by David Stockman •
This rigged equation is supposed to produce “wealth effects” and thereby trick the masses into spending more today on the theory that they can live off fattened IRA-stock accounts tomorrow. Alas, after three devastating bubble collapses this century—dotcom, housing, and the 2008-09 stock bust—-the unwashed aren’t taking the Fed’s bait.
So the only “wealth effect” going on is that the central banking branch of the state is deploying its vast powers to print money and levitate asset prices to help the rich get richer. After all, the top 1% own more that 40% of financial assets and the top 10% own close to four-fifths.
Were the academic zealots who run the Fed merely operating a perverse system that gifts the top strata with unearned windfalls, it would be bad enough. But ZERO-COGS actually punishes and undermines Main Street, and there is no better place to see this than in the phony housing recovery now underway—especially the mini-boom in house prices that has erupted in the very same precincts of Phoenix, Los Vegas, Sacramento, Southern California and Florida that were so badly bombed-out during the crash of 2007-2009. More...
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Fred #23