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Culture Friday - the Bully Pulpit

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  • Culture Friday - the Bully Pulpit



    Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism

    By Doris Kearns Goodwin
    Illustrated. 909 pp. Simon & Schuster. $40.

    If you find the grubby spectacle of today’s Washington cause for shame and despair — and, really, how could you not? — then I suggest you turn off the TV and board Doris Kearns Goodwin’s latest time machine. Let her transport you back to the turn of the 20th century, to a time when this country had politicians of stature and conscience, when the public believed that government could right great wrongs, when, before truncated attention spans, a 50,000-word exposé of corruption could sell out magazines and galvanize a reluctant Congress. The villains seemed bigger, too, or at least more brazen — industrial barons and political bosses who monopolized entire industries, strangled entire cities. And “change” was not just a slogan. “There are but a handful of times in the history of our country,” Goodwin writes in her introduction, “when there occurs a transformation so remarkable that a molt seems to take place, and an altered country begins to emerge.” The years covered in this book are such a time. It makes a pretty grand story.

    Like her last book, “Team of Rivals,” which prompted talk-show comparisons of Abraham Lincoln’s and Barack Obama’s inclusive approaches to cabinet-making, her new book implicitly invites us to look afresh at our own time. In the 1890s, as now, there was a growing preoccupation with economic inequality. Then, as now, the liveliest political drama played out within a bitterly divided Republican Party. But back then the Republican insurgents were progressives, among them Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft, challenging the party’s long defense of laissez-faire and building a federal regulatory apparatus. Now, as William Howard Taft’s great-grandson pointed out in a recent Op-Ed lament, the Republican insurgents champion “bomb-throwing obstructionism” and “empty nihilism” in an effort to dismantle the regulatory machinery the progressives constructed. I foresee a lot of Doris Kearns Goodwin on “Morning Joe” and “Charlie Rose” in the weeks ahead.

    The title, “The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism,” suggests three books in one, two biographies and a press history, and Goodwin does indeed have an ambitious undertaking. Besides the two principals, her cast includes their adored wives — Edith Roosevelt (literary and reclusive, a brake on her impetuous husband) and Nellie Taft (politically aware and astute, a goad to her chronically circumspect husband); they are treated not just as first ladies but as essential partners in and insightful commentators on the careers of their mates. There is also a colorful cast of industrialists, labor leaders, political rivals, cabinet members and, especially, fired-up journalists. Goodwin directs her characters with precision and affection, and the story comes together like a well-wrought novel.

    “The Bully Pulpit” is built around two relationships — one between Roosevelt and Taft, lifelong friends and reformist comrades, until the partnership ruptured; the other between power and the press.

    Roosevelt is familiar and irresistible: almost comically energetic, the charging hero of the Rough Riders, the naturalist and hyperactive sportsman who leads visitors on high-speed, off-path hikes through Rock Creek Park, the intellectual omnivore who wrote 40 books including “narratives of hunting expeditions, meditations and natural histories on wolves, the grizzly bear and the black-tailed deer, biographies of public figures, literary essays, commentaries on war and peace, and sketches of birds,” not to mention a respected four-volume history of the American frontier.

    No wonder, then, that Goodwin says her original plan when she set out seven years ago was to write a history of Roosevelt and the Progressive era. In the course of her research, however, she decided history had underestimated Taft’s contribution to the “molt” from which a new, more compassionate America emerged. And so her Teddy book grew into a tandem biography.

    The two men could hardly have been more different. Both were favored children in families that prized public service. But Roosevelt, born sickly and timid, was bathed in unquestioning love, taken on global adventures, driven by his father to triumph over any obstacle, including severe asthma and other childhood infirmities. Taft experienced his parents’ love “as a conditional reward dependent upon his achievements.” He was affable and morally conscientious but not a voracious scholar. Born in robust health, he eventually settled into a lifelong battle with obesity, which Goodwin chronicles in straight-faced updates on his diets, industrial-strength bathroom scales and wardrobe retrofits.

