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Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

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  • Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

    The Insider’s Economic Dictionary – Part A

    July 18, 2013
    By Michael Hudson

    The Antidote to Euphemism

    The fallacies that lurk in words are the quicksands of theory; and as the conduct of nations is built on theory, the correction of word-fallacies is the never-ending labor of Science. … the party in this country, one of whose great aims was, at one time, the perpetuation of slavery, owed much of its popular vote to the name Democracy.
    – S. Dana Horton, Silver and Gold (1895)

    Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes . . . It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. The point is that the process is reversible. . . . If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration.
    – George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language” (1946)

    You can fool some of the people all of the time. Those are the ones you should concentrate on.
    – George W. Bush, talking about The People.

    Unlike psychological terminology, which consists mainly of terms of invective (try to think of a desirable personality complex), today’s economic vocabulary is euphemistic. One rarely hears the terms rentier or usury that played so central a role in the debates of past centuries.

    Classical economists defined rent as unearned income, a property claim that did not reflect a corresponding expenditure of labor, which was the sole source of value. But as our postindustrial society has evolved into a “service economy,” the national income and product accounts count interest and rent as a product – an output of services. Landlords thus are depicted as providing a useful service, not merely charging access fees for sites created by nature and given value by the community’s overall prosperity. The classical value judgment that deemed some business activities unproductive – or even “sterile,” as France’s Physiocrats put it – has been rejected by today’s value-free economics.

    As advertisers well know, naming a product shapes how it is perceived. And as Voltaire noted in Candide, optimism “is the mania of insisting that all is well when one is in a terrible state.” Nowhere is this more a political act than in the realm of selling economic policy. What Orwell wrote about the ideological coloration of language in his day applies especially to the vocabulary with which economics students are indoctrinated and formal reports written. Instead of reflecting reality, their jargon often dulls the mind’s critical faculties by diverting attention away from the actual dynamics at work. Depicting debt as wealth, today’s doublethink calls higher access prices for homebuyers “wealth creation.” The economy’s lapse into a rent-and-usury system is welcomed as progress into a post-industrial service society.

    Just as history is written by the victors, so politicians, journalists and academic ideologues coin the economic vocabulary with an eye to molding popular opinion on behalf of their constituencies. Thirteenth-century Churchmen replaced the unpleasant word “usury” by “interest,” a term bearing less negative connotations. More recently, predatory policies have been called “reforms” and regressive tax policies called progressive even when their objective is to reverse centuries of true reform.

    Denis Diderot (1713-1784), a member of the French Enlightenment, organized the writing of the Encyclopédie as a revolutionary project. It contained a map of human knowledge and included an entry defining the Enlightenment’s political program: “The good of the people must be the great purpose of government. By the laws of nature and of reason, the governors are invested with power to that end. And the greatest good of the people is liberty. It is to the state what health is to the individual.”

    But what is “liberty”? America’s Liberty Bell is inscribed with a verse from Leviticus 25: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, and to the inhabitants thereof.” The biblical Hebrew term was d’r’r (deror), cognate to Babylonian andurarum used by rulers to annul the population’s personal and agrarian debts, liberate bond-servants and restore self-support lands to citizens who had forfeited them to foreclosing creditors or sold them under distress conditions. These royal Babylonian proclamations evolved into the Jubilee Year that Judaism placed at the center of its religion in an epoch when rulers had come to protect rather than check the power of creditors and absentee landlords.

    Liberty in today’s world has come to connote freedom for predators to exploit the economy at large, in contrast to the Enlightenment’s idea of freedom from the rentiers. A free market is said to be one in which government regulation is dismantled, “free” of public protection of consumers. Such protection has been re-christened “interference” and characterized as the Road to Serfdom. Diderot’s “greatest good of the people” has come to be defined as wealth and output that accrues mainly to the rentiers whom France’s Physiocrats and fellow reformers set out to tax. Today, the taxation of landed property and finance is deemed an encroachment on the liberty of wealth.

    The Enlightenment and classical political economy advocated freedom from taxation by debt-burdened governments, and sought to protect populations from having to pay prices that included a non-labor rent element. The vested interests railed against public regulation along these lines, and against public ownership of natural monopolies and banking systems.

