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The Trials of Gov. Christie

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  • #46
    Re: The Trials of the Governed

    No crime.

    The stimulus money went to donors to the campaign, not to infrastructure like the President promised. Remember "shovel ready"? The administration later revealed this was not true. Part of the money went to keep some teachers from being laid off.

    There was a limited amount of money and the need to get the economy going again. If the money had gone to infrastructure and created high paying jobs the economy might have done better and created even more jobs. More jobs leads to more private spending which creates more jobs. This all can lead to more government revenue and the ability to hire MORE teachers.

    We cannot rely on government spending alone; it must be properly allocated to create jobs. Private industry growth in a win-win for for everyone, including the good men and women who are teachers.

    I regret I wasn't clearer; I wasn't attacking teachers.


    • #47
      Re: The Trials of the Governed

      Originally posted by vt View Post
      This is what my proposed New Majority Party's goal is. As you recall the platform is to be fiscally conservative and socially moderate ...
      Looks like somebody didn't read the NMP memo:

      Parties Seize on Abortion Rights as Midterm Issue

      Abortion is becoming an unexpectedly animating issue in the 2014 midterm elections. Republicans, through state ballot initiatives and legislation in Congress, are using it to stoke enthusiasm among core supporters. Democrats, mindful of how potent the subject has been in recent campaigns, like last year's governor's race in Virginia, are looking to rally female voters by portraying their conservative opponents as callous on women's issues.
      And just so everyone is thoroughly confused:

      Coupling the issue of abortion with a subject important to Republicans' Tea Party followers — government spending — is one way the party is recalibrating its election-year message. Republicans say that by framing the abortion debate in terms of fiscal conservatism, they can make a connection to the issue they believe will ultimately decide who controls Congress next year — the Affordable Care Act.


      • #48
        Re: The Trials of the Governed

        Partisanship in our no-exit neoliberal utopia is a drug. The rational brain departs, leading inevitably to the same dead end conclusions of a dope fiend, where need is everything. Save Me (insert party of choice). Understandable, if ultimately fruitless, and exhaustively repetitive . . . .


        • #49
          Re: The Trials of the Governed

          This is the end, my only friend, the end, of our elaborate plans, the end...

          U.S. Attorney Issues Subpoena to Christie’s Re-election Campaign

          Federal prosecutors in New Jersey conducting a preliminary inquiry into accusations that aides to Gov. Chris Christie shut down access lanes to the George Washington Bridge as political retribution have issued grand jury subpoenas to Mr. Christie’s re-election campaign and to the state Republican Party, the lawyer for the campaign and the party said Thursday.


          • #50
            Re: The Trials of the Governed

            Originally posted by don View Post
            Partisanship in our no-exit...utopia is a drug.
            Everything I read that has a political bent to it is boring or much worse. Like religion, it's an idiot's retort to life's most difficult issues. There is nothing rational in either pursuit. The difficult issue for the rest of us is that both areas attract the unimaginatively stupid and the amazingly evil. The rest of us are left to deal with the fallout. How we deal with it will define humanity. At this point, I'm not sure we'll like the definition.


            • #51
              Re: The Trials of the Governed

              Like religion
              +1 the need to believe . . .


              • #52
                Re: The Trials of the Governed

                Originally posted by don View Post
                +1 the need to believe . . .
                The latest belief:

                "They are going after the Obama critics with indictments. VA Gov. Now Dinesh D'souza. Holder unleashing the dogs..."