    By today’s standards — by any standards — both men were achievers of the first order, with résumés and encomiums that make most of today’s politicians seem slight. Henry Adams would call Taft “the best equipped man for the presidency who had been suggested by either party during his lifetime.” But while Teddy Roosevelt was a full-blooded political animal, Taft, averse to speechmaking and public confrontation, would have been perfectly happy to spend his life presiding over courtrooms. (He ended his life in the job he had always craved, chief justice of the United States.)

    The two men met in the 1890s when they were already comers in President Benjamin Harrison’s Washington, Roosevelt as a civil service commissioner, Taft as solicitor-general. They bonded over civil service reform, and became so close that their correspondence reads like love letters. (Roosevelt addresses Taft in one missive as “you beloved individual.”) As war secretary Taft would become the most indispensable member of President Roose*velt’s cabinet, a “veritable pack horse” for the administration, the overseer of the Philippines and the Panama Canal commission, the president’s campaign surrogate, an effective lobbyist of Congress and Roosevelt’s confidant in all things.

    “Though the two men had strikingly different temperaments — Roosevelt’s original and active nature at odds with Taft’s ruminative and judicial disposition — their opposing qualities actually proved complementary, allowing them to forge a powerful camaraderie and rare collaboration,” Goodwin writes. Together they would “fundamentally enlarge the bounds of economic opportunity and social justice.”

    Cue the muckrakers.

    In 1893, the publisher Sam McClure assembled a dream team of young writers and started a magazine, bearing his own name, that aimed to rattle the ramparts of power and mobilize the literate middle class. The new technology of photo engraving made the venture economically feasible, the corrupt hegemony of trusts and political machines made for abundant subject matter, and a growing national discontent provided an eager audience. McClure’s published wave upon wave of exquisitely researched exposés. One issue alone, in January 1903, would include Ida Tarbell on the predatory practices of the Standard Oil Company, Lincoln Steffens on the avaricious political cabal that ran Minneapolis and Ray Stannard Baker on turmoil in the labor unions. The public could not get enough of it.

    Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell, TR, and Taft

    “Month after month they would swallow dissertations of ten or twelve thousand words without even blinking — and ask for more,” an astonished Baker would recall.

    The writers of McClure’s became the shock troops of the progressive movement, “putting faces and names to the giant corporations, shining a bright light on the sordid maneuvers that were crushing independent businessmen in one sector after another.” In Roosevelt they found the most effective patron a journalist could hope for.

    From the beginning of his political career, as the youngest member of the New York State Assembly, Roosevelt “understood that the most effective means of circumventing the machines and transforming popular sentiment was to establish a good rapport with the press corps.” Many politicians, of course, have courted the press and used the media to rally popular pressure. Roosevelt’s bond with the press was of a different order. Goodwin calls it “authentically collegial.” A more apt word might be symbiotic.

    Before they were his co-conspirators, the journalists were his tutors. Roosevelt in his 20s was slow to grow a social conscience, accepting the prevailing Republican gospel of unfettered commerce and self-reliance. But as he moved up the political ladder — civil service commissioner, New York City police commissioner, governor of the state — journalists like Steffens and the veteran police reporter Jacob Riis introduced the young politician to the underbelly of unregulated capitalism, accompanying their eager pupil on surprise visits to tenement sweatshops and coaching him in the perfidy of the party bosses. As governor, Roosevelt so alienated Boss Platt and the Republican machine that after one term he was compelled to retreat into the largely irrelevant job of William McKinley’s vice president.

    Which soon became not so irrelevant when a young anarchist shot President McKinley, making Roosevelt at 42 the youngest president in the country’s history. By then, he had already cultivated a cohort of reporters and editors who were less a sounding board than an adjunct staff.

    In those days before sophisticated polls and focus groups, the press was the White House intelligence network. Roosevelt “read daily excerpts from scores of newspapers . . . and tested his ideas on reporters.”

