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Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

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  • Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

    baby boomers have proven less than shy about availing themselves of any product that they believe will increase their quality of life.

    sales of testosterone gels, patches, injections and tablets was about $2 billion in the United States last year . . .

    This is a huge industry and I expect it to grow even bigger.

    Selling That New-Man Feeling


    One afternoon a few months ago, a 45-year-old sales representative named Mike called “The Dr. Harry Fisch Show,” a weekly men’s health program on the Howard Stern channel on Sirius XM Radio, where no male medical or sexual issue goes unexplored.

    “I feel like a 70-year-old man in a 45-year-old body,” Mike, from Vancouver, British Columbia, told Dr. Fisch on the live broadcast. “I want to feel good. I don’t want to feel tired all day.”

    A regular listener, Mike had heard Dr. Fisch, a Park Avenue urologist and fertility specialist, talk about a phenomenon called “low testosterone” or “low T.” Dr. Fisch likes to say that a man’s testosterone level is “the dipstick” of his health; he regularly appears on programs like “CBS This Morning” to talk about the malaise that may coincide with low testosterone. He is also the medical expert featured on, an informational website sponsored by AbbVie, the drug maker behind AndroGel, the best-selling prescription testosterone gel.

    Like many men who have seen that site or commercials or online quizzes about “low T,” Mike suspected that diminished testosterone was the cause of his lethargy. And he hoped, as the marketing campaigns seem to suggest, that taking a prescription testosterone drug would make him feel more energetic.

    “I took your advice and I went and got my testosterone checked,” Mike told Dr. Fisch. Mike’s own physician, he related, told him that his testosterone “was a little low” and prescribed a testosterone medication.

    Mike also said he had diabetes and high blood pressure and was 40 pounds overweight. Dr. Fisch explained that conditions like obesity might be accompanied by decreased testosterone and energy, and he urged Mike to exercise more and to lose weight. But if Mike had trouble overhauling his diet and exercise habits, Dr. Fisch said, taking testosterone might give him the boost he needed to do so.

    “If it gives you more energy to exercise,” Dr. Fisch said of the testosterone drug, “I’m all for it.”

    Recommendations like Dr. Fisch’s and the marketing of low T as a common medical condition helped propel sales of testosterone gels, patches, injections and tablets to about $2 billion in the United States last year, according to IMS Health, a health care information company. In 2002, sales were reported to be a mere $324 million; around that time, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, which was then marketing AndroGel, began using the term “low T,” replacing a previous euphemism for male aging, “andropause.” Today the low-T trend is global. From 2000 to 2011, there was “a major and progressive increase” in testosterone use in 37 countries, according to a recent study published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

    This marketing juggernaut is running into mounting opposition from some prominent medical researchers and industry experts. They contend that the pharmaceutical industry has vastly expanded the market for testosterone drugs to many men who may not need them and may be exposed to increased health risks by taking them. And drug makers have done so, these critics say, by exploiting loopholes in federal marketing regulations.

    Drug makers spent $107 million last year to advertise the top brand-name testosterone drugs in the United States, according to Kantar Media. That amount doesn’t include marketing known as unbranded campaigns, which raise awareness of low T itself. The Food and Drug Administration closely regulates advertisements for brand-name prescription drugs, but does not generally regulate unbranded campaigns. That two-track system, says John Mack, an analyst who runs a blog called Pharma Marketing, has enabled companies to position low T as a malady with such amorphous symptoms — listlessness, increased body fat and moodiness — that it can be seen to afflict nearly all men, at least once in a while. Drug makers also promote low-T screening quizzes directly to consumers, Mr. Mack says, in an effort to prompt men to seek testosterone prescriptions from their doctors.

    “You might not have the medical condition as described in the textbook,” Mr. Mack explains. “But you may have low T as defined by marketing quizzes, and you go to the doctor and ask for treatment.”

    David Freundel, a spokesman for AbbVie, declined requests to interview company executives. In a statement, Mr. Freundel wrote: “AndroGel is approved by the F.D.A. to treat adult men with low or no testosterone (hypogonadism) who have been diagnosed by a physician, and has more than 10 years of clinical, safety, published and post-marketing data.” He added that the company continues to finance research into the long-term effects of testosterone therapy and that its unbranded informational efforts, like the site, “follow F.D.A.’s guidance.”