    Confucius wrote that social disorder begins with the failure to call things by their appropriate names. The first step to reform a world that had become malstructured hence was “rectification of the names.” To Confucius, this meant restoring the original meaning of words and concepts. Today, a similar restoration hardly could do better than reviving the vocabulary of classical political economy, because our economic terminology is in obvious need of such renovation. Its vocabulary has diverged from reality in proportion to the extent to which the phenomena being described affect special interests. The term “free trade,” for instance, was countered by “protectionism” and more recently by “fair trade.” The upshot is that a different language exists between critics and defenders of wealth, imperialism and finance.

    Realizing that naming a phenomenon tends to define it in the public mind, rhetoricians and demagogues seek to co-opt the vocabulary on behalf of their constituencies. The result is that economic terminology consists largely of the residuum of euphemisms generated during the course of economic debates of which most of today’s students are only taught one side. The vocabulary of rentiers depicts them as productive and useful rather than dispensable, and their income – in fact, all income indiscriminately – as reflecting, by definition, the value of the property and credit services they provide. By contrast, John Stuart Mill defined economic rent as the “unearned income” that property owners are able to make “in their sleep.” Depicting this revenue as “service income” implies that it reflects real output which society needs rather than being an economically unnecessary cost.

    As Ivan Illich wryly observed, “School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is.” H. G. Wells voiced much a similar idea in quipping that “Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.” Universities have followed “free-market” economists in taking refuge in a mathematical mode of expression, aping the natural sciences’ use of higher calculus as a means to conceal the over-simplifications of their assumptions. One might say that the more complex the math, the more simplistic and banal the relationships being drawn tend to be. The aim is to imbue mathematical symbolism with the sanctifying role that Orwell observed was once afforded by Latin. The economic curriculum effectively has been turned into an advertisement for the rentier claims – the economic overhead of rent and interest payments – almost as a “law of nature” as Diderot and his contemporaries had put it. The law of nature thus turns out to be as prone to economic self-interest as are the laws of modern courts and similar forums.

    If your aim is to exploit the working class, it is smart public relations to call your program “labor capitalism” as General Pinochet did in Chile, or “popular capitalism” as Margaret Thatcher did in Britain to describe their policies of breaking labor unions, withholding wages and turning them over to the financial grupos (in Chile) or money managers (in Britain) to use for financial speculation rather than new investment. The euphemistic terminology used to popularize these policies helped buy time by confusing and co-opting some of the injured parties.

    The economic vocabulary shapes the semantics of how reality is perceived, and conversely, as Orwell noted, “the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes.” “Protecting savings” and “making savers whole” have become euphemisms for downsizing the economy and sacrificing new direct investment in order to preserve the fortunes of rentiers. While psychologists speak of well-adjusted individuals, economists may ask whether the economy’s debts should be adjusted to the ability to pay, or whether growth and living standards should be “adjusted” (that is, sacrificed) to preserve the value of creditor claims. One may ask similar questions regarding the terms “democracy,” “value,” and “efficiency,” and reality itself.

    Ultimately at issue is whether what economic jargon calls the “real” economy of production and consumption more real than the claims of finance and property. How a society defines economic terms and relationships will determine who controls it. Terminology serves to “frame” the way in which people perceive economic relationships. What is unsaid or intellectually bypassed therefore is often as important as what is said. Economic theories that focus only on the exchange of goods and services already produced, without discussing the distribution and control over wealth and its income independently of production, will be diverted from examining what really is most important in determining the economic present and future.

    Adam Smith (1723-90): Campaigner against public debts and the wars that gave birth to the taxes to carry their interest charges. In a typical if bitter irony of history, Smith’s opposition to war taxes has led neoliberal economists to appropriate him as the patron saint of free markets. Yet he accused landlords of reaping where they had not sown, and business men of forming predatory schemes wherever they were able. The moral is that if one is to select a patron saint, it is wise to co-opt a well-known icon so as to forestall opponents from citing his authority. (He criticized Dutch finance and applied the term Invisible Hand to the workings of laissez faire.)

    Addictive demand: Neoclassical price theory is based on the assumption of diminishing marginal utility: The more food, clothes or other consumption goods one has, the less pleasure each additional unit gives. But as the ancients knew, this principle is not true of wealth, especially of money. The more property one has, the more one wants. Wealth is addictive, sucking its possessors into a compulsive drive to accumulate. (See Hubris.)

    Agio: Medieval Europe banned usury, but legalistic-minded Churchmen rationalized the practice of charging it in the form of a foreign-exchange fee. Money was borrowed in one country or currency, to be paid back in another at an exchange-rate which incorporated the usury charge in the guise of a money-changing fee (agio). The most egregious example was the “dry” exchange in which no goods actually were imported or exported. This agio loophole helped channel European banking along the lines of short-term trade financing and discounting bills of exchange.

