But it is of course costing an arm and a leg.
There were concerns about lack of power this summer, and it has been much hotter than the same time last year, but electricity use still at 91 to 93% of capacity for a few hours in the afternoons, and it will start to cool off from tomorrow.
Now having HUGE thunderstorm from around 5:00 pm directly over downtown Tokyo! Great! Temperature has dropped 15F, 7C, in just an hour.
TEPCO capacity utilization down to 85%. Assuming this storm doesnt do any damage, it is worth a fortune in reduced temperature.
The reactivated coal fired plants seem to be burning 11 million tons of coal per year, which is about 1% of what the US burns to generate electricity if these figure are right.
There were concerns about lack of power this summer, and it has been much hotter than the same time last year, but electricity use still at 91 to 93% of capacity for a few hours in the afternoons, and it will start to cool off from tomorrow.
Now having HUGE thunderstorm from around 5:00 pm directly over downtown Tokyo! Great! Temperature has dropped 15F, 7C, in just an hour.
TEPCO capacity utilization down to 85%. Assuming this storm doesnt do any damage, it is worth a fortune in reduced temperature.
The reactivated coal fired plants seem to be burning 11 million tons of coal per year, which is about 1% of what the US burns to generate electricity if these figure are right.