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Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

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  • Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

    Nick Clegg: Britain must join debate on new approach to war on drugs

    Deputy PM angry at Tory refusal to debate alternatives and says: 'If you are anti-drugs, you should be pro-reform'

    Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg meets Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto in Mexico City this month. Photograph: Mexican Presidency/EPA

    Nick Clegg has dragged the case for reforming the drugs laws to the centre ground of British politics, saying that blanket prohibition has seen cocaine use triple in less than 20 years, a trend that has helped perpetuate conflict and violence in South America.

    Writing in today's Observer, after a week in which he visited Colombia to learn first-hand the devastating effects that Europe's enthusiasm for cocaine has had on the country, Clegg said the UK needed to be at the heart of the debate about potential alternatives to blanket prohibition and that he wanted to see an end to "the tradition where politicians only talk about drugs reform when they have left office because they fear the political consequences".

    The deputy prime minister said such an approach "has stifled debate and inhibited a proper examination of our approach. Put simply, if you are anti-drugs, you should be pro-reform".
    His comments will be seen by some observers as politically expedient, designed to distance the Lib Dems from the Tories in the runup to the next election. In his article, Clegg expresses his frustration "at my coalition partner's refusal to engage in a proper discussion about the drugs problem".

    In some of the most outspoken comments on the issue by a serving British politician, Clegg laments the current situation in which "one in five young people have admitted taking drugs in the last year", and "cocaine use has more than trebled since 1996" and claims that "every time someone dies of an overdose it should shame our political class".

    Looking to 2016, when the UN is due to hold a meeting to discuss potential reform of its prohibitionist drug conventions, Clegg states: "The UN drug conventions badly need revising. I want European countries to work together to agree a common position in favour of reform to take to that discussion in 2016.

    The UK can lead the debate in Europe and Europe can lead the debate in the world. But we must be prepared to start afresh with a new mindset and be prepared to do things differently."
    His intervention comes as a growing number of US states move towards a regulated trade in marijuana, and at a time when increasing numbers of Latin American countries have stated that the war on drugs doesn't work and are demanding that the world consider alternative approaches.

    During his visit, Clegg met the country's president, Juan Manuel Santos, as well as former paramilitaries, guerrillas and human rights representatives. "All were clear about the central role of the drugs trade in perpetuating conflict and violence and the need to build a better future," Clegg says. "Many people in Britain and the rest of Europe will be unaware of the impact drug use in western nations has on countries on the frontline of the drugs trade."

    Reiterating his call for a royal commission on Britain's drugs laws, Clegg says future legislation should be based on "what works, not guesswork". The Lib Dems are conducting a review of international alternatives which will produce what Clegg claims is "the first proper UK government report examining different approaches in other countries".

    It is clear the deputy prime minister believes there is a need for politicians of all parties to confront an issue in a non-partisan way if the harm caused by drugs is ever to be tackled successfully.

    "If Britain were fighting a war where 2,000 people died every year, where increasing numbers of our young people were recruited by the enemy and our opponents were always a step ahead, there would be outcry and loud calls for change," Clegg says. "Yet this is exactly the situation with the so-called "war on drugs" and for far too long we have resisted a proper debate about the need for a different strategy."

    His comments, which will dismay those who believe change will encourage drug taking, were warmly received by pro-reform campaigners.

    "Bad drug policies have an international impact, whether it's black market related violence or borderless health crises," said Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch, director of the Open Society Global Drug Policy Foundation. "So charting a new course is the job of every country. A number of European countries developed great health services for people who use drugs but far less attention has been paid to the issues faced by producer and transit countries."

  • #2
    Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

    Am open minded on this HELL of a lot of people are in jail........other very wealth (Bankers) & a lot die because of the sh1t they mix in the drugs to cut that actor guy.

    I think we need to think it though, perhaps we could try some idea's in say one nation & everyone else can then look to see the it stands i think the War has failed & is costing ONE HELL of a lot of cash to enforce....


    • #3
      Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?


      • #4
        Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

        it's time to end the war on drugs. drugs won.