    He allowed reporters to question him during his midday shave. Editors and writers who caught his attention would be invited for luncheon conversations that might last until midnight. With his many favorites, Roosevelt exchanged voluminous correspondence, sometimes two or three letters a week. He shared early drafts of his major policy speeches and legislative proposals, and they briefed him on their reporting projects before publication.

    The exposés — Ray Baker’s six-part, 50,000-word series on the railroads’ corrupt stranglehold on commerce, or Upton Sinclair’s noxious novelized revelations about the meatpacking industry — aroused the political support for Roose*velt’s initiatives. More than that, the president and the journalists sat for hours debating what should go into those initiatives: what powers to give the new Interstate Commerce Commission, what the Pure Food and Drug Act should require, which monopolies to prosecute under the antitrust laws.

    The golden age Goodwin describes was, probably inevitably, short-lived. The success of McClure’s and Collier’s and the other premier investigative publications inspired many imitators who were more strident and less conscientious about their reporting. A “national fatigue with the ubiquitous literature of exposure” set in.

    And the crusading journalists gradually became disillusioned by their hero. For Tarbell, it was Roosevelt’s acquisition of the Panama Canal Zone, which displayed a despotic quality. Steffens lost patience with the compromises necessary to enact legislation and drifted to socialism. Ray Baker, disappointed by the president’s caution, fumed that “Roosevelt never leads; he always follows.”

    The disenchantment was mutual. “His exasperation with the proliferation of increasingly sensational and shoddily investigated exposure journalism had been slowly building,” Goodwin writes. In 1906 Roosevelt vented his anger in a speech at the annual Gridiron Dinner, castigating the new journalists for ignoring success and inflaming public passions. (It was this speech that popularized the term “muckrakers,” which the journalists later adopted as a badge of honor.) The next morning Steffens called on the president. “Well,” he said, “you have put an end to all these journalistic investigations that have made you.”

    The relationship didn’t end quite yet, but it never fully recovered. And when Roosevelt’s presidency gave way to Taft’s, the partnership was essentially over. Taft was as conscientious a reformer as Roose*velt, but no match for him as a leader, and he knew it. “When I hear someone say Mr. President,” Taft confessed, “I look around expecting to see Roosevelt.” The clamor of public dissension and the passion of political proselytizing — the bully pulpit — held no appeal for Taft. “As a former judge, he assumed that his decisions would speak for themselves,” Goodwin writes. On his signature cause, lowering the protectionist tariffs that had widened the gulf between rich and poor, he had a natural ally in Tarbell, who had spent two years researching and writing on the subject; he never summoned her to his side. Baker and William Allen White and other journalists also signaled a willingness to work with him on his progressive agenda, but he preferred to work within the system. And as a result his single-term presidency is generally counted a failure.

    The wave of reforms set in motion by Roosevelt, Taft and the muckrakers would continue into Woodrow Wilson’s presidency and bequeath to us, among other things, the progressive income tax, direct election of senators and the women’s vote. But the golden age of reformist politicians harnessed to crusading journalists in common purpose was over.

    Much of the pleasure of this book — besides recalling for us that once, leaders stood tall, our government didn’t seem to be in a state of constant stalemate and journalism got results — is the re-creation of a day when life moved at a statelier pace. At one point, Taft leads a traveling congressional delegation of 80 people on a three-month mission to the Philippines and the Far East. “In the evenings, guests enjoyed formal dances, sleight-of-hand performances, mock trials and pillow fights.” Today such a trip would be called a “codel” and condensed to a jet-lagged weekend of drive-by fact-finding.

    At the turn of the 20th century, the educated classes were such prolific letter-writers and journal-keepers that a contemporary reader wonders when they found time for anything else. Roosevelt and Taft and their wives and siblings and parents and children all wrote each other copious, loving and often eloquent reports. Goodwin seems to have read them all, along with every newspaper and magazine published during those years — the footnotes fill 115 pages of agate type — and used them to put political intrigues and moral dilemmas and daily lives into rich and elegant language. Imagine “The West Wing” scripted by Henry James.

