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FT: Urban Renewal?

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  • FT: Urban Renewal?

    Is the white-flight suburban business model broken forever? Is a reverse flow in the works . . .

    The future of the American city

    By Edward Luce

    Once, Americans fled inner cities for a suburban paradise. Now an urban revival is making the suburbs the home of the poor

    ©Spencer Lowell

    Shortly after Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, Rip Rapson, head of the Kresge Foundation, a Michigan-based family endowment, got a call from a senior White House official. The topic was the economically blighted city of Detroit. Many other foundations received a similar message. “We don’t want Detroit to turn into President Obama’s Katrina [the hurricane that wrecked New Orleans during George W. Bush’s presidency],” the official said to Rapson. “What can we do to help?” Based in Troy – one of the featureless suburbs encircling Detroit – the Kresge Foundation was already spending millions to help clean up the city’s toxic riverfront. By definition, any regeneration project in America’s most unfortunate city is a drop in the ocean. There are slums in Calcutta that offer more hope than parts of Detroit. But given the corruption that was then gripping City Hall, the White House dialled the right number. Four years later, downtown Detroit is in the midst of a mini-boom. “Most people probably haven’t registered it yet,” says Rapson. “But Detroit is beginning to look up.”

    The story of downtown Detroit’s emergence from the ashes is still too confined to declare the city as a whole in revival. Just three months ago, Detroit’s city hall was placed under the control of an emergency manager. The city faces at least 18 months of deep stringency as it tries to dig itself out from a $15bn debt burden. Yet parts of Detroit were already functioning pretty well without much input from City Hall. A few days ago, Whole Foods, the organic supermarket chain, opened its first-ever store within Detroit’s city limits. The occasion was marked with street parties in its midtown neighbourhood. Others, including Detroit’s impoverished black majority, may feel less excitement about the arrival of an outlet some call “Whole Pay Check” because it is so expensive.

    There may be greater enthusiasm in September when ground will be broken on Detroit’s first streetcar project since the 1950s. The M1, as the tram route will be known, will link downtown to midtown Detroit. There is poetic irony to the notion that Motown’s comeback might be powered by urban rail. Detroit used to have many tramlines: they were ripped out at the behest of the auto companies.

    “Most people figured out that Detroit needs mass transit to revive,” says Dan Gilbert, founder and chairman of Quicken Loans, America’s third-largest mortgage originator. A native of the city, Gilbert took a bet in 2010 when he shifted his company’s headquarters from suburban Livonia to downtown Detroit. It now has 10,000 employees there. “I’m putting everything I have into the revival of Detroit,” says Gilbert. “There is no Plan B.”

    Audacious as his gamble is, the odds may be turning in Gilbert’s favour. From the baking sunbelt to the rain-kissed northeast, an urban revival is spreading across America. The trend’s furthest inklings go back many years: New York has been clawing its way back from its seedy 1970s nadir for more than a generation. The trend is also uneven. Los Angeles and Chicago, America’s second and third-largest cities, are both still revitalising their downtowns. And it has also been slow. The most devastated post-industrial cities, such as Cleveland, Buffalo, Baltimore and Detroit, have only recently showed stirrings of life. Yet there is an energy – and ambition – to urban America that was missing a few years ago.

    Abandoned Victorian houses less than one mile from downtown Detroit in the Brush Park neighborhood

    An unusually high quantity of surface area is dedicated to roads and parking lots in downtown Detroit

    A mural in downtown Detroit

    Downtown Detroit

    General Motors headquarters

    New vegetable production greenhouse. Part of the ‘Greening of Detroit’ urban agriculture project located in the Eastern Market district of Detroit

    This alley is across the street from a large urban agriculture project with brand new greenhouses and loads of fresh fruits and vegetables. One block away is the vibrant and bustling Eastern Market district

    Woodward Avenue, downtown Detroit

    LA landscapes at dusk

    In 2011, for the first time in more than 90 years, America’s largest cities registered higher population growth than their combined suburbs, according to William Frey, a leading demographer. The signs are this will continue. While the cities are gentrifying, many of America’s suburbs are heading downmarket. It is the invisible side of the same coin. Frey writes: “This puts the brakes on a longstanding staple of American life – the pervasive suburbanisation of its population which began with widespread automobile use in the 1920s, to the present day, where more than half the US population lives in suburbs.”

