Re: Inequality much worse than most think
Of course not but when the guy paying 16,800 in taxes has little monies left over to provide for his family, or buy a home or save any capital at all dont you think something is wrong with this picture? Not to mention the astronomical increase in services like healthcare or even student loans or cost of anything with debt attached to it.
Lets say the guy makes 62k and pays 16,800 in taxes which leaves 45,200 net to him per year.
Break that down to per month of 3766.
Lets say he is single. Lets take the average rent in a decent area in a large city of 1500. (a large city to get a job making 62k a year).
Now thats 3766 - 1500 = 2266 left.
Add in car payment (average american has a car payment) say 300 dollars for a 25k car. Because he needs a car to get to that job.
2266 - 300 = 1966 left
Now factor in food+transportation costs (gas)+daily expenses which lets say = 800 a month. I will even include in that 800 a bit of eating out or movie money. 800 a month is not unreasonable and not living high on the hog.
1966 - 800 = 1166 left
Tv/utilities = 250
1166 - 250 = 916 left per month
Cellphone bill = 100
916 - 100 = 816 left
So he is left with 816 for the basic essentials for an average American. Thats not even including the probably student loan bills or credit card bills.
Lets say he puts away that 816 per month thats 9792 saved per year.
9792 is the amount the guy making 1.2 million makes in half a month.
I can keep going.
Originally posted by DSpencer
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Lets say the guy makes 62k and pays 16,800 in taxes which leaves 45,200 net to him per year.
Break that down to per month of 3766.
Lets say he is single. Lets take the average rent in a decent area in a large city of 1500. (a large city to get a job making 62k a year).
Now thats 3766 - 1500 = 2266 left.
Add in car payment (average american has a car payment) say 300 dollars for a 25k car. Because he needs a car to get to that job.
2266 - 300 = 1966 left
Now factor in food+transportation costs (gas)+daily expenses which lets say = 800 a month. I will even include in that 800 a bit of eating out or movie money. 800 a month is not unreasonable and not living high on the hog.
1966 - 800 = 1166 left
Tv/utilities = 250
1166 - 250 = 916 left per month
Cellphone bill = 100
916 - 100 = 816 left
So he is left with 816 for the basic essentials for an average American. Thats not even including the probably student loan bills or credit card bills.
Lets say he puts away that 816 per month thats 9792 saved per year.
9792 is the amount the guy making 1.2 million makes in half a month.
I can keep going.