    Nevertheless, some public health experts warn that the popularization of testosterone drugs is outpacing research into efficacy and possible harms. The drugs’ labels warn users about the potential for sleep apnea, congestive heart failure and low sperm counts; the topical gels warn that women and children exposed to the substances could develop male characteristics like chest hair. Others have raised concerns about the potential for prostate cancer and heart attacks.

    “The big thing is, we just don’t know the long-term risk of testosterone therapy at this time,” says Jacques G. Baillargeon, an epidemiologist at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston who has studied testosterone-prescribing trends in the United States. “It’s particularly concerning when you see the dramatic increase happening at such a large scale so quickly.”

    Seeking a Fountain of Youth

    In a TV commercial promoting awareness of “low T,” the shadow of a middle-age man sits on a bench watching his friends play basketball in an indoor gym.

    “Feeling like a shadow of your former self? Don’t have the hops for hoops with your buddies?” says the voice-over for the spot, paid for by AbbVie and currently posted on the IsItLowT site. “You might have a treatable condition called low testosterone or low T.”

    A few seconds later, presumably after the man is treated with testosterone, the shadow evaporates and a man materializes in the flesh, besuited and smiling. Cue the voice-over: “Step out of the shadows.”

    Testosterone, which plays a central role in the development of the male sexual organs, as well as muscle and body hair, has long been a synonym for youthful vigor and virility. And the quest to stave off aging by manipulating the hormone is an old business.

    Toward the end of the 19th century, Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard, a French physiologist, began injecting himself with “juice” extracted from crushed dog or guinea-pig testicles, as reported in The Lancet in 1889. Although he contended that the injections were rejuvenating, subsequent researchers came to believe that the placebo effect was at work.

    In the 1920s and ’30s, surgeons began transplanting monkey and goat testes into men, says Dr. John E. Morley, the director of endocrinology and geriatrics at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. But that fad ended quickly after one well-known surgeon implanted goat testicles into his patients, where they apparently emitted a noxious odor.

    “This is the hilarious history of testosterone,” recounts Dr. Morley, who in the past received speaking fees or consulting fees from drug makers that marketed testosterone treatments or planned to do so. “It may not have gotten any better. But, gee whiz, it was crazy.”

    Researchers were eventually able to synthesize testosterone, and drug makers capitalized on the discovery by using it to develop medical treatments.

    The classic endocrine disorder for which testosterone drugs were originally developed and federally approved is called hypogonadism. That condition can be caused by problems like undescended testicles or a tumor in the pituitary gland, typically resulting in severe testosterone deficiency, along with poor libido, minimal muscles and scant body hair. “That is the real hypogonadal patient,” says Dr. Richard Quinton, an endocrinologist at Newcastle University in Britain, “not the overweight businessman whose erections aren’t as good as they used to be.”

    In fact, physicians weren’t precisely quantifying men’s testosterone levels until the 1960s, after the development of sensitive tests to determine the concentration of different hormones in blood samples. These enabled researchers to record men’s testosterone levels over time. Dr. Morley and others have reported that, after age 30, men’s testosterone levels typically decline by 1 percent a year. To the pharmaceutical industry, that decline was ripe for treatment.

    But the science here is complicated by the fact that weight gain and illness can be accompanied by decreased testosterone levels. In fact, some researchers argue that declining testosterone may not be attributable to aging in itself, but to the fact that older men tend to gain weight more and develop more diseases.

    “Which comes first, the hen or the egg?” says Dr. Farid Saad, the director of global medical affairs for andrology at Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals in Berlin, which markets a testosterone injection called Nebido in 76 countries. “Changes in weight seem to be more important than aging itself.”

    Whatever the cause, an age-associated testosterone decline in men was good news for drug makers seeking to expand sales beyond uncommon endocrine disorders. Aging men could be a vast and perpetual audience.

    There was just one problem. The F.D.A. approved testosterone treatments like Androderm, a skin patch, in 1995, and the original AndroGel, in 2000, for men with classic testosterone deficiency, and the agency prohibits pharmaceutical companies from marketing branded drugs for uses that have not been federally approved as safe and effective.
    In 1997, for instance, the F.D.A. admonished Unimed Pharmaceuticals, the developer of AndroGel, saying that the company had violated federal regulations.

