Re: iTulip consensus on 3D Printing?
Using a 3D printer one can print an object in "stainless steel." This fact might lead the techno-enthusiast to think one might some day be able to print a real firearm versus the 3D plastic zip gun that blows up in your hands that has gotten so much press. But printing in 3D is not forging nor lathing. The 3D printer glues grains of metal together; the finished output of the printer is only as strong as the glue used to hold the grains together whether they are made of metal or plastic. In ten minutes in the plumbing, lighting, and tools departments of Home Depot one can collect the parts for a reliable and lethal zip gun that can never be made on a 3D printer. Not in 10 years or 100. But the project will not capture the popular imagination.
When you think of a 3D printer ask, What can I make out of sand and glue? Prototype parts and rough ones at that, but this can be quite powerful if the machine being designed in conceptually complex.
Originally posted by WildspitzE
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When you think of a 3D printer ask, What can I make out of sand and glue? Prototype parts and rough ones at that, but this can be quite powerful if the machine being designed in conceptually complex.