Re: (Un) Affordable Care Act - the Uncomfortable Truth
And how do we get it done, photon, without the aggregate demand necessary to get people in restaurants or the infrastructure investment by government to build and maintain new roads, sewers, etc if as always
That seems to be the general consensus here among the two dozen or so frequent posters that dominate the discussion, as is the idea that government - even though law and statute empower it to do so - can not legitimately employ surplus labor in times of crisis. Nor it seems can it even legitimately provide relief to the poor and unemployed for fear of encouraging
Even food aid is considered a "threat to the soul", it seems, given the recent cuts to SNAP. But where no combination of private and church effort could possibly address the numbers involved, what precisely are we as the
to do about it, photon?
Yes, we can pray that our butts are miracled out of the problem. We can say it's god's will and judgement that the evil and prodigal get washed away in the flood for their idolatry. And we can take solace that we are among his elect. But I would think that both the clean and unclean have an interest in the ark surviving.
Except that in our present crisis, potential solutions are ignored because of a heady mixture of right wing political and social ideology, Calvinist and Dominionist theology, and discredited neocon economic theories whipped up on the back of napkins. This bounded way of thinking is precisely the way we got to where we are. What you fail to account for is that this point of view is very much part of the problem.
You seem to have some grasp of the big picture when you say
But what you can't seem to grasp is that these powerful individuals you identify are the very men promulgating the neocon, right wing claptrap that brought us here in the first place. And surely they do have the idolization and rapt attention of a group of people who consider themselves entitled indeed; entitled, that is, to dictate their religious and political theologies to the nation. The right wing has advanced the most retrograde social and economic policies and helped turn back the clock on 50 years of advances. And for what, to bring us back to some mythical golden age before society removed god from public life. How's that project going? The tragic part is that they got played by the neocons, who used them in their grab for authority and now the whole of the world is the worst for it.
If there is indeed "a quarter of the US population [who] are children in adult bodies" look to the acolytes of right wing ideologies and messianic religious cults. Like children, they demand that the nation make their faith based community into reality no matter the damage to the polity, civil society and our economy.
Originally posted by photon555
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Originally posted by photon555
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Originally posted by photon555
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Originally posted by photon555
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Yes, we can pray that our butts are miracled out of the problem. We can say it's god's will and judgement that the evil and prodigal get washed away in the flood for their idolatry. And we can take solace that we are among his elect. But I would think that both the clean and unclean have an interest in the ark surviving.
Except that in our present crisis, potential solutions are ignored because of a heady mixture of right wing political and social ideology, Calvinist and Dominionist theology, and discredited neocon economic theories whipped up on the back of napkins. This bounded way of thinking is precisely the way we got to where we are. What you fail to account for is that this point of view is very much part of the problem.
You seem to have some grasp of the big picture when you say
Originally posted by photon555
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If there is indeed "a quarter of the US population [who] are children in adult bodies" look to the acolytes of right wing ideologies and messianic religious cults. Like children, they demand that the nation make their faith based community into reality no matter the damage to the polity, civil society and our economy.