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Frack You!

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  • Frack You!

    Energy production causes big US earthquakes
    Fluids injected into wells lubricate faults and increase slippage.

    Large tremors, like the magnitude 8.8 earthquake that struck Pelluhue, Chile, in 2011, can spawn quakes at US well-injection sites.
    Ivan Alvarado/Reuters

    Natural-gas extraction, geothermal-energy production and other activities that inject fluid underground have caused numerous earthquakes in the United States, scientists report today in a trio of papers in Science1–3.
    Most of these quakes have been small, but some have exceeded magnitude 5.0. They include a magnitude-5.6 event that hit Oklahoma on 6 November 2011, damaging 14 homes and injuring two people, says William Ellsworth, a seismologist at the US Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California, and the author of one of the papers1.
    He says that the annual number of earthquakes record at magnitude 3.0 or higher in the central and eastern United States has increased almost tenfold in the past decade — from an average of 21 per year between 1967 and 2000 to a maximum of 188 in 2011. A second study2, led by Nicholas van der Elst, a seismologist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, finds that at least half of the magnitude-4.5 or larger earthquakes that have struck the interior United States in the past decade have occurred near injection-well sites.

    Ellsworth suspects that increased activity at natural-gas wells has altered stresses in earthquake-susceptible areas by increasing the fluid pore pressure in underground rock, lubricating pre-existing faults so they are more likely to rupture.
    Previous research has linked hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, at such wells to nearby quakes. But Ellsworth says that the controversial technique — which uses high-pressure fluids to shatter rocks and release trapped natural gas — has never produced an earthquake larger than magnitude 3.6. He believes that it is not fracking itself, but the disposal of waste water from the process by reinjecting it into adjacent rock that has driven the increase in the number of bigger quakes.
    Ground truth

    Only a fraction of the more than 30,000 such disposal wells in the United States seems to be a problem. One way to work out which areas might be at risk, says van der Elst, is to watch what happens after large earthquakes — magnitude 8.0 and higher — around the world, such as those that have afflicted Japan, Chile and Sumatra in recent years.
    Such events send waves rippling along the entire surface of the planet. At most well sites, these have little effect, but in a few cases they produce swarms of small tremors that are followed, months later, by larger, locally generated earthquakes. Van der Elst says that this type of seismic swarm might serve as a warning that an injection-well zone is on the verge of overloading its nearby faults, potentially producing a damaging earthquake.
    It is not a foolproof method. Ivan Wong, a seismologist and vice-president of URS Corporation, a consulting firm in Oakland, California, says that van der Elst's study is groundbreaking. But in some cases, he notes, well activity has induced large earthquakes without any warning swarms. Stephen Horton, a seismologist at the University of Memphis, Tennessee, says that suggests that injection wells may spawn earthquakes in at least two different ways.
    In another study published today3, earthquake physicist Emily Brodsky of the University of California, Santa Cruz, looked at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, where water is injected into the southern end of California's San Andreas Fault, to be turned into steam by Earth's heat and used to drive electricity-generating turbines. Brodsky found that the rate at which water is lost during power generation is well correlated with earthquake incidence.
    Ultimately, such site-specific data will prove crucial in guiding decisions by well operators and regulators seeking to limit seismic risk, she says. "Without that, we’re stuck with vague generalities.”



    Original Article:

  • #2
    Re: Frack You!

    This is an old story. Nobody cares. Oil must be extracted. The quakes will stop when they run out of oil to pump out.


    • #3
      Re: Frack You!

      Originally posted by aaron View Post
      This is an old story. Nobody cares. Oil must be extracted. The quakes will stop when they run out of oil to pump out.


      • #4
        Re: Frack You!

        I guess, but it is the truth. Earthquakes are a well-known problem with fracking... They have determined that money is worth the risk. The quakes will stop when oil/gas runs out (ie is no longer profitable).


        • #5
          Re: Frack You!

          So...Let's say I accept your argument that fracking causes small quakes. what's wrong with small quakes? They relieve the friction in small, manageable increments, thus preventing larger quakes. Good deal, no? (That bridge failure is misleading--there's no allegation that the large quake that caused it is related to fracking.)
          Take care. Stetts


          • #6
            Re: Frack You!

            As I said, the money is worth the risk.

            Personally, I would take the money and let 'em pump the hell out of my back yard. Earthquakes are other peoples' problems. I can just move.

            Even small quakes are not good for infrastructure, but again, that is part of the commons and irrelevant to making money. It ain't my tragedy.

            A small (or big) quake near one of our ancient nuclear power plants is probably bad. But, again, irrelevant to me. I can just move.

            Finally, while it seems to make sense that small quakes "relieve pressure"... if you really think it about it rationally, all these little quakes can add up to a huge quake later. You can see examples of this in nature. A good way to visualize it is on a mountain covered in snow. You can push it around, blow it around, maybe knock it around a bit.. but eventually, the pressure builds up and you get an avalanche.

            Or, go play with some saltines. Make tiny cracks here in there (a needle would work). Eventually, one of the tiny "earthquakes" breaks the cracker in half.

            Or, get some TNT to play with and go to your local mountain. Start blasting holes in the side of cliff. Nothing will happen except for small explosions of rock, UNTIL the last stick of TNT brings the whole thing down.

            It is all irrelevant. We will frack with mother nature until she stops providing gas and oil. I do not even think a big ass earthquake that kills a lot of people and/or infrastructure will stop it.
            Last edited by aaron; July 16, 2013, 10:25 PM. Reason: engrish


            • #7
              Re: Frack You!

