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Best of both Worlds: Close government but continue to pay everyone!

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  • Best of both Worlds: Close government but continue to pay everyone!

    Nobody ever goes without in our country - ain't it grand!
    Last edited by vinoveri; October 04, 2013, 02:25 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Best of both Worlds: Close government but continue to pay everyone!

    It wasn't this bad before Kennedy issued an executive order allowing collective bargaining for Federal employees.
    Even FDR was opposed to this - and rightly so.


    • #3
      Re: Best of both Worlds: Close government but continue to pay everyone!

      JFK was probably paying off favors incurred during a very close election. Chicago comes to mind. He did some good and some bad but there were several powerful interests he reneged on, and one or more of them probably had a hand in his early retirement. Today someone like JFK would be far too conservative to be elected.
      "I love a dog, he does nothing for political reasons." --Will Rogers


      • #4
        Re: Best of both Worlds: Close government but continue to pay everyone!

        Originally posted by photon555 View Post
        JFK was probably paying off favors incurred during a very close election. Chicago comes to mind. He did some good and some bad but there were several powerful interests he reneged on, and one or more of them probably had a hand in his early retirement. Today someone like JFK would be far too conservative to be elected.
        He did mostly good. His handling of the Soviets was appropriate, he was correct on Civil Rights and he cut income tax rates that were ridiculously high.
        And we can speculate as to whether he would have sunk us so deeply into the quagmire of Vietnam.

        This issue of Collective Bargaining for Federal employees is the only bad thing that readily comes to my mind.


        • #5
          Re: Best of both Worlds: Close government but continue to pay everyone!

          Originally posted by photon555 View Post
          Today someone like JFK would be far too conservative to be elected.
          Suggestions that Nixon would be a democrat and Kennedy a republican turn cognitive dissonance into harmony.


          • #6
            Re: Best of both Worlds: Close government but continue to pay everyone!

            wrong thread-duplicate post
            Last edited by vinoveri; October 08, 2013, 08:42 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Best of both Worlds: Close government but continue to pay everyone!

              The federal govt employee that works to maintain services and security should not be punished while the politicians act like children. This mess is going to cost way more than if the government just remained open. If you have a beef with federal workers getting paid to stay home than I would advise you to contact your elected representatives and tell them to get those employees back to work. The cost of government employee salaries is peanuts compared to the govt subsidies and handouts given to wall street and big business.

