Re: (Un) Affordable Care Act - the Uncomfortable Truth
I recently had a calcium scan done as part of a heart check up. It is not covered by insurance. It cost $70 bucks. If it was covered by insurance I'm sure the 3 minute scan would have cost several hundred dollars. The third party payer system of insurance companies and the government has distorted the costs of medical care. Before private insurance and medicare most medical care was based on what people could afford to pay. I have a good company sponsored health plan. Most years unless I had a kid or a major surgery I was paying more in premiums than what I used in health care. A system where people pay for most routine car out of pocket and have a policy to cover major illness would be the way to go. Unfortunately between the doctors, government and insurance companies the costs of care are grosssly distorted.
I recently had a calcium scan done as part of a heart check up. It is not covered by insurance. It cost $70 bucks. If it was covered by insurance I'm sure the 3 minute scan would have cost several hundred dollars. The third party payer system of insurance companies and the government has distorted the costs of medical care. Before private insurance and medicare most medical care was based on what people could afford to pay. I have a good company sponsored health plan. Most years unless I had a kid or a major surgery I was paying more in premiums than what I used in health care. A system where people pay for most routine car out of pocket and have a policy to cover major illness would be the way to go. Unfortunately between the doctors, government and insurance companies the costs of care are grosssly distorted.