        • #5
          Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

          Perhaps one should re-read '1984'. How can one 'win' a contest against an 'enemy' which is an idea. The allies in WWII 'won' the war against Nazism and Bushido when they had devastated the armies in the field and pulverized and occupied the civilian homelands. The civilian homeland of Drugs would be where? Here, there and yonder. Anywhere, everywhere, somewhere and, nowhere. Drugs does not put a uniformed army, air force or navy into the field of battle. "Long live the war on drugs!". Seems it is able to provide a 'good (economic) living' for some folk.


          • #6
            Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

            The biggest thing i hear is that its my age group thats into it, the younger ones would rather buy an "App" for their iphone....


            • #7
              Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

              I assure you, Mega, I'd much rather have the drugs than an app on my phone. My generation isn't quite as hopeless as you think!


              • #8
                Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

                Originally posted by bpwoods View Post
                Perhaps one should re-read '1984'. How can one 'win' a contest against an 'enemy' which is an idea. The allies in WWII 'won' the war against Nazism and Bushido when they had devastated the armies in the field and pulverized and occupied the civilian homelands. The civilian homeland of Drugs would be where? Here, there and yonder. Anywhere, everywhere, somewhere and, nowhere. Drugs does not put a uniformed army, air force or navy into the field of battle. "Long live the war on drugs!". Seems it is able to provide a 'good (economic) living' for some folk.
                As does the unwinnable War on Poverty, War on Cancer and War on Terror.

                Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                • #9
                  Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

                  Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                  As does the unwinnable War on Poverty, War on Cancer and War on Terror.
                  Let's not forget the "War on the 1%"


                  • #10
                    Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

                    Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                    As does the unwinnable War on Poverty, War on Cancer and War on Terror.
                    Maybe. But which of the various 'wars' has spawned massive, multi-national financial oligopolies? Big Pharma might certainly qualify.


                    • #11
                      Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

                      I've been discussing a news story with a few childhood friends (and we've lost one of our comrades to this "war") about the increase use of heroin on Long Island (where we grew up).

                      One fellow commented that the outbreak of Heroin (in the news) makes sense.....with pot becoming legal, there is a need for a new enemy.

                      The war will continue.


                      • #12
                        Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

                        Originally posted by wayiwalk View Post
                        I've been discussing a news story with a few childhood friends (and we've lost one of our comrades to this "war") about the increase use of heroin on Long Island (where we grew up).

                        One fellow commented that the outbreak of Heroin (in the news) makes sense.....with pot becoming legal, there is a need for a new enemy.

                        The war will continue.
                        unfortunately heroin has gotten really cheap, and the gov't is cracking down on the prescription pain pills that many have abused.

                        so heroin is the opiate of the masses.


                        • #13
                          Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

                          What's the 'story' with Nicotine then. I believe its a tad addictive. And some guys actually arranged for some tobacco products to be 'laced' with extra nico - just for fun! For the laugh. And there is a burgeoning industry for nico containing gum, patches and an oral spray. Now will someone tell me that that is NOT encouraging addiction! Ah! Well!

                          And I suppose ethanol is not a hazardous, mood altering drug. Yep! The legislative regulation of hazardous, toxic and addictive substances is doable. We already do it! So, what's the beef Heroin? It has proven medical uses. When was the last time that someone who has just smoked heroin, got into their car, barreled down the highway and caused a fatal pile-up. Yeah! I thought so.

                          Big Pharma are missing out on a multi-million dollar opportunity here. The manufacture, distribution and sale of hazardous, toxic and addictive substances in forms suitable for human consumption - Here! Hold on! That's what they ARE doing, right now! But that would be known as Pharmaceutical Products. Quite! "Long live the War!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

                            iirc heroin is a legal drug, in the pharmacopeia, in the u.k. it is available both for maintenance treatment of addicts, and as an analgesic. i've read it's the best drug there is for the pain of heart attack.


                            • #15
                              Re: Is it time to end the war on Drugs?

                              I think its the money they England evertime a Whore get busted by the law the 1st thing they try to do is TAX her. I note that when the tax from smoking fell below the cost to the NHS for medical treatments.....Suddenly the State was ANTI-SMOKING.........

                              15 years ago a Tory minster got up one morning & said that Drug dealers should be allowed to go to the Post office & pay taxes over the dinner time he retracted his statement...& wasn't heard from again.

                              I was blown away by this, well worth a listen:-