    Although Goodwin infuses most of her men and women with personality, no one matches the sheer vitality of Roosevelt. In truth, the book flags a bit when he has grudgingly relinquished the presidency and gone to chase big game in Africa. The White House without Roosevelt is like the Henry IV plays when Falstaff leaves the stage. Beginning around Page 550 I occasionally found myself remembering Nellie Taft’s admonishment to her verbose husband: “Many a good thing is spoiled by there being too much of it.”

    The story picks up again when Roosevelt — hungry for the spotlight and convinced his old friend has gone soft — reappears for a bitter third-party presidential run against the incumbent Taft and the Democrat Woodrow Wilson. Goodwin quotes Wilson confiding to a friend his sense of inadequacy beside the ex-*president: “He appeals to their imagination; I do not. He is a real, vivid person, whom they have seen and shouted themselves hoarse over and voted for, millions strong; I am a vague, conjectural personality, more made up of opinions and academic prepossessions than of human traits and red corpuscles.”

    As if to dramatize the point, the month before the election Roosevelt is preparing to address a campaign crowd in Milwaukee when he is shot point blank in the chest by a would-be assassin. The candidate clasps a handkerchief to the wound and goes on with his speech — for an hour and a half.

    He doesn’t win the election, but he steals the story.

    Bill Keller is a former executive editor of The Times and an Op-Ed columnist for the paper.

  • #2
    Re: Culture Friday - the Bully Pulpit

    speaking of muckrakers, here's another look at Eggers' The Circle . . .

    When Privacy Is Theft

    Margaret Atwood

    The Circle

    by Dave Eggers

    Knopf/McSweeney’s, 491 pp., $27.95
    Dave Eggers, 2007

    The Circle is Dave Eggers’s tenth work of fiction, and a fascinating item it is.

    Eggers’s first major book was the much-acclaimed semifictional memoir A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (2000), which recounts the struggles of Eggers to raise his younger brother after the death of their parents. By that time he was already active in the underground worlds of comic strip writing, small-magazine founding, and columnizing in the then-embryonic realm of online magazines. He has continued along a multibranched road that has included the founding of McSweeney’s magazine and publishing house, and an associated monthly, The Believer; of 826 Valencia, a youth literacy charity; and of ScholarMatch, connecting non-rich college-age kids in the San Francisco Bay Area with donors.

    Then there’s the writing: the screenplays, the journalism, and, of course, the books. These include two unflinching looks at man’s inhumanity to man, in Africa and America respectively—What Is the What and Zeitoun—and the novel A Hologram for the King, which glances at the decline of America’s international clout through the eyes of a sad salesman. Eggers appears to run on pure adrenaline, and has as many ideas pouring out of him as the entrepreneurs pitching their inventions in The Circle.

    The outpouring of ideas is central to The Circle, as it is in part a novel of ideas. What sort of ideas? Ideas about the social construction and deconstruction of privacy, and about the increasing corporate ownership of privacy, and about the effects such ownership may have on the nature of Western democracy. Dissemination of information is power, as the old yellow-journalism newspaper proprietors knew so well. What is withheld can be as potent as what is disclosed, and who can lie publicly and get away with it is determined by gatekeepers: thus, in the Internet age, code-owners have the keys to the kingdom.

    Marshall McLuhan was among the first to probe the effects of different kinds of media on our collective consciousness with The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and Understanding Media (1964). Even then, before interactive technologies, he pointed out that “the global village” could be an unpleasant and claustrophobic place. As far back as 1835, Toqueville’s Democracy in America predicted the tyranny of public opinion, a tyranny that can be amplified immeasurably via the Internet.

    The concerns that underlie The Circle are therefore of long standing, but have been much discussed recently, not only in newspapers and magazines both online and off, but in books. Misha Glenny has written eloquently about cybertheft and cybercrime in McMafia and DarkMarket, and, in Black Code, Ronald Deibert has detailed various cyberthreats to democracy and privacy. In The Boy Kings, a 2012 memoir that chronicles the early days of Facebook, Katherine Losse questioned the desirability of making personal information public.