    Asset-price inflation: A policy in which the banking system recycles savings and extends new credit to finance the purchase of real estate, stocks and bonds so as to create windfall gains (euphemized as capital gains). The financial boom that resulted from steering pension-plan reserves into the stock market has inspired proposals to privatize Social Security’s wage withholding in a similar way (see Forced Saving, Labor Capitalism and Pension-Fund Capitalism). Meanwhile, property prices are inflated by steering mortgage credit into real estate, lowering interest rates so that higher mortgage debts can be carried, and loosening the terms of mortgage lending, reducing the down payments needed yet minimizing the repayment of principle by stretching out the loan maturity. Fiscal policy contributes to this phenomenon by shifting taxes off of finance and property onto labor (see Tax Shift).

    Higher asset prices often are welcomed as increasing net worth (and hence the balance sheet of wealth), as long as the rise in market prices outpaces the growth of debt. But rising property prices increase living costs by panicking home buyers to buy now in order to avoid seeing the rise in property prices outstrip wage gains.

    Asset-price inflation goes hand in hand with debt deflation and aggravates polarization as higher prices for homes oblige families to go further into debt. This diverts more income to the financial sector to channel into real estate, as well as into the stock and bond markets.

    An inner contradiction of this process occurs as higher price/earnings ratios reduce the income yields on financial securities, while higher price/rent ratios for real estate reduces the ability of rental income to carry the interest and related financial charges. This leads to pressure to reduce property taxes in order to alleviate the financial squeeze.

    Asset stripping:
    Corporate raiders take over companies, cut back research and development spending and other lines of business that do not produce short-term returns, and downsize their labor force in order to make the remaining employees work harder to pick up the slack. This practice is euphemized as wealth creation when its effect is to improve reported earnings. This raises stock prices over the short term, but undercuts long-term growth in production and competitiveness. (See Free Market.)

    International asset stripping occurs as the IMF and World Bank oblige governments to sell off the “crown jewels” of the public domain – mineral rights, public land and buildings, and enterprises long held in the public sector as natural monopolies – as a precondition for obtaining the credit needed to service their foreign debts and avoid currency destabilization. (See Conditionalities, Privatization and Washington Consensus.)

    Upcoming – ‘B’ is for Bailout

  • #2
    Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

    It's interesting that Hudson comments on the abuse of language, when he, himself, is guilty of the very same crime . . . .

    Take his sentence: "Classical economists defined rent as unearned income, a property claim that did not reflect a corresponding expenditure of labor, which was the sole source of value."

    Let's say I work for many years and save money earned through my labor. Then I buy a property that I subsequently rent out. That rent income is defined by "classical economists" as "unearned income".
    But the fact is that my labor of many years enabled me to buy the property and earn that income.
    The tenant is paying rent -- his labor-- in exchange for some of my labor that was required to buy the property.

    Another complaint from Hudson again bends reality: "Landlords thus are depicted as providing a useful service, not merely charging access fees for sites created by nature and given value by the community’s overall prosperity."

    In actual fact, we all benefit from the practice of owning property "created by nature". We have the opportunity to buy and enjoy a home, free from interference or confiscation by others. We use our accumulated labor (savings) and purchase the property, and henceforth are able to live in it, or bargain on the free market to let someone else live in or use it.

    However, no system is perfect, and excessive wealth disparity can and does occur leading to many problems and abuses. So I am not saying that property should accumulate to the extent that a majority of the population lives in poverty, while a wealthy upper class rule over them as landlord despots. But I am saying that rent is not "unearned income", and there is nothing wrong with renting, private property, and a free market. Hudson, himself, is guilty of Orwell's accusation of "the ideological coloration of language".
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    • #3
      Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

      The problem with your comment is the assumption that just because a property is bought with hard earned money - that all rent that derives from said property is forever 'earned'.

      The fallacy of this belief can be easily seen in the Proposition 13 rentals in San Francisco: houses which were bought for $30,000 in the 1970s which now bring in rent of $5000 per month, and have property taxes which are under $2500 per year.

      Is this income earned?


      • #4
        Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

        Try Living in CT. My house taxes now exceed my mortgage @ $7000 a year vs a relative in Virginia whose house would sell for 3-4X as much is paying the same tax amount.

