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obama care makes its first home visit

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  • obama care makes its first home visit

    I work for a large fortune 500 company that employs low wage workers. I got the first bombshell sent to me in the mail that things are a changing. An employee handbook and a letter from the dept of labor.

    My company used to provide a maximum benefit policy to low wage workers. That has now been outlawed. The plan will no longer exist and these workers will be forced onto the exchanges.
    I don't know how much that plan cost the worker, or what the benefits level was. If anyone is interested I can do some research on that.

    For higher wage employees and salaried employers the no deductible ppo plan is gone.
    I don't have any information regarding benefit or premium levels. I'm not looking forward to
    enrollment this year.

  • #2
    Re: obama care makes its first home visit

    They Hate Us For Our FEEdoms


    • #3
      Re: obama care makes its first home visit

      not sure how this fits in with Obama-Care - from Zero Hedge . . .

      110,000 current and soon to be eligible retirees working for IBM woke up to an unpleasant surprise this morning, when the WSJ reported that as a result of soaring healthcare costs, the tech bellwether giant will be terminating its company-sponsored health plan and instead giving (soon to be former) beneficiaries a lump sum payment to buy coverage on a health-exchange: a move which the WSJ characterized as indicating that employers are unlikely to keep providing the once-common benefits as medical costs continue to rise. The reason why all IBM retirees will have to find alternative, third-party, retirement coverage upon hitting the Medicare eligible age of 65 is that "IBM said the growing cost of care makes its current plan unsustainable without big premium increases." And to avoid those premium increases, the costs will find a clearing price either in a private exchange (supposedly competitive, realistically monopolistic), or will end up commingled with other public healthcare funding. End result: IBM benefits, everyone else loses.