    This, then, is the “real” world to which Eggers holds up the mirror of art in order to show us ourselves and the perils that surround us. But The Circle is neither a tract nor an analysis but a novel, and novels always tell the stories of individuals. In genre this novel partakes of the Menippean satire—distinct from social satire in viewing moral defects less as flaws of character than as intellectual perversions. It also incorporates passages of symposium-like Socratic dialogue by which the central character is manipulated, through rational-sounding questions and answers, into performing the increasingly outrageous acts that logic demands of her.

    Some will call The Circle a “dystopia,” but there’s no sadistic slave-whipping tyranny on view in this imaginary America: indeed, much energy is expended on world betterment by its earnest denizens. Plagues are not raging, nor is the planet blowing up or even warming noticeably. Instead we are in the green and pleasant land of a satirical utopia for our times, where recycling and organics abound, people keep saying how much they like each another, and the brave new world of virtual sharing and caring breeds monsters.

    The Circle takes its name most immediately from a fictional West Coast social media corporation that has subsumed all earlier iterations such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter. It traces the rise and rise within this company of its female protagonist, Maebelline, a name that closely resembles that of a brand of mascara, thus hinting at masks and acting. (Names matter in The Circle because they matter both to its author and to its characters, some of whom go so far as to pick out new ones for themselves from the Internet.) Maebelline is commonly called “Mae,” and this nickname is then expanded by a coworker who’s bringing Mae up to speed on her Circle duties. She’s opened a “Zing” account for Mae—zinging being an amalgamation of tweeting, texting, and pinging. “I made up a name for you,” says Gina.

    “MaeDay. Like the war holiday. Isn’t that cool?”

    Mae wasn’t so sure about the name, and couldn’t remember a holiday by that name.

    Clever Mr. Eggers. There is no real war holiday called MaeDay, but “Mayday”—from the French m’aidez—is a venerable distress signal. May Day was once a pagan springtime celebration, but was adopted in the nineteenth century as a workers’ holiday. It was then appropriated for military parades during Stalinism, a period noted for its hyperactive secret police, and satirized in Orwell’s 1984, a work that is echoed more than once in The Circle. Maebelline, Zing-christened as MaeDay: a makeup accessory, a distress signal, a totalitarian power-show. The reader feels a pricking of the thumbs.

    At first Mae is winsomely innocuous. She’s recently been an Everygirl stuck in her own version of purgatory, the humiliating McJob in the gas and energy utility of her small hometown in California that she took out of the need to pay off her crushing college debts. Now she’s called back from the living dead by her college roommate turned Circle higher-up, Annie. Annie too is significantly named: Annies get their guns, being competitive, perky sharpshooting tomboys; they’re Orphan Annies, brave and adventurous and protected by Daddy Warbucks, who uses his wealth for Good. This Annie is a golden-girl scatterbrained “doofus” who slouched around at college in men’s flannel trousers, but then, after a Stanford MBA, was recruited into the Circle and has been soaring like a helium balloon, adored by all.

    Annie comes from money and family class—Mayflower rather than MaeDay—not that eye-rolling Annie claims to take her aristocratic descent seriously. None of her privilege has been lost on second-fiddle Mae, who, as she enters the Circle, is suffused with gratitude toward Annie and wonderment at being actually there, part of “the only company that really mattered at all”; but as the reader may anticipate, an All About Eve girl-on-girl mud-wrestling glint soon flickers in her star-bedazzled eyes.

    Eggers sets forth the players and ground of his novel right at the beginning, like a gamer setting up the board. The Circle, we learn, is run by a triumvirate known as the Three Wise Men. Like Melville’s Pequod and Stephen King’s Overlook Hotel, the Circle is a combination of physical container, financial system, spiritual state, and dramatis personae, intended to represent America, or at least a powerful segment of it; so these three, like Melville’s three harpooners, are emblematic.