    Students of the “new urbanism”, such as Richard Florida, author of The Rise of the Creative Class, which argues that cities are the best Petri dishes for new ideas and innovation, say their revival is assisted by a generational shift in US culture as well as deeper economic trends. Florida, who now lives in Toronto, just 250 miles north of Detroit (but still a million miles in terms of its vibrancy), grew up in suburban New Jersey in a second-generation Italian-American family. Like so many other immigrants, his parents fled the claustrophobia of Newark for the freedom of the suburbs. “To them the city was a ghetto – it was stifling and crowded and dangerous,” says Florida. “But to my generation, the suburbs represent a kind of poverty of living and it is the cities, rather than the suburbs, where you can breathe freely.”

    In despair over City Hall’s standard revival package – often little more than tax breaks for new sports stadiums and Vegas casinos – the new urbanists believe the only worthwhile goal is to attract talent. Good jobs will follow. As Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York, told the FT last year: “Talent attracts capital, not the other way round.”

    ©James P. MorseDowntown Detroit: ‘There are slums in Calcutta that offer more hope than parts of Detroit’ – but the city is in the midst of a mini-boom

    As New York has shown in the past 20 years, when a metropolis wants to bring in more educated people it needs to make itself both safe and entertaining. In a city like Detroit, which had as many murders in 2012 as New York City, in spite of having an eleventh of the population, that is a tall order. Yet self-proclaimed “early adopters”, such as Dan Gilbert, who in the past three years has invested $1bn in downtown Detroit’s property, in addition to his Quicken Loans outlay, think Detroit already has the assets. They just need refurbishing. In spite of Detroit’s prolonged dilapidation, it is home to one of America’s finest symphonies, opera houses and institutes of art. Detroit’s often half-empty, and graffitied, high-rise office blocks around Campus Martius, the downtown plaza, also have some of America’s best examples of art deco architecture. In its Eastern Market, which opened in 1891, Detroit has the longest-running farmers’ market in the US. Like an oasis, Eastern Market is coming back to life amid the urban “food desert” that covers most of the city.

    It is little surprise that many globally renowned retailers view downtown Detroit as an experiment worth joining. “Everything we are trying to do is fun and cool,” one of Gilbert’s employees repeats to me several times on a tour of the downtown’s sprouting coffee shops, open air restaurants, sculpture gardens and boutiques. Much like Quicken Loan’s own offices, Gilbert is repainting Detroit’s drab centre in the primary colours of Silicon Valley. More than 100 architects have entered a competition to design a new retail landmark on the site of the legendary Hudson store, which in the 1920s played host to the busiest intersection in the US. Today, it is an empty lot. Tomorrow, it could be iconic again.

    To judge by the numbers, the strategy appears to be working. For the first time in a century, Chrysler, one of Motown’s Big Three, has moved its offices back to Detroit. Other big hirers include Blue Cross Blue Shield, the health insurer, which now employs 4,000 people in downtown Detroit. Like Gilbert’s mostly out-of-town workforce, most are young graduates. According to a survey of those who have recently moved to downtown Detroit, which has near-full residential occupancy ratios, more than half were between the ages of 20 and 29. And they were far likelier to have a degree than the US average.

    ©James P. MorseDetroit Eastern Market: The longest-running farmers’ market in the US is coming back to life amid the urban ‘food desert’ of most of the city

    In Detroit as a whole, less than a quarter of students even finish high school. Meth and other hard drugs are rife. Yet its Zinfandel-sipping, downtown crowd better resemble their counterparts in well-heeled Austin or Seattle. “Who would have thought in downtown Detroit that our problem would be a shortage of residential space?” says Gilbert. The rest of the city has almost 80,000 abandoned homes, including some choice former mansions. But most of its thinly policed neighbourhoods are too edgy for even the hardiest of newcomers. For all the affinity between the two, you may as well separate the two Detroits with a medieval moat. Yet a few years ago there was not much of a castle to protect. “Detroit’s revival has to start somewhere,” says Gilbert.

    Some academics argue that the recent vibrancy of many US cities is a temporary byproduct of the big housing crash of 2007, which forced young graduates to postpone their move to the suburbs and put off starting families. But the demographic changes behind the US urban revival long predate the Great Recession. If it were not for high levels of immigration, mostly from Mexico, the US birth rate would have fallen even more rapidly than it has in the past decade. The shift towards smaller families – and also voluntary childlessness – goes back a long way. In the 1940s and 1950s when the US flight to the suburbs was in full flow, half of all US households had children, according to the US census. That is projected to fall to below a quarter by the end of this decade.

