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Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

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  • Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?



  • #2
    Re: Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

    Originally posted by Mega View Post

    I think yes. But I don't think it will be done quickly unless the propaganda machine covering everything up fails.

    We need a drastic loss of credibility in all currencies...not just the $Dollar. And with everyone printing, that could take a while, particularly if you throw in the odd small war, and distract people from what is going on.

    I think anywhere from 2-5 years myself...but others take it out to 2020 and beyond. But I'm looking at the massive derivative debt accumulation that no one can afford to pay interest on once the repo rate it did, briefly, when the taper talk caused the repo rates to zoom over 12%.

    600 Trillion in derivatives must be serviced...but I don't see how it can be with the least twinge of inflation...which is why so much QE everywhere.


    • #3
      Re: Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

      Read Martin Armstrong on it. The gold tree has to be shaken to its core before it starts a new life. The low will probably be in 2014 but it could be 2015 and then rise in a series of peaks to trough in around 2020.
      I will continue to hold as I still believe that the world economy is held up by a sugar rush of money printing and will decline from 2015 onwards.


      • #4
        Re: Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

        It's all about the taper.

        Jobs report was a nice one, and consumer sentiment was up. Add to this a big jump in GDP the other day and we may just have Yellen play scrouge this Christmas. I think she should hold off till after Christmas, but as the "first woman in charge" I think she may feel the need to prove herself and we'll have a taper.

        With a taper hitting the weak time of stocks and housing, we're going to see some real pain over the winter. And quite possible the Big crash in the spring (the new crash season in our command economy era) when the expected "Spring Bounce Back" doesn't appear.

        Here, I'll throw out some targets just to say I was first XD
        TSX low around 9000
        S&P low around 800.
        Gold low $800
        Silver low $10
        Oil low $60
        Going out on a limb with the metals and oil, but I'm pretty confident in the final lows of stocks. As for when, well the last two high to lows took 2 years, I don't see this time being any different. So ya, get ready to put some stocks and bullion under the Christmas tree in 2015.

        Merry Christmas all XD


        • #5
          Re: Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

          I know that my company will be laying off 1/4th of its workforce soon; however, that's not too unusual for them. It is construction after all and the beginning of the year is always dead by comparison to the end. Still, it is something.


          • #6
            Re: Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

            As long as you have enough productivity gains to make up for the inflation created by printing you can keep going. The printing sucks up the productivity gains for the bankster class without the sheeple noticing. It also keeps the government debt manageable. For example, without the printing of the last 30 years you could probably buy a 60" flatscreen for about $100.
            "I love a dog, he does nothing for political reasons." --Will Rogers


            • #7
              Re: Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

              Originally posted by DRumsfeld2000 View Post
              Read Martin Armstrong on it. The gold tree has to be shaken to its core before it starts a new life. The low will probably be in 2014 but it could be 2015 and then rise in a series of peaks to trough in around 2020.
              I will continue to hold as I still believe that the world economy is held up by a sugar rush of money printing and will decline from 2015 onwards.
              I did...and I agree with him about the gold market. I hope to buy more gold as it goes toward $600.00 an ounce while we are in this depreciating mode, and then sell toward the upward end of the main gold bounce, buying the most stable of the falling stocks very low indeed.

              So far as I know, this is EJ's plan as well...because this gold play is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

              But commodity depreciation will be relatively short lived, and then gold will Armstrong himself expects, because of all the countries printing and printing and printing.

              I don't think we get the definitive bounce on gold, though, until all the debt comes home to roost...which no one can pay...which I think will cause a new currency from the IMF, which will include some backing in metals, and a complete restructuring of asset value worldwide.


              • #8
                Re: Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

                Thank you Gents, i wonder if anyone from Itulip "High Command" would like to comment?


                • #9
                  Re: Are we still on for $3,000 Gold?

                  Originally posted by Mega View Post

                  Yes. 2018.