    Tyler Alexander Gospodinov, known as Ty, is the “boy-wonder visionary” founder who, by inventing a system called TruYou, did away with passwords and fake identities and trolls, not because he wished to take over the world, but because he wanted things to be simpler and more transparent. The most telling element of his name is “Alexander”—the Great, of course, but also he who wept because he had no more worlds to conquer. Elusive Ty is seldom seen about the place except as an image on a screen, a hoodie pulled over his head. In the Circle, where the alleged mission is to render everyone and everything visible, he is hidden, shadowy: no one ever knows what he’s planning next.

    The second Wise Man is Eamon (“rich protector”) Bailey (as in Barnum). A Notre Dame graduate, he’s the company’s genial, uncle-ish public face, combining the flair of a showman with the suave persuasiveness of a Jesuit. “Loved by all,” says Annie, “and I think he really loves them back.” That “I think” should give Mae pause, but it doesn’t.

    The third Wise Man is Tom Stenton. In literature, Toms are often scamps and boundary pushers, as are Toms Thumb, Kitten, Brown, and Jones; or they may be pig stealers, as in the nursery rhyme, or rich thugs, as in The Great Gatsby, or even imps or evil geniuses, as in Tom Tit-Tot and Tom Riddle, respectively. A Tom coupled with a Stenton (“stone enclosure”) is likely to be a hard customer. So it is with this shark-like Tom, the CEO, who revels in his money and influence, fights the company’s battles and squashes its enemies, and has eyes that are “flat, unreadable.”

    Serving under the Three Wise Men are the members of the inner circle, known jokingly as “the Gang of Forty.” This might seem a nod to the Chinese Gang of Four, but there’s more to it: in scripture, forty is a highly significant number. It rained for forty days and forty nights during Noah’s flood, Moses spent forty years in the wilderness, and Jesus fasted for forty days while being tempted by the Devil, who offers him the world in exchange for his soul. “Forty” signifies a period of trial and testing, with high stakes in the balance, and not only Mae but Annie are indeed tested throughout the novel.

    These, then, are the major players of The Circle. There are a lot of small fry, and even some “plankton”—outsiders who pitch their ideas, hoping to be hired. They are the krill on which the larger fish graze, and yes, the marine life metaphors culminate in a Big Metaphor. Not for nothing does the Circle possess a large glass aquarium.

    Next comes the physical layout or “campus,” described in lavish, enchanting detail: readers of lifestyle sections will salivate over the adjectives, and are sure to make comparisons between what’s on offer here and what real life has already provided on other such company “campuses.” The Circle’s security walls enclose a paradise of green spaces, buildings, fountains, artworks, and game spaces, with luxurious dormitories for those who may wish to work late and stay overnight, not that there’s any pressure, mind you. The restaurants dish up gourmet but virtuous food, the parties are übercool, and there’s a sample room full of products that their manufacturers are dying to have the trend-setting Circlers adopt.

    The different buildings are named after historical periods: the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, and the like. (He who controls the past controls the future and he who controls the present controls the past, as 1984 puts it.) Artists, both starving and otherwise, are brought in to entertain, like the troubadours in the Middle Ages or Voltaire at the court of Frederick the Great; for such corporations are the modern equivalent of kingdoms and Renaissance dukedoms. Lest we miss the point, there’s a marvelous collection in the Circle, assembled by Bailey, who, despite his folksiness, is a “connoisseur.” He’s amassed all kinds of obsolete objects, such as leather-bound books and green-shaded reading lamps, loot he’s bought from “distressed estates”—the losers of capitalism, we gather. If you hear an echo of rich financier and art collector Adam Verver from Henry James’s The Golden Bowl, you might be correct: one of the things money buys is the past, all the better to gloat over it.

    The palatial buildings are made of glass, ostensibly to underline the Circle’s mantra of “transparency”—everyone should be open to everyone else in all ways, a goal within the Circle’s reach thanks to the ingenious schemes and doodads cooked up by its collective brain trust: the tiny “SeeChange” cameras that can be planted everywhere (no more rapes and atrocities!), the scheme to embed tracking chips in children’s bones (no more kidnapping!). Why wouldn’t any sane person want those things? People who live in glass houses not only shouldn’t throw stones—they can’t throw them! Isn’t that a good thing? And if you have nothing to hide, why get paranoid?