    Even before the gel went on sale, Unimed was preparing to market it for “andropause” — in other words, for symptoms of male aging, according to a continuing whistle-blower lawsuit asserting that Solvay, which acquired Unimed, promoted AndroGel for unapproved uses. (AbbVie, a spinoff of Abbott Laboratories — which acquired Solvay in 2010 — is not accused of any wrongdoing.) The F.D.A. cited Unimed for a news release promoting AndroGel for potential uses “such as the treatment of geriatric hypogonadism in elderly men.”

    Three years later, the agency issued another letter to Unimed, emphasizing that AndroGel was approved for “primary” testicular problems and secondary problems like pituitary or hypothalamus disorders.

    “Claims and representation that suggest that AndroGel is indicated for men with ‘age-associated’ hypogonadism or ‘andropause’ are misleading,” the F.D.A. letter said, according to the complaint.

    Tests That Anyone Can Fail

    Do you have a decrease in libido? Do you have a lack of energy? Are you sad and/or grumpy? Are you falling asleep after dinner? Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?

    More than a decade ago, a Dutch pharmaceutical company, Organon BioSciences, asked Dr. Morley to devise a screening questionnaire covering symptoms common to older men with low testosterone. The way Dr. Morley recalls the drugmaker’s instructions, “they said, ‘Don’t make it too long and make it somewhat sexy.’ ”

    In return, he says, Organon gave $40,000 to his university for research into the effects of testosterone on muscle. Along the way, Dr. Morley’s quiz acquired an official name that emphasized its intended audience was older men: the Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males, or ADAM, test.

    That test has become standard fare on brand-name drug sites like and on informational sites like AbbVie’s — where the ADAM test has been re-branded as the “ ‘Is It Low T?’ Quiz.” If the questions drive many men to identify themselves as low-T sufferers and visit their doctors seeking remedies, well, that is their purpose.

    The test has also become controversial. Most of the questions invoke symptoms that are so general that they could apply to many men who are clinically depressed or simply having a bad day — or even to women, says Dr. Adriane J. Fugh-Berman, an associate professor at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington.

    “There are tests that everyone will fail — that is the idea,” says Dr. Fugh-Berman, who directs PharmedOut, a Georgetown project that educates doctors about drug marketing claims. “ ‘Do you feel tired after dinner?’ Depends how long after dinner. We all do eventually. It’s called sleep.”

    In 2010, the Endocrine Society, a professional medical association, issued guidelines on testosterone therapy advising doctors that there was little evidence to recommend self-reported quizzes.

    Dr. Morley recalls that he drafted the questionnaire in 20 minutes in the bathroom, scribbling the questions on toilet paper and giving them to his secretary the next day to type up. He agrees that it is hardly a perfect screening tool.
    “I have no trouble calling it a crappy questionnaire,” he says. “It is not ideal.”

    He says he believes that the test does catch a subset of the aging population, like older men with low bone-mineral density and decreasing strength, who might benefit from treatment; he prescribes testosterone injections for some of them.

    In his email, Mr. Freundel, the AbbVie spokesman, wrote that the ADAM test “is designed to help men assess their risk for low testosterone and determine whether they should speak to their doctor about low testosterone testing.”

    He added, “For men concerned about low testosterone, we encourage discussion between physicians and patients that leads to proper diagnosis based on symptoms, lab tests and a patient’s other health needs and underlying conditions.”

    But researchers like Dr. Lisa M. Schwartz and Dr. Steven Woloshin, professors at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy, say disease promotions and quizzes do more than just worry men into visiting their doctors. The implicit message is that taking testosterone will improve men’s energy and mood, the pair wrote in a recent article in JAMA Internal Medicine.

    The F.D.A. doesn’t regulate how doctors practice medicine, and physicians are free to prescribe drugs as they deem appropriate. Some doctors believe that testosterone can be a good treatment to increase energy. Nevertheless, the F.D.A. has not approved testosterone for such uses.

    “None of the testosterone products have indications for weight loss, increasing energy or improving mood,” said Andrea Fischer, a spokeswoman for the F.D.A.

    The agency prohibits drug makers from marketing unapproved uses for brand-name drugs — because these “off label” uses have not been federally vetted for safety and efficacy. But Ms. Fischer declined to discuss testosterone ads, saying the agency doesn’t comment on brand-name ad campaigns that had not been subject to regulatory action.