    For the single-occupancy types who can afford it, the city is a far less lonely place to live. In the light of the freeway-dominated culture of the suburbs, America’s recent mania for urban bike sharing is understandable. So too is the millennial generation’s apparent disdain for cars. Far from being more dangerous, density can be reassuring. “In suburbia no one can hear you scream,” says a character in The Unwinding, a new book by George Packer that explores America’s changing undercurrents. As another of Packer’s characters says about Tampa, one of the most suburban, multi-lane cities in the US: “No encounters ever happen by accident in Tampa. Or if they do, they’re traumatic.”

    ©James P. MorseDecrepit mansions in Brush Park, Detroit

    America’s growing love affair with a more European-style city is also boosted by the retirement of the US baby boom generation, many of whom are as bored of the suburbs as their children. Like their offspring, many also wrestle with their inner Kurt Cobains. If you combine the steady rise in urbane “empty nesters” with the growing acceptance of gay culture and the mushrooming of independent charter schools that give families the option of staying on when their children reach school age, shifting US demography is a friend to the reviving downtown.

    Technology is also an ally. The big out-of-town retail centres once spelt the death knell of Main Street. But the rapid shift to online retailing is now rendering many of them obsolete. According to the International Council of Shopping Centers, at least a tenth of America’s remaining 1,000 enclosed malls will shut in the next seven years, mostly because of the internet. That is why people like Gilbert put so much emphasis on “place making” – creating a spectacle out of the street life that only cities can offer. It means good food, open-air events and renovated parks. Out go the discarded needles. In come the open-air chess boards. “American cities are becoming more and more European in their sensibility,” says Florida. “It is all about lifestyle.” As the new urbanists put it (somewhat annoyingly), the US urban revival is driven by the “3Ts” – technology, tolerance and talent.
    . . .
    Cities like Detroit owe much of their improved prospects to the efforts of a battle-hardened generation of social entrepreneurs, such as Sue Mosey, the unofficial “mayor of Detroit midtown”. Linked to the city’s downtown by the brutal eight-lane Woodward Avenue, Detroit’s midtown is a separate revival story altogether. A native of Detroit, Mosey started out as a community organiser, much like Barack Obama. She too followed the methods of Saul Alinsky, the Chicago 1960s radical, who counselled resistance to the corporate-controlled city machines, which in Detroit meant companies like Ford and General Motors.

    ©James P. MorseSue Mosey. The unofficial mayor of Detroit midtown is a ‘one-person regeneration machine’

    Nowadays, says Mosey, the game is turned on its head. It is about collaborating with the private sector. Her largest local employer is the Ford Medical Center. For all intents and purposes, local government has vanished. Mosey’s small office on Woodward Avenue is the main conduit for private and federal money to midtown Detroit. Her group keeps the streets clean, renovates the buildings and funnels a myriad of grants and subsidies to local projects. She helped lure Whole Foods to the area. Next door is the celebrated Great Lakes Coffee Shop, which also sells grapefruit Pellegrino. Wherever you look there seems to be a yoga centre.

    “I was protesting against Roger Smith [the former chief executive of GM] long before Michael Moore made his movie [Roger & Me, 1989],” says Mosey, whose casual ponytail and faded jeans belie a missionary beneath. “But we’re not living in the age of confrontation any more. I’ll take support from where it is available. If you know where to look, there is a lot of capital out there.” For a former radical, Mosey has an extraordinary number of multimillion-dollar foundations on her speed dial. In contrast, one gets the sense that the politicians in City Hall call her more often than she calls them.

    There are many linchpin figures like Mosey in US cities, reflecting both America’s entrepreneurialism and the political bankruptcy of so many of its local governments. In many cases revival is happening in spite of politics. “Sue Mosey is a one-person regeneration machine,” says Bruce Katz from the Brookings Institution, whose new book, co-authored with Jennifer Bradley, The Metropolitan Revolution, argues that only cities can rejuvenate US competitiveness. “Mosey is a dealmaker and a catalyst for what local governments can’t do: she literally remakes neighbourhoods and makes people want to live there.”