    But literary structures of glass, or its close cousin, ice, are never reassuring. Glass buildings are halls of mirrors where one may become lost; or they are illusions that easily melt or shatter; or they are prisons that permit others to look at you unchecked, like the glass cage in which Billy Pilgrim is kept by the Tralfamadorians in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five. The glass buildings in Yevgeny Zamyatin’s 1924 novel We—precursor of both Brave New World and 1984—allow the totalitarian police to snoop on everyone all the time. To see everything without being seen is, needless to say, the prerogative of the biblical God whose eyes run everywhere, as well as the labor of spies and surveillance agencies, and the fondest desire of the voyeur.

    As we move deeper into The Circle we may recall the Snow Queen’s palace in the Hans Andersen tale, where hearts are frozen, the cold queen rules from her throne on the Mirror of Reason, and the puzzle of “eternity” cannot be solved without love. We may also be reminded of the “stately pleasure dome” from Coleridge’s poem “Kubla Khan,” “a sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice.” The poet dreams of recreating this fabled edifice through art, but others find something demonic about his enterprise. “Weave a circle round him thrice,” they chant. The woven circle is to protect others from him, because he’s entranced; in modern parlance he’s been drinking the Kool-Aid and is, like, totally out of his mind.

    Which brings us to circles. Both the reader and Mae encounter the Circle first through its logo, which is obligingly depicted on the book’s cover and then described through Mae’s eyes: “Though the company was less than six years old, its name and logo—a circle surrounding a knitted grid, with a small ‘c’ in the center—were already the best-known in the world.” Looked at by someone unfamiliar with it, the logo would surely suggest a manhole cover. I certainly hope Eggers intended this: as a flat disc, the thing might imply a moon or a sun or a mandala—something shining and cosmic and quasi-religious—but as a portal to dark, sulphurous, Plutonian tunnels it is much more resonant.

    The circle motif may be Eggers’s wink at Google’s “Circles,” a way of arranging your contacts on its counterpart to Facebook: but it’s much more than that. The circle is an ancient symbol that’s had a variety of incarnations. There are divine circles—the Egyptian sun, the vision of the poet Henry Vaughan, who “saw Eternity the other night,/Like a great ring of pure and endless light”; in case we overlook the point, inside Eamon Bailey’s private lair is a stained glass ceiling with “countless angels arranged in rings.” Bailey himself weighs in on circles: “A circle is the strongest shape in the universe. Nothing can beat it, nothing can improve upon it, nothing can be more perfect. And that’s what we want to be: perfect.” A man with Bailey’s Catholic background should know that he’s verging on heresy, since perfection belongs to God alone. He ought to know also that circles can be demonic: Dante’s Inferno has nine circles. Maybe he does know those things, but has discounted them.

    As the story advances, our view of the Circle moves from bright to dark to darker. At first, viewed through Mae’s eyes, the place seems wondrous:

    The rest of America…seemed like some chaotic mess in the developing world. Outside the walls of the Circle, all was noise and struggle, failure and filth. But here, all had been perfected. The best people had made the best systems and the best systems had reaped funds, unlimited funds, that made possible this, the best place to work. And it was natural that it was so, Mae thought. Who else but utopians could make utopia?

    But if this is utopia, why is Mae so anxious most of the time? True, her workload in “Customer Experience” is crushing, as she answers questions, sends “smiles” and “frowns”—the Circle equivalent of Likes and Dislikes and Favorites—to other websites and accounts, fields an avalanche of messages and invitations from other Circlers, and is under increasing pressure to spend all her time “participating.” But her main terror is being cast out of the Circle: she’ll do almost anything to stay inside, and worries constantly about what sort of impression she’s making. Is she getting enough approval, a substance she measures by messages, Zings, “smiles,” and online watchers? Is she making the grade?