        Effectively I am just paying rent to the state - try not paying and see who really owns the property.

        Somebody who bought their house in the 70's is likely retired and on a reduced fixed income- In CT the old people are getting massacred between no return on fixed income and rising taxes.

        A local real estate attorney told me that most of the foreclosures coming through now are due to taxes increasing 3-$500 a month wiping out the living cash flow margins these people had when they bought the house in 2005-2008.

        And to add insult to injury the state is having discussions about introducing a statewide property tax on top of the local real estate taxes.

        I will not get into all the other tax they have piled on in recent years as I do not feel like typing all afternoon but I can tell you where all the inflation is and it is in the cost of living residual left over from tax expenses and the bottom line in the final inflation analysis is what's left in my bank account today vs just 5 years ago...It ain't what it used to be that for sure.
        Last edited by tastymannatees; July 20, 2013, 04:48 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

          Originally posted by raja View Post
          It's interesting that Hudson comments on the abuse of language, when he, himself, is guilty of the very same crime . . . .
          I agree. Hudson’s enthymematic argument is flawed in the inception, as he utilizes the same tactics that he argues against.

          A worker exchanges labor for value and elects to accumulate that value over time (savings) instead of enjoying the instant gratification of spending it currently. In time, the accumulated value of saved labor grows (by not spending it) to sufficient size as to enable one to exchange it for an income-producing asset (priced at the net present value of the expected future income it will produce). A purchase of an income-producing asset is then made in exchange for the accumulated and stored value of one’s labor. The worker has simply made a choice to forgo instant gratification and instead, to wisely set aside part of his/her wages to purchase an annuity for the future. The annuity will (hopefully…not guaranteed = risk of loss) return the heretofore unrealized value of the worker’s wages to back to him/her in the future, instead of consuming it in the current moment. It is simply a timing difference; a choice made by the worker as to when and how to realize the value of one’s labor (labor that is undisputedly “earned”).

          The accusation that realizing the value of one’s labor in the future (instead of instantly consuming it) somehow renders it “unearned” is nonsense.

          It is also fallacious to assume that owning and managing rental property is a passive activity and requires no further expenditure of new labor. Anyone who has owned and managed rental real estate knows that maintaining property for the occupancy of others involves a lot of additional labor over and above the saved-up labor necessary to purchase the property in the first place. Replacement or repair of roofs, water heaters, furnaces, appliances, carpets, window coverings, electrical, plumbing, fences, swimming pools, etc., etc., all require further use of additional capital and additional labor. Then there is the constant risk of vacancy during economic downturns; where the taxes, insurance, and debt service relentlessly continue while the rental income is zero. Worse, are the legal fees and costs incurred when the tenant stops paying rent (illegally) and often destroys your property (illegally) while it can take up to a year or longer to litigate an unlawful detainer action to have them (legally) removed (and then even more labor is expended to clean up the mess and repair the damage left behind by the tenant).

          Tortured arguments about such things as Proposition 13, etc. as voted into existence from time to time through a political/democratic process that lowers taxes in one locality or increases taxes (which is more often the case) in other localities is a red herring. It is simply not germane to the question of whether income or loss from actively managed real estate is an “unearned” luxury reserved for the elite, rentier class with “no corresponding expenditure of labor” (as erroneously argued by Hudson).

          If your employer gets a tax subsidy to install solar panels on residential homes, does that mean your wages from that activity are now “unearned”? Of course not.


          • #6
            Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

            Originally posted by think365 View Post

            It is also fallacious to assume that owning and managing rental property is a passive activity and requires no further expenditure of new labor....

            If your employer gets a tax subsidy to install solar panels on residential homes, does that mean your wages from that activity are now “unearned”? Of course not.
            To the best of my knowledge, Hudson has never decried earning rent through improvement of the property or efficient management of a property. Specific to real estate, he calls for taxing away unearned gains in land (not the improvement on top of the land) that most often come about from government expenditures in nearby infrastructure. The grossest examples of this are people who buy plots of land, do nothing to improve the land, and wait for the local government to build roads, schools, public transportation, and other such amenities near the land. Once those infrastructure improvements are completed, the price of the land typically increases--sometimes tremendously--more than the rate of inflation.

            It is this piggybacking approach to land speculation/"investment" that Hudson is calling to be eliminated through taxation.