    Drug makers’ unbranded promotions talking up a disease or a condition are typically not subject to the same scrutiny. Ms. Fischer said that if the F.D.A. determined an unbranded “disease awareness” campaign to be false or misleading, the agency could refer the matter to the Federal Trade Commission for investigation. She declined to comment on whether the agency had done so regarding low T.

    ‘Enhancing Awareness’

    Earlier this year, Medical Marketing & Media, a trade magazine, named two AbbVie executives as “the all-star large pharma marketing team of the year” for promotions of AndroGel and unbranded efforts to advance low T.

    “It didn’t hurt that baby boomers have proven less than shy about availing themselves of any product that they believe will increase their quality of life,” an article in the magazine said. The article lauded AbbVie’s, an unbranded site that encourages men to have regular checkups and to ask their doctors about five tests, among them tests for cholesterol and blood pressure — and testosterone.

    Mr. Freundel of AbbVie described the effort as “a national disease-awareness initiative aimed at encouraging men to take a more proactive approach to their health.” The F.D.A., he added, encourages companies to develop such initiatives “because they serve an important role by enhancing awareness of health conditions.”

    Critics, however, see the site as another tactic to create testosterone takers out of generally healthy men, using the kind of unbranded campaign that federal regulators don’t typically police. Dr. Fugh-Berman of Georgetown refers to this kind of marketing as “disease mongering.”

    In contrast to the promotion of testosterone tests on, for instance, the Endocrine Society recommends against screening the general population. For one thing, men’s testosterone levels fluctuate so wildly — depending on time of day, sleep quality, whether they just ate, whether they are taking care of a newborn and even how their favorite sports team is faring — that a single low testosterone reading may not indicate a problem. For another thing, the society says that there is a lack of medical consensus on the extent to which testosterone deficiency “is an important health problem.”

    For men with serious symptoms, testosterone deficiency can be debilitating. A decade ago, Dr. Fisch, the talk-radio urologist, diagnosed testicular failure in a small-business owner from New Jersey. Now 52, the patient, who has been taking testosterone shots for eight years, said he felt that the medication had significantly increased his strength, energy and libido.

    “I’ve run half-marathons, which I could never run before,” said the business owner, who asked that his name be withheld. “I wonder what I could do if my hormone levels weren’t balanced, if they were what they were before the shots.”

    Yet some researchers warn that men whose problems are not caused by low testosterone are also taking the drugs, potentially putting them at unneeded risks for side effects.

    A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine reported that about a quarter of men had received testosterone prescriptions without having had blood tests to check their levels.

    “A lot of these men don’t have clear, unequivocal indications for this drug,” says Dr. Baillargeon of the University of Texas, the lead author of the study, “and yet you see the aggressive advertising on ESPN, on radio, on the Internet.”

    Dr. Saad of Bayer acknowledged that occasionally men who are not truly deficient may be treated with testosterone therapy. “This is something that worries us and we would not encourage,” he said.

    For his part, Dr. Fisch says many medicines follow a parabolic pattern of prescriptions — first used for limited purposes, then overprescribed, followed by a pullback to a more targeted group of patients. Testosterone drugs, he says, may go the same route.

    Still, Dr. Fisch, an occasional paid speaker on men’s health for AbbVie, says he remains bullish on low T. But he prefers his own euphemism for aging: “the male biological clock.”

    “This is a huge industry,” Dr. Fisch says, “and I expect it to grow even bigger.”

    Dr Fisch

  • #2
    Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit


    • #3
      Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

      I am on TRT. Before treatment, I had test levels in the bottom 5% of the male population. It isn't a panacea though. I don't really feel any better at all. I think I'd rather be a woman, but the ship has sailed on that.


      • #4
        Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

        I think it's another hype to enhance profits of the pharma industry. One becomes old and one dies. Exercise and a reasonably healthy diet are the things you can do to enhance your life.
        And, of course, not worrying too much about money (if you can afford to).
        SHT in women became a huge failure full of dire side effects. That was after pharma had profited many billions along many years.
        With exceptions I don't encourage anyone to take drugs that have less than 20 years in the market. After that time side effects have had the time to become evident even after industry cover ups. Health supplements, vitamins, etc are useless if you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
        And of course: no smoking, very small (better nil) alcohol, no junk food.
        As much sex as you can get...


