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Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

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  • #31
    Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

    Originally posted by Penguin View Post
    Hey, there's two of us. :p

    It sounds crazy but I honestly don't know how you would even begin to reform health care in the US. I'm not sure it ~can~ be reformed with the fear that coverage loss inspires and the entrenched interests protecting the status quo. It is set up for political sleights of hand and fear mongering.

    I seriously think the only way it may be made more equitable is to simply nationalize it and treat it like a utility. Sad, but it may be true.

    Three of us.

    The biggest mistake the Repubs did with Obamacare was to oppose it but not go all out to fix the iniquities in the system themselves. Because the current system is untenable.

    Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


    • #32
      Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

      Originally posted by Penguin View Post
      Hey, there's two of us. :p
      ..seriously think the only way it may be made more equitable is to simply nationalize it and treat it like a utility. Sad, but it may be true.
      Originally posted by shiny! View Post
      Three of us.

      but short of nationalizing it, in an interim step toward the inevitability of 'single payer' (since we get closer to it every day, with insurers charging 'co-pays' that end up being double the price of a stand-alone service vendor's charges - in states that dont cause the public sector's 'dependants' - the unions/welfare class - to swamp the system and then give big discounts to these groups and make up for it by slamming the individual market) - methinks the real answer is my oft stated concept of having, essentially, a 6th branch of the .mil services that would be called the 'US medical corps' - that would function as the provider of last resort and would train/staff facilities that would OFFER COMPETITION to the private sector med insurance/service providers

      that alone would bring about much needed 'transparancy' and cause a dramatic reduction (leveling) in prices for services that would likely constitute the bulk of demand for everyday occurences like accidental injury, sickness, non-chronic ailments etc.

      'free' walkin clinics available to anyone who needed em (read: the uninsured, or those that cant afford to pay quadruple because they arent part of a 'protected class')


      • #33
        Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

        Originally posted by LorenS View Post
        Diane Degette was complaining about "price gouging" for gasoline the same year my property taxes went up 40%. Gas prices dropped soon thereafter due to market forces, my property taxes did not. Who was gouging?....
        I don't see why Mr Bennett should be considered less worthy of consideration than folks like Degette.
        well, 'one persons gouging is anothers 'critical' funding requirement' - and not sure where 'Colofornia's' (eye love it !!) 1st district is, but would have to guess its the boulder area?

        wonder/suspect she's also part of the 'sustainable' crowd - that goes launching up i-70 westbound out of DEN at 75-80mph on the weekends (in their volvo/beemer SUV's) to a 5000sqft 'weekend cottage' in some shanty town - and then bitches about nuke power being 'unsafe/dangerous' - but is quite comfy and confidently 'safe' because she buckles her seatbelt (while driving 60-70 on a 2lane road)


        • #34
          Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

          ok, ok - so we see that some of the prev positions of the writer in question here are somewhat debatable, far as hypocrits go - but still - we havent had ANY comments/discussion about WHY is his observation that the party in power's blatant hypocrisy, when its THEIR money on the line, now want an exemption - after they unanimously and quite UN-democratically rammed thru both houses something they themselves now (after reading it) object to, after they discover merely (another) ONE un-intended consequence - is it may even start costing them votes - never mind the idea that they'll exercise their majority status to further penalize the minority if they should even vote un-successfully to force them, the political class - to suffer the same fate as they have foisted upon The Rest Of US.

          and bringing up MLK here - with all due respect to both him/woody - is merely a distraction.

          and - further - why i object to use of the word 'democratic' in ref to the political party.


          • #35
            Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

            Democrats have played the same game they say Republicans are doing now. With all the special exemptions, partial delays, and other special favors to political allies, the entire implementation of the health care bill needs to be delayed until after the 2014 elections.

            The public also needs to demand the President and Congress be locked up at the Capitol in Washington to hammer out a compromise. No vacations, no pay, nothing for them until they can do the people's business. What's happening now is political theatre for publicity.



            They all need to be tossed out and replaced with independents that are willing to work to solve the problems of the nation.


            • #36
              Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

              Originally posted by vt View Post
              Democrats have played the same game they say Republicans are doing now. ...

              The public also needs to demand the President and Congress be locked up at the Capitol in Washington to hammer out a compromise. No vacations, no pay, nothing for them until they can do the people's business. What's happening now is political theatre for publicity.

              and the very 1st place to start is; immediate and UNANIMOUS REPEAL OF THEIR EXEMPTION TO OBAMACARE.

              WE, THE PEOPLE, should demand a ROLL CALL VOTE, immediately, on this issue - before they do another GD thing

              i would go astep further and demand that ALL HANDS BE ON DECK AND NO VOTING 'present' either.

              any of em who fail to show, or vote anything other than IMMEDIATE REPEAL, should be RECALLED/IMPEACHED


              • #37
                Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                If your party passes a bill the people demand that Congress live with THE BILL THAT WAS PASSED. No going back and creating EXEMPTIONS FOR YOUR ALLIES. Those that want us to "pass a bill so they will know what is in it" will have to live by WHAT IS PASSED.

                And any bill passed that applies to all the people needs to be EQUALLY APPLIED TO CONGRESS.

                Also this crap about congressional pensions after a few years as a Senator or Congressman need to be changed to no ability to collect until the full age of social security eligibility. None of this leaving and getting $75K or $100K for life at the age of 50. Also term limits are needed to get rid of fossils who can't govern.