            Your comment about installing solar panels to improve the improvement on the land is something that Hudson has explicitly stated as something that should not be taxed away. The extra money you earn is due to something done by you to improve the efficiency or attractiveness of the land.


            • #7
              Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

              Originally posted by think365
              It is also fallacious to assume that owning and managing rental property is a passive activity and requires no further expenditure of new labor.
              The activities associated with a specific rental property are an active activity - but that activity involves the building and its contents.

              How much of the rent, as well as the overall value, is purely the land? The more assets are inflated, the more it is the underlying land which holds the value.

              In my previous example - the SF buildings in question are the identical buildings from the 1970s. To charge rent associated with maintaining said buildings, no one including Dr. Hudson would disagree.

              However, the vast majority of the property value, hence the rent charged, is not due to these 50 or 100 year old buildings. It is due to the underlying land having greatly increased in value.

              Other specific analogies Dr. Hudson has used include: property value increases due to the building of railroad hubs, bridges, and similar public infrastructure improvements. These all contribute to the value of surrounding property as they confer additional benefits to people living nearby - can you say that these people 'earned' this improvement?

              Equally Dr. Hudson has noted that it is perfectly reasonable to charge rents for improvements like buildings, but property taxes should be aimed at neutralizing the unearned rent gained by the underlying land price increase. Whether the property tax on this underlying land increase is due to inflation or addition/improvement of infrastructure is irrelevant.

              Unfortunately, most people think they personally can gain from the 'free rent' rather than how it ultimately hurts them, their extended families, and the society they live in. Much like why so few people decry the abuses of CEOs, because secretly they desire to be them.

              The problem is, the little landlords' privileges enshrine the big landlords' abuses.


              • #8
                Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

                Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                The problem with your comment is the assumption that just because a property is bought with hard earned money - that all rent that derives from said property is forever 'earned'.

                The fallacy of this belief can be easily seen in the Proposition 13 rentals in San Francisco: houses which were bought for $30,000 in the 1970s which now bring in rent of $5000 per month, and have property taxes which are under $2500 per year.

                Is this income earned?
                I believe I understand your point: Once you buy land, you can collect rent from it forever. That could result in unfair accumulation of wealth over time.

                However, land does not produce wealth if it is not "worked" in some fashion -- buildings built and maintained, crops planted, wood harvested -- so there is always an "earning" aspect to it. Even renting farmland out to others still requires paying taxes and some management (something that is readily obvious to anyone who becomes a landlord).

                If owning land was such a free lunch, why are so many on iTulip buying gold, and those suggesting real estate are in the minority. With the property "free lunch" you would think that EJ's investment focus would be on real estate rather than gold, but I moved to the cheaper seats a few years ago, so I have no idea what he's recommending now.

                If you think owning land is "unfair" because income is earned forever, what is your solution?
                Should we restrict land ownership to 50 years, after which it must be sold?
                Should we raise income taxes on rent collection?
                Should we prevent homeowners from turning over their property to their children after death?

                This brings up another interesting question: Should anyone derive benefit forever for an asset?

                If I bought a share of Coca Cola in 1919, should I turn in my stock now, rather than continue to earn income from it . . . .

                People are now free to buy and sell assets whenever and however they choose, and I am not in favor of having this controlled by the government (except in the case of monopolies). However, I do believe in controlling excess wealth disparity, and I would do this through some kind of progressive taxation.
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                • #9
                  Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

                  What does Hudson want? Higher property taxes? Who will this help and how?


                  • #10
                    Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

                    Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                    What does Hudson want? Higher property taxes? Who will this help and how?
                    yes, he wants higher property taxes. his thesis is that low property taxes just frees up more cash flow for debt service, inflating asset prices and stoking the FIRE economy at the expense of public services. higher property taxes means lower asset prices but more and better infrastructure- the antithesis of the u.s. with its enormous private debts and crumbling roads, tumbling bridges, poor quality electrical grid, and paucity of public transport.
                    Last edited by jk; July 21, 2013, 02:24 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

                      Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                      What does Hudson want? Higher property taxes? Who will this help and how?
                      In a way, yes, Hudson wants a windfall profits tax on the increase in the price of land that is driven by government improvements. The tax would be what many FIRE players call punitive or confiscatory. While I have not seen any examples from Hudson on how such unearned gains would be taxed, I do believe I understand his point well enough to offer an example that he would not find too much disagreement with.