        • #5
          Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

          Originally posted by Southernguy View Post
          SHT in women became a huge failure full of dire side effects. That was after pharma had profited many billions along many years.
          Health supplements, vitamins, etc are useless if you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
          And of course: no smoking, (red wine), no junk food.
          As much sex as you can get...

          As my wife was approaching menopause, our GP was adamant she would accept hormone replacement therapy. My wife's personal investigations, together with her general skepticism of big pharma, blocked his assertions. When the industry dropped hormone replacement therapy, so did he, without a word of explanation, apology, etc. Today's he's 100% in admin, where the bigger bucks lie . . .


          • #6
            Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

            This two works, one matching low testosterone levels and obesity and the other explaining low testorene levels treatment (surprisingly not talking about obesity) are from the same website.
            I may buy the work cited by vt (testosterone therapy does not increase prostate cancer risk).
            I however dare to say that all the health improvements stated with testosterone therapy (listed below) can be achieved by exercise.
            It's certainly much cheaper. And I think much better to overall health. Literature on that is so abundant I don't fell necessary to search for it.
            Yes, it's certainly much more difficult to change a lifestyle than to apply some injection or gel.
            Obesity is not an easily treated condition. Sedentarism is not either.
            Maybe for those aging males which cannot face both, testosterone therapy is a valid option.
            As testosterone therapy goes mainstream maybe in 10 or 20 years we shall be aware of very nasty side effects. Or maybe not...who knows?

            20 August 2013Subscribe to our news feed

            Obesity is strongly linked to low testosterone levels in men

            This summary gives an overview of four research papers which discuss the link between obesity and low testosterone levels (also known as hypogonadism): one review focusing on the association between obesity, diabetes and low testosterone, and three clinical studies. The studies looked at the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and testosterone levels in men, and the effects of weight loss on testosterone levels in a group of very obese men (BMI >40 kg/m2) undergoing weight loss surgery; the link between obesity and testosterone levels in young men aged 14–20 years; and the relationship between health and lifestyle factors, including weight loss, and testosterone levels in men as they get older.

            Key Findings

            • Obesity is a major cause of low testosterone levels
            • Hypogonadism is found in 75% of men considered very obese (BMI >40 kg/m2)
            • The link between obesity and low testosterone levels is found in men at all ages, even in young men and teenagers
            • The common decrease in testosterone seen in older men is not due to age, but rather to increasing body weight
              • Testosterone decreases seen in men as they get older can be reversed with weight loss

            Age-associated changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular function in middle-aged and older men are modified by weight change and lifestyle factors: longitudinal results from the European Male Ageing Study. Camacho EM, Huhtaniemi IT, O’Neill TW, et al. Eur J Endocrinol 2013;168(3):445-455.
            Determinants of testosterone recovery after bariatric surgery: is it only a matter of reduction of body mass index? Luconi M, Samavat J, Seghieri G, et al. Fertil Steril 2013;99(7):1872-1879.
            Testosterone concentrations in young pubertal and post-pubertal obese males. Mogri M, Dhindsa S, Quattrin T, et al. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2013;78(4):593-599.
            The role of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the development of male obesity-associated secondary hypogonadism. Saboor Aftab SA, Kumar S, Barber TM. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2013;78(3):330-337.

            Background information

            It is now well known that there is a relationship between low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) and obesity, and the studies presented here confirm that link and show that the relationship is also true in young men who are obese. Previously it was assumed that the decrease in testosterone seen in older men was due to age, but the age-related study showed that the drop in testosterone is actually due to weight gain, and that testosterone levels can recover through weight loss.
            The exact reasons behind the link between low testosterone and obesity are still not fully understood, and further studies will be necessary to better understand why hypogonadism occurs in obese men regardless of their age.

            top of page
            Treatment Options

            Treatment of low testosterone is quite straightforward. Once the decision has been made to increase testosterone levels, low testosterone can be replaced by using one of a number of treatment options. All of these treatment options require a doctor’s prescription. The general recommendations are to raise the blood testosterone level only into the middle of the normal physiological range. As testosterone replacement therapy is long term, it is important that it is convenient, safe and effective.
            • show all
            • What treatments are available? What treatments are available?

