                yeah, its been quite a show, hasnt it?

                                personally tho, i think 'the news', ie: the free section here on the 'tulip gets far too much attention and should be limited and/or moderated to prevent it from being 'hijacked' by those whom i suspect would be much more entertained by the thousands of 'other issue' sites that are available - so that we might FOCUS ON MATTERS OF INVESTMENT

                                which i would offer as THE reason why those of us who pay the freight are here in the first place?

                                just my .02
                                Last edited by lektrode; April 15, 2014, 11:51 AM.