    The Circlers’ social etiquette is as finely calibrated as anything in Jane Austen: how fast you return a Zing or your tone of voice when saying “Yup” can matter deeply, and missing someone’s themed party is a lethal snub. Every choice is tracked and evaluated, every “aesthetic” ruthlessly judged. The nineteenth-century art critic John Ruskin—who famously said, “Tell me what you like and I’ll tell you who you are”—viewed bad taste as a moral offense, and the young Circlers subscribe to this dogma: nothing gets you the brushoff more quickly than a pair of uncool jeans. Utopia, it seems, is an awful lot like high school, but with even more homework.

    Just as there are Three Wise Men, there are also Three Inadequate Boyfriends: a conforming wanker who wants to post recordings of his ersatz sex with Mae online; a hapless, arts-and-crafts Jiminy Cricket conscience from her previous life who tries to warn her about the unreality and inherent totalitarianism of the Circle’s proceedings; and a mysterious, sexually charged older man who pops in and out of tunnels like the Phantom of the Opera. It’s this third one who plays demon lover to the Circle’s sunny pleasure dome, and who shows Mae the caverns measureless to man, in this case the underground river cave in which people’s total data profiles—call them souls—are stored in red boxes. His name—not his real one—is Kalden, Tibetan for “of the golden age.” Point being: the golden age is over.

    Eggers treats his material with admirable inventiveness and gusto. The plot capers along, the trap doors open underfoot, the language ripples and morphs. Why has he not been headhunted by some corporation specializing in new brand names? Better than reality, some of these, and all too plausible. But don’t look to The Circle for Chekhovian nuance or thoroughly rounded characters with many-layered inwardness: it isn’t “literary fiction” of that kind. It’s an entertainment, but a challenging one: it demands that the reader think its positions through in the same way that the characters must. Some of its incidents are funny, some of them are appalling, and some of them are both at once, like a nightmare in which you find yourself making a speech with no clothes on.

    And there’s quite a lot of that: who has the right to see whose dangly bits, and under what circumstances? If everything must be accessible to everyone else—if you’re on camera all the time, so to speak—what times and places can be private, apart from sex and bathroom functions? Sure enough, it’s not long before sex is taking place in toilet cubicles, though not for the first time in either literature or life. Private communication is driven in there too, and those aware of the fact that all their e-mails are potentially monitored—and who can be more aware of that potential than the Circlers?—are driven back on a pitiful Stone Age technology: the note scribbled with some obsolete mark-making device on that despised substance, paper.

    But apart from the moments of almost farcical discovery—among them the discovery by the characters themselves that there is indeed such a thing as TMI, or Too Much Information—Eggers has a serious purpose, or several. One of them is to remind us that we can be led down the primrose path much more blindly by our good intentions than by our bad ones. (He’s entitled to speak about good intentions, having manifested so many of them himself, in his various other lives.) A second may be to examine the nature of looking and being looked at.

    A face with a direct gaze is said to be one of the first images a baby recognizes. It’s a primary pattern. The human gaze, when languorous, is much celebrated in love poetry, but a blank or hostile stare is intimidating at the biological level. Who can look at whom, and at what, informs not only the parental admonition “Don’t stare” and the insulting childhood challenge “Who’re you looking at?” but a wide range of other human behaviors, from the use of mandatory body and head coverings to PG labels on films to Peeping Tom legislation. “Don’t make a spectacle of yourself,” kids used to be told; but in the world of the Circle, people must make spectacles of themselves: to refuse to do so is selfish, or, as Bailey leads Mae to declaim, PRIVACY IS THEFT.

    Publication on social media is in part a performance, as is everything “social” that human beings do; but what happens when that brightly lit arena expands so much that there is no green room in which the mascara can be removed, no cluttered, imperfect back stage where we can be ‘“ourselves”? What happens to us if we must be “on” all the time? Then we’re in the twenty-four-hour glare of the supervised prison. To live entirely in public is a form of solitary confinement.