              The different formulations of testosterone currently available as treatments for low testosterone include:
              • Injections (short- and long-acting)
              • Gels
              • Patches
              • Implants

              An ideal preparation of testosterone will bring testosterone levels back into the normal range to reverse the symptoms of low testosterone. It will also be safe and offer a convenient dosing schedule and means of administration, at a reasonable cost. Several months of treatment may be required before changes are apparent.

              Oral capsules or pills are also available but may not be as reliable as other formulations.

              Monitoring testosterone treatment. A blood sample taken a few weeks after the start of treatment is used to measure levels of testosterone in order to check that the right amount of hormone is achieved. Regular blood tests are required to monitor testosterone levels and ensure rare but potentially serious side effects of treatment do not develop.

            • What are the benefits of treating low testosterone? What are the benefits of treating low testosterone?

              The benefits of testosterone replacement on sexual function, fat and lean body mass, blood lipids and bone density in men with low testosterone are clear. The potential benefits of testosterone replacement in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes are still being investigated.

              Figure 1 : Effects of testosterone treatment

              You can discuss with your doctor how testosterone therapy may benefit you.

              Health and well-being – quality of life. Improvements in signs and symptoms of low testosterone, such as libido, sexual, physical and mental functioning and mood, can be expected over time and will show you that the treatment is working.

              Body composition. Testosterone replacement in men with low testosterone increases lean body mass and strength and decreases fat mass.

              Cardiovascular risk. Current evidence suggests that testosterone replacement in men is relatively safe in terms of cardiovascular health and does not cause important cardiovascular side effects. Indeed, there is some evidence that testosterone replacement is beneficial for cardiovascular disease and may continue to improve cardiovascular risk factors over time. Evidence is emerging that testosterone may protect against clogging or hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

              Diabetes. Testosterone therapy may also have metabolic benefits in men with diabetes and/or metabolic syndrome. Men with diabetes have been shown to have substantially lower testosterone levels than men in the general population, yet low testosterone in many remains undiagnosed and untreated. It is not yet fully known whether diabetes is a cause or a consequence of low testosterone. However, some studies have shown testosterone replacement therapy has a beneficial effect on risk factors for diabetes such as central obesity, insulin sensitivity, glucose control and blood lipid profiles in men with low testosterone.

              Bone. Low testosterone can lead to thinning of the bones (osteoporosis) and men with hip fractures tend to have low testosterone. Testosterone replacement increases bone density.
              If low testosterone occurs during adulthood, you can make some lifestyle and dietary changes to help prevent osteoporosis. Regular exercise and adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D help to maintain bone strength and are important to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

            • Side effects Side effects

              As long as the blood levels of testosterone are kept within the normal range, side effects are uncommon. Occasional side effects may include:
              • Skin reactions, such as spots on the back or chest. These may appear when first starting treatment and usually subside spontaneously
              • Frequent or sustained painful erections may occur in isolated cases. If these occur, your doctor will reduce the dosage or discontinue treatment
              • Changed behaviour possibly leading to aggression may occur in rare cases
              • Blood thickening caused by overproduction of red blood cells (erythrocytosis) may require temporary interruption of treatment
              • Liver disturbances (very uncommon except with oral preparations of testosterone)
              • Worsening of sleep apnoea or new cases of sleep apnoea in men with marked obesity or chronic obstructive lung disease
              • Fluid retention sometimes occurs with high doses or prolonged treatment
              • Gynaecomastia (a condition in which the male's breast tissue enlarges) can sometimes occur at the beginning of treatment, and usually diminishes as treatment continues

              Testosterone has a wide margin of safety and side effects tend to be rare, so you may never experience any of these effects. If any do cause you concern, discuss them with your doctor.

            • Summary of the types of testosterone therapy available

            Are you at risk
            for low

            check yourself

            Waist to Hip Ratio
            should be 0.95
            or less

            check yourself

            The BMI should
            be between
            20 and 25

            check yourself


            • #7
              Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

              Interesting that the answer is always a drug to cover the symptom, rather than the root cause.

              If you are a male, the first thing you need to do is reduce and eliminate sources of estrogen mimicking chemicals that are in our food and products around us.

              For example, most plastics release estrogenic chemicals.
              Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals: A Potential Health Problem That Can Be Solved
              Soy also produces estrogenic properties:
              "Soy contains chemicals that mimic estrogen and lower testosterone levels."
              Info on an anti-estrogen diet:

              Once you have eliminated sources of estrogen in your diet and external toxins, you heed to re-kick start your body's ability to make its own testosterone.