                • #53
                  Re: The Trials of the Governed

                  Politics is a very dirty game:



                  • #54
                    Re: The Trials of the Governed

                    Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                    The latest belief:

                    "They are going after the Obama critics with indictments. VA Gov. Now Dinesh D'souza. Holder unleashing the dogs..."
                    uh huh - and once again, when the facts cant be refuted, we see the 'liberals' - or is that neo-lib, mr don? - its gets kinda difficult to keep up with all the vagueries of identity politix/terminology an all - esp with how they like to define the constitution as a 'living document' - subject to whimsical redefinition depending on 'the cause' du jure - particularly as 'celebrated' by the lamestream media???

                    we see the apologists (for the neo-libs ;) shooting at the messenger again ?

                    thot this one appropriate here:

                    Defamation and Blogging - The 9th Circuit has Spoken

                    kindof a loooooong and only somewhat boring tale of a bankruptcy trustee vs a blogger (written by a lawyer, so its particularly technical but entertaining for those interested in the dynamics of this topic) - and while the outcome of this one is a GOOD NEWS story - its a bit of a chuckle that it was the 9th circus court that sided with the blogger, eh woody?

                    and in the same day we see that - after forking out "huge/largest-ever" fines and "settlements" (and other hilarious distractions) that didnt involve admission of _anything_ 'illegal' (that ya can tell/discern, well... not from '40000feet' anyway) - that instead of maybe getting even a slap on the wrist ????

                    J.P. Morgan's Dimon to Receive Pay Rise

                    on top of last years 'punishment' of
                    CEO Received $11.5 Million in Cash and Shares in 2012

                    and why the 'dogs being unleashed' on.... GASP!!!! critics of the current occupants is even more HILARIOUS!!!

                    but the top dogs in lower manhattan are GETTING MULTIMILLION DOLLAR RAISES (after causing NOT ONE BUT TWO of the biggest financial wipeouts of the last century) ???

                    nothing to see here, move along.

                    right woody?


                    • #55
                      Re: The Trials of the Governed

                      Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                      ...right woody?
                      Apologies for seeming dense, as I'm fighting a cold. But I admit to being completely flummoxed here, lek, as to the point you're trying to make.


                      • #56
                        Re: The Trials of the Governed

                        Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                        Everything I read that has a political bent to it is boring or much worse. Like religion, it's an idiot's retort to life's most difficult issues. There is nothing rational in either pursuit. The difficult issue for the rest of us is that both areas attract the unimaginatively stupid and the amazingly evil. The rest of us are left to deal with the fallout. How we deal with it will define humanity. At this point, I'm not sure we'll like the definition.
                        Another one for my "quotes" file. Thank you.

                        Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                        • #57
                          Re: The Trials of the Governed

                          Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                          Apologies for seeming dense, as I'm fighting a cold. But I admit to being completely flummoxed here, lek, as to the point you're trying to make.

                          its ok woody - not sure i know what point i'm trying to make - but let me ask a clarifying question:

                          when you offered:

                          The latest belief:

                          "They are going after the Obama critics with indictments. VA Gov. Now Dinesh D'souza. Holder unleashing the dogs..."

                          i assumed that this was meant to disparage 'a belief' that apparently the admin is once again attempting to muzzle its critics?

                          just asking, not intending to flummox you, big guy - sorry to hear yer not feeling well and hope you feel better -
                          my advice is the ole irish remedy of "drink plenty fluids"


                          • #58
                            Re: The Trials of the Governed

                            Whatever party is in power tries to silence critics from time to time. It's all political games, and does nothing to help the people. Throw them all out!

                            "Nattering nabobs of negativism"



                            • #59
                              Re: The Trials of the Governed

                              Originally posted by vt View Post
                              Whatever party is in power tries to silence critics from time to time. It's all political games, and does nothing to help the people. Throw them all out!

                              "Nattering nabobs of negativism"

                              Spiro, we hardly knew ye. Talk about criminal politicians!

                              Spiro was on the take from his days as Baltimore County executive to his disbarment following his resignation as Nixon's veep in a plea bargain to keep him out of jail. But he was good with an alliterative phrase and the "silent majority" loved him. If not for "the greatest deal since the Lord spared Isaac on the mountaintop," Spiro would have been a good shot at the GOP nomination as he was more popular on the right than Nixon.


                              • #60
                                Re: The Trials of the Governed

                                Spiro was a two bit crooked politician (they all are). He was basically inarticulate until this guy put words in his mouth:


