Re: (Un) Affordable Care Act - the Uncomfortable Truth
The founding fathers feared the recreation of the aristocratic class that they fled from in Europe and many states enacted Estate Taxes (which the Right has dismantled). All those who have "made" it did so in America with the help of PUBLICLY funded roads, railroads, education, court systems, military protection, patents, subsidies, and often times government funded R&D and the list goes on. I would like to see Bill Gates start Microsoft in Somalia from scratch. We aren't headed to becoming like a 3rd world country with a wealthy aristocratic class and the rest we have gotten there over the last 30 years of tax policy and government 'legal' corruption. The following Harvard study is quite illuminating. I didn't believe it was this bad!
And another article on why the Founding Fathers encourage Estate Taxes and feared the "productivity" of the Paris Hilton's of the world...
Originally posted by Mn_Mark
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And another article on why the Founding Fathers encourage Estate Taxes and feared the "productivity" of the Paris Hilton's of the world...