                      Imagine that you buy a plot of land for commercial use for $100,000. You then spend $300,000 and construct a building on top of that land. Firstly, Hudson advocates that for property tax purposes, taxes should be a percentage of the $100,000 land value; it should not be inclusive of the improvements (the building.) This type of taxation policy encourages that the improvements on the land be kept in very good condition or even upgraded to ensure that the improvement will generate enough income to pay the property taxes, mortgage, and still leave a profit for the owner. This taxation policy is specifically designed to prevent slumlording, examples of which can be seen where there are dilapidated apartments in areas where real estate is quite expensive.

                      Now imagine that you sell the building for $500,000. Your profit is $100,000 which is taxed at the prevailing tax rates. So far, so good and I don't think anyone would object to the scenario so far. However, imagine that the local government builds out its subway to where your building is and puts a subway stop within easy walking distance and does this before you sell the property. It is very likely that the selling price of the building would more than the $500,000 you would have gotten without the subway services. Let's say the new selling price is $750,000. It is that unearned $250,000 that Hudson wants taxed away as he believes that it should not go to the owner of the building (you) since that additional value was created by public infrastructure.

                      So in Hudson's mind, the land is now worth $350,000 and the improvement is worth $400,000. You would be taxed 100% on the $250,000 profit on the land and whatever the prevailing capital gains tax is on the $100,000 profit on the improvement. Of course, a more realistic tax code would increase the costs basis of the land by an inflation adjuster but the general idea of how unearned gains are taxed away should be clear.

                      Purportedly, this will help the local government since it will reap the benefit of its investment in infrastructure. It can use the windfall profits to pay off the bonds used to fund construction of the infrastructure and pay salaries to government workers to maintain the infrastructure (government workers' salaries should be driven by the taxes on the increased land value.) Businesses also benefit since the infrastructure necessary to lower the cost of doing business gets built due to it being funded and it may be possible to pay lower salaries since workers won't be burdened paying new taxes to replace taxes that get skimmed by rentiers.

                      I tend to agree with Hudson's view on taxing away the unearned profits from real estate but I do wonder if it would work in real life. Giving the windfall profits to the government only works if the government is honest and competent. All too often, governments see a flood of money and start a policy of eternal Christmas for government workers or embark on a program of malinvestment; e.g., extending the subway to places where no one will go all in the hopes of getting another tax windfall. Perhaps this is where EJ's idea of public-private partnerships can come in to provide some discipline on cost control.


                      • #12
                        Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

                        Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                        What does Hudson want? Higher property taxes? Who will this help and how?
                        yes -- it could help everyone except FIRE. Think of it this way: a good portion of the interest you pay on your mortgage should be considered a tax you pay to FIRE. FIRE inflates the price of the asset then risklessly lends you the money to buy it (the loans are backed by the government), then collects a ton of interest. What if, instead, asset prices were lower and instead of paying so much to banks who use teams of lawyers to avoid taxation and use your deposits and your liabilities to speculate in a leveraged and highly dangerous way--what if that money went to taxes which could improve your kids' schools, your city's libraries, and transportation infrastructure?

                        Yes, government is wasteful and inefficient and corrupt; I'd still chose to send more money to an elected government instead of FIRE oligarchs.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

                          Originally posted by Milton Kuo View Post
                          In a way, yes, Hudson wants a windfall profits tax on the increase in the price of land that is driven by government improvements. The tax would be what many FIRE players call punitive or confiscatory. While I have not seen any examples from Hudson on how such unearned gains would be taxed, I do believe I understand his point well enough to offer an example that he would not find too much disagreement with.

                          Imagine that you buy a plot of land for commercial use for $100,000. You then spend $300,000 and construct a building on top of that land. Firstly, Hudson advocates that for property tax purposes, taxes should be a percentage of the $100,000 land value; it should not be inclusive of the improvements (the building.) This type of taxation policy encourages that the improvements on the land be kept in very good condition or even upgraded to ensure that the improvement will generate enough income to pay the property taxes, mortgage, and still leave a profit for the owner. This taxation policy is specifically designed to prevent slumlording, examples of which can be seen where there are dilapidated apartments in areas where real estate is quite expensive.

                          Now imagine that you sell the building for $500,000. Your profit is $100,000 which is taxed at the prevailing tax rates. So far, so good and I don't think anyone would object to the scenario so far. However, imagine that the local government builds out its subway to where your building is and puts a subway stop within easy walking distance and does this before you sell the property. It is very likely that the selling price of the building would more than the $500,000 you would have gotten without the subway services. Let's say the new selling price is $750,000. It is that unearned $250,000 that Hudson wants taxed away as he believes that it should not go to the owner of the building (you) since that additional value was created by public infrastructure.