              -increase consumption of healthy omega 3s
              -increase zinc
              -exercise, with focus on muscle growth which stimulates testosterone production
              -you can take an herb like Tongkat Ali, which will naturally stimulate your body to produce its own testoserone


              There are much better routes than taking prescription testosterone which can cause all sorts of negative side effects.
              Last edited by dbarberic; November 25, 2013, 12:10 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

                On a related subject, what gives with all the young guys going bald? When I was in my 20s and early 30s contemporaries that were losing their hair still seemed rare. (related to the ever-falling sperm count among the same age cohort?)


                • #9
                  Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

                  ya, this was my first thought. They guy is overweight, diabetes, and high blood pressure. So of course the cause of his low energy is low testosterone. "I don't want to change my life, just give me a pill goddammit"

                  Lifestyle changes can fix all of the problems they're addressing with "low T". Hell, if the Asshat sitting n the bench in the commercial just got out and played basketball and worked up a bit of a sweat, he would be 80% there; including increasing his Testosterone level. I was "Mike" in the article when Ritalin was in vogue. Guess what they gave me?

                  In any case, the up shot is I turned it all around with diet and exercise. Oh ya, and ditching the proverbial "ball and chain". Hell doing that alone gave me some of my old hair color back.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

                    Perfect timing.

                    Testosterone Therapy May Actually Increase Your Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack and Death
                    November 22, 2013 | 160,213 views

                    Story at-a-glance:
                    After age 30, a man’s testosterone levels begin to decline and continue to do so as he ages, leading to symptoms such as decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, and difficulties with concentration and memory

                    Conventional treatment for low testosterone revolves around synthetic testosterone hormone replacement therapy, using either a testosterone cream, gel or patch

                    Recent research has raised a red flag, warning men that testosterone therapy may increase your risk of dying from a sudden stroke or heart attack

                    The study found that testosterone use was associated with a 29 percent increased risk for an adverse event—regardless of whether they had underlying coronary heart disease or not

                    Dietary and exercise changes, particularly limiting sugar/fructose, eating healthy saturated fats and engaging in high-intensity exercises, Power Plate, and strength training, can be very effective at boosting testosterone levels naturally



                    • #11
                      Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

                      Mercola is a fraud, dbarberic. Anti-vaccination and 'alternative medicine guru' who has been repeatedly shown to be a hack.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

                        Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
                        Mercola is a fraud, dbarberic. Anti-vaccination and 'alternative medicine guru' who has been repeatedly shown to be a hack.
                        That may be so, but it still does not deny the fact that low energy, motivation, and sex drive as well as overweight, diabetes, and high blood pressure can all be fixed with improved diet and exercise.

                        I would say any doctor that would prescribe a synthetic hormone (notorious through out history with bad side effects) before prescribing diet and exercise for "slightly low testosterone levels" is a hack


                        • #13
                          Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

                          Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
                          Mercola is a fraud, dbarberic. Anti-vaccination and 'alternative medicine guru' who has been repeatedly shown to be a hack.
                          So the study he quotes is also a hack?

                          Association of Testosterone Therapy With Mortality, Myocardial Infarction, and Stroke in Men With Low Testosterone Levels

                          And the methods of raising testosterone naturally using high intensity exercise, weight lifting, and diet changes to reduce sugar and increase healthy fats is bunk?


                          Well... to each his own. Certainly I hope you find the health you desire in a pill bottle.


                          • #14
                            Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

                            Originally posted by Fox View Post
                            That may be so, but it still does not deny the fact that low energy, motivation, and sex drive as well as overweight, diabetes, and high blood pressure can all be fixed with improved diet and exercise.

                            I would say any doctor that would prescribe a synthetic hormone (notorious through out history with bad side effects) before prescribing diet and exercise for "slightly low testosterone levels" is a hack
                            Which describes every conventional medical practitioner I've ever been to. I've never had a doctor ask about my dietary habits, exercise routine or supplement intake other than at a highly superficial level.


                            • #15
                              Re: Mr T: Happy Daze in the Testosterone Pit

                              Originally posted by dbarberic View Post
                              Well... to each his own. Certainly I hope you find the health you desire in a pill bottle.
                              Actually, I find it in a syringe.

