If any of you have not ever gone to usdebtclock.org, I encourage you to check it out. The clock has all kinds of counters showing
how things like national debt, population, credit card debt, food stamp receipiants etc are all changing in real time. It is quite enteraining.
Now I know that the clock is not actually reading real time data. I assume it uses the last two real data points and uses the difference to extrapolate the current rate and direction of the counter. Over the last month or maybe two, the debt to GDP is actually decreasing. It is currently at 108.39%, and the clock is running backwards. That is not the part that is puzzling. Some recent budget savings and increasing tax receipts are decreasing the federal deficit, and GDP (whether you believe it or not is increasing at a rate faster than that).
What is puzzling is that even though this clock is running backward, nearly every week it jumps up. I assume in some discreet amount
based upon the latest reported numbers. It has not done this once, twice, or even three times. This appears now to be a weekly event.
Just a month or so ago the clock was at 107.30 and running backward. Next week it went
to 107.5 and running backward, next week 107.7 and running backward, etc. etc, until to today when it is now 108.39.
Is there some off budget spending going on? Are debt number faked, and they are leaking the real amount slowly into official numbers
hoping no one will notice?
price of gold during this time span is up too .... Just a wondering????
how things like national debt, population, credit card debt, food stamp receipiants etc are all changing in real time. It is quite enteraining.
Now I know that the clock is not actually reading real time data. I assume it uses the last two real data points and uses the difference to extrapolate the current rate and direction of the counter. Over the last month or maybe two, the debt to GDP is actually decreasing. It is currently at 108.39%, and the clock is running backwards. That is not the part that is puzzling. Some recent budget savings and increasing tax receipts are decreasing the federal deficit, and GDP (whether you believe it or not is increasing at a rate faster than that).
What is puzzling is that even though this clock is running backward, nearly every week it jumps up. I assume in some discreet amount
based upon the latest reported numbers. It has not done this once, twice, or even three times. This appears now to be a weekly event.
Just a month or so ago the clock was at 107.30 and running backward. Next week it went
to 107.5 and running backward, next week 107.7 and running backward, etc. etc, until to today when it is now 108.39.
Is there some off budget spending going on? Are debt number faked, and they are leaking the real amount slowly into official numbers
hoping no one will notice?
price of gold during this time span is up too .... Just a wondering????