                          So in Hudson's mind, the land is now worth $350,000 and the improvement is worth $400,000. You would be taxed 100% on the $250,000 profit on the land and whatever the prevailing capital gains tax is on the $100,000 profit on the improvement. Of course, a more realistic tax code would increase the costs basis of the land by an inflation adjuster but the general idea of how unearned gains are taxed away should be clear.

                          Purportedly, this will help the local government since it will reap the benefit of its investment in infrastructure. It can use the windfall profits to pay off the bonds used to fund construction of the infrastructure and pay salaries to government workers to maintain the infrastructure (government workers' salaries should be driven by the taxes on the increased land value.) Businesses also benefit since the infrastructure necessary to lower the cost of doing business gets built due to it being funded and it may be possible to pay lower salaries since workers won't be burdened paying new taxes to replace taxes that get skimmed by rentiers.

                          I tend to agree with Hudson's view on taxing away the unearned profits from real estate but I do wonder if it would work in real life. Giving the windfall profits to the government only works if the government is honest and competent. All too often, governments see a flood of money and start a policy of eternal Christmas for government workers or embark on a program of malinvestment; e.g., extending the subway to places where no one will go all in the hopes of getting another tax windfall. Perhaps this is where EJ's idea of public-private partnerships can come in to provide some discipline on cost control.
                          And who determines whether my property has increased in value due to the improvements I've made or the building of infrastructure or some other factor? If I buy property and don't make any improvements and the value goes up, is this taxed at 100% even if no infrastructure was built? If so I suppose there would be no such thing as a "bargain" because any difference in price between buying and selling would just be taxed completely. Let me guess though: If the roads and subways near my property crumble and collapse and my property is worth much less...I don't get a refund.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

                            Originally posted by btattoo View Post
                            yes -- it could help everyone except FIRE. Think of it this way: a good portion of the interest you pay on your mortgage should be considered a tax you pay to FIRE. FIRE inflates the price of the asset then risklessly lends you the money to buy it (the loans are backed by the government), then collects a ton of interest. What if, instead, asset prices were lower and instead of paying so much to banks who use teams of lawyers to avoid taxation and use your deposits and your liabilities to speculate in a leveraged and highly dangerous way--what if that money went to taxes which could improve your kids' schools, your city's libraries, and transportation infrastructure?

                            Yes, government is wasteful and inefficient and corrupt; I'd still chose to send more money to an elected government instead of FIRE oligarchs.
                            So I'm a poor person renting a crappy apartment or house. Now my landlords property taxes double. How does this help me? Sounds like a good chance I'll be paying higher rent or the landlord will have even less money for maintenance.


                            • #15
                              Re: Hudson: Coming to Terms with FIRE

                              Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                              And who determines whether my property has increased in value due to the improvements I've made or the building of infrastructure or some other factor? If I buy property and don't make any improvements and the value goes up, is this taxed at 100% even if no infrastructure was built? If so I suppose there would be no such thing as a "bargain" because any difference in price between buying and selling would just be taxed completely. Let me guess though: If the roads and subways near my property crumble and collapse and my property is worth much less...I don't get a refund.
                              Property valuations are done by county appraisers (at least where I live) and it is these appraisals that counties use to determine what your tax bill is. The appraisals can be contested and they are based on the appraiser's knowledge of the local real estate and by comparable sales. This is clearly not a perfect system as the government has incentive to be dishonest with its appraisals.

                              If you buy property, make no improvements of your own, and sell for a profit despite there being no publicly-funded improvements, I personally would allow you to keep the profits less typical capital gains taxes. In all likelihood, the profit is a speculative profit where you sold to a greater fool. It makes no sense whatsoever for land to go up in price if nothing is done to improve the land.

                              Finally, yes, you would get no refund if the local taxes are not used to maintain the infrastructure. But this is somewhat moot. Even without a confiscatory tax on unearned profits, you would still lose money as the property (land and improvement) would sell for a lesser price if it is in an area where corruption is so bad.

                              Go to the truly wealthy parts of the US and you'll see: the public services are always quite good because the wealthy have ways of forcing the local governments to be honest. The situation you mention is likely a place where poverty and crime are high. There will be no capital gains to protect from taxes in such a scenario.