              Let's see...frac ourselves into massive earthquakes, drill offshore and live with well blowouts, decimate the wilderness by strip mining tar sands, drill in the Arctic and suffer the occasional grounded and leaking Exxon tanker or send young men in uniforms to the Middle East and other hot spots to secure someone else's oil for our use. It's almost enough to make one want to stay home and pull the covers over one's head.

              But the great American economy would collapse if everyone did that, so get out there, fire up the F150 or Escalade, drive to the outskirts of town and fill that sucker with stuff from the big box stores in the "factory outlet" mall...and don't forget to tour some showhomes on the way back 'cause we all need a bigger house soon so we have some place for all that stuff...


              • #8
                Re: Frack You!

                I've noted before - the question with earthquakes released by fracking isn't that they do or do not occur. Logically it makes sense that this can happen.

                The question is: is the fracking creating earthquakes that would not otherwise occur?

                This is far less clear to me.

                We dynamite high accumulations of snow near towns and ski resorts as a precautionary measure. Theoretically, earthquake stress should not be any different.

                Only if fracking is actually causing greater stress should there be a real concern.


                • #9
                  Re: Frack You!

                  Time to build an earthquake proof bunker in Britain?

                  George Osborne pledges most generous tax regime for shale gas

                  Chancellor George Osborne has pledged to make Britain's tax regime the "most generous for shale in the world" as the Treasury pressed ahead with promised tax breaks for fracking firms.

                  9:19AM BST 19 Jul 2013

                  “I want Britain to be a leader of the shale gas revolution – because it has the potential to create thousands of jobs and keep energy bills low for millions of people," Mr Osborne said.

                  A new tax allowance will see a certain portion of income from each shale gas “pad” — or production site – receive an effective tax rate of 30pc, rather than 62pc.

                  The tax break is similar to those on offer to oil and gas explorers in technically-challenging and less economic fields in the North Sea, where they have been credited with revitalising interest.

                  The Government is keen to see exploration work begin to test the potential of vast shale gas deposits, which it hopes could provide an important new source of gas for the UK.

                  Mr Osborne said: “Shale gas is a resource with huge potential to broaden the UK’s energy mix. We want to create the right conditions for industry to explore and unlock that potential in a way that allows communities to share in the benefits. This new tax regime, which I want to make the most generous for shale in the world, will contribute to that."

                  The British Geological Survey said last month there could be 1,300 trillion cubic feet of gas in northern England alone. If just 10pc could be extracted it could meet Britain’s needs for more than four decades.

                  Ministers have also promised guidance on planning rules for shale gas developments and to cut environmental permitting processes from 13 weeks to less than a fortnight.

                  Fracking firms say that planning permission and public support, rather than tax issues, are the biggest obstacles to exploration for shale gas in the UK.

                  In a blow for shale gas explorers and government alike, Water UK, which represents all major water suppliers, has published a series of concerns about fracking and warned that failure to address them could “stop the industry in its tracks”.

                  Water UK, which is demanding an urgent meeting with shale companies to discuss its fears, warns: “Shale gas fracking could lead to contamination of the water supply with methane gas and harmful chemicals if not carefully planned and carried out.”

                  It suggests aquifers could be contaminated by fracking, by leaks from wells, or by poor handling of chemicals or waste water on the surface.

                  The group also warns that “the fracking process requires huge amounts of water, which will inevitably put a strain on supplies in areas around extraction sites".
                  [having lived in perpetually rainy London I find it rather amazing that Britain could have a "strain on supplies" of water]

                  It adds: “The power of the drilling and fracturing process even risks damaging existing water pipes, which could lead to leaks and shortages to people’s homes and businesses.”...

                  The article forgot to mention fracing's corrupting influence on the youth of the nation, it's negative effect on the classic UK peaches & cream complexion, it's mood altering tendencies on Aunt Millie, and its well known potential to reverse earth's magnetic polarity...not to mention the empty UK Treasury needs a boost of tax revenues...

                  Last edited by GRG55; July 20, 2013, 09:38 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Frack You!

                    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                    The question is: is the fracking creating earthquakes that would not otherwise occur?

                    This is far less clear to me.

                    We dynamite high accumulations of snow near towns and ski resorts as a precautionary measure. Theoretically, earthquake stress should not be any different.

                    Only if fracking is actually causing greater stress should there be a real concern.
                    +1 on that.
                    even if quakes _do_ get set off by frak'g (not all that farfetched, in reality) - its still a far better trade-off than bombing runs and boots on the ground in some desert hellhole that results in our enemies flying 757's into skyscrapers... (course thats an entirely diff matter, caused by the politically-connected's incompetence and corruption in politically-favored 'industries' )

                    and we all know how that has worked out...

                    but on the subject of snow/avalanches - take a look at what they use to 'control' em:

                    Brian Nicholson for The New York Times
                    Gabe Garcia of the Alta Ski Patrol and Liam Fitzgerald, an avalanche forecaster for the Utah Department of Transportation, with a 105mm recoilless rifle that has been used to control avalanches since the late 1960's.

                    oh YEAGGHHH baYBEE!!!

                    and what happens when they dont have 'little' and 'controlled' "snow movements"
                    (and how they might even be possibly ".... set off by balloons..." - about 1min in ;)

                    whats a 'little' earthquake here n there matter, when they might help 'control' the BIG earth movements???
                    would be my .02...
                    Last edited by lektrode; July 20, 2013, 02:30 PM.