    The US is a complex country. From the Jeffersonian farmstead to the small town and the suburb, America’s sense of exceptionalism has often excluded the city altogether. Its self-imagination rarely acknowledges the hidden but always central role of race in its great demographic odysseys. Jefferson's rural arcadia was run by slaves. The suburbs and small towns are mostly white. Meanwhile, until recently many of America’s urban downtowns were seen as no-go areas run by ethnic gangs. In Detroit, which is 83 per cent African-American, most of its whites, including Dan Gilbert’s parents, and Sue Mosey’s, fled to the suburbs after the 1967 riots that killed dozens of people and burnt thousands of properties. The same was true of Washington DC, Chicago, Boston and elsewhere. It was called the White Flight.

    Today, people such as the author Alan Ehrenhalt talk of a “Great Inversion”, in which the educated (of all colours) are moving to the city and pricing the (often white) poor out to the suburbs. Some call it gentrification, or even “Brooklynisation”, after the revival of the New York borough. Others, such as Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube, also at Brookings, talk of the suburbanisation of poverty.

    ©Spencer LowellKen Sawa. Sawa’s Catholic Charities group offers a safety net to people in the LA suburb of San Bernardino

    If Sue Mosey is the unofficial mayor of midtown Detroit, Ken Sawa is one of San Bernardino's saving graces. Head of the Catholic Charities group for the area, Sawa's group offers a safety net for tens of thousands of people across this sprawling outgrowth of Los Angeles. Home to 4.1m people, the neighbouring counties of San Bernardino and Riverside, which some call the “Inland Empire”, offer a seemingly endless, low-rise vista from the city limits of LA to the deserts of Nevada. Much of what is arguably America’s largest bedroom community has no distinct character at all. Yet in parts it has a murder rate to rival that of Detroit. Pointing down one of the main drags in the bankrupt city of San Bernardino, I tell Sawa that the street looks safe enough to me. It has the usual fast-food diners, pawnbrokers, cheque-cashing outlets and metal-bashing shops of so many poor or near-poor suburban subdivisions in the US. But there are no pedestrians. The sight evokes neither fear nor hope, I say. My instinct is wrong. “I would be careful walking down this street alone day or night,” says Sawa.

    Just as LA’s Inland Empire has no real landmarks, it lacks a social pulse. That may be because even its poorest residents are forced to spend so much of their time in their cars. Much like Packer’s Tampa, chance meetings are something to be feared. Some of San Bernardino's residents can barely afford vehicles, and live in as much trepidation of missing their next auto-loan payment as homeowners do for their mortgages. According to a survey of Penn Hills, a suburb of Philadelphia, its residents spent 32 per cent of their income on housing and 27 per cent on transport. It costs almost as much to fill their petrol tanks as it does to pay the rent. Given the enormous distances, the story is even worse in San Bernardino. Another survey shows that only a quarter of the jobs in Los Angeles are within a 90-minute commute of San Bernardino. Yet the City of Angels is where the good jobs are. According to Kneebone and Berube, those living near or below the poverty line in the US pay on average 40 per cent more for car insurance than wealthier Americans.

    “If I lose my car, I lose my livelihood – period,” says David Hawkins, 42, a former mortgage broker, who lost his job in 2009 and now works at a homeless shelter. “All I do is drive my children to school and my wife to work and then myself to work – each leg is 30 minutes. I do the same again in the evening. If you can’t drive in the Inland Empire you’re finished.”
    . . .

    ©Spencer LowellSan Bernardino, part of LA’s ‘Inland Empire’

    In the first decade of this century, the number of suburban poor Americans – defined as $23,000 a year for a family – rose twice as fast as in the cities. In 2010, for the first time in US history, the number of poor living in the suburbs exceeded those living in the cities. The same is even truer for America’s “near poor” – those defined as living at twice the poverty level. And yet, they are largely invisible to the main sources of money – public and private – the lion’s share of which continues to go to the cities. One recent study found that the flow of public and private benefits was a seven to one ratio for Chicago versus its suburbs and five to one in Los Angeles even though each had more poor in their suburbs. “If you’re a philanthropist and want to do something about poverty you never think of the suburbs,” says Sawa, whose charity assists Catholics and non-Catholics alike (roughly 40 per cent of the two counties is Hispanic). “People’s image of poverty in the US is way behind the reality.”

    Every now and then Sawa hosts a “poverty simulation” day in which participants – people in the police, judiciary, city government and other professions – are invited to try to live on a poverty line budget in San Bernardino. They discover their water or electricity gets shut off without warning and that it costs $200 to reconnect. They lose their two-weekly payslip when they turn up late. A tenth of their pay gets sliced off by the cheque cashier (without a credit score it is very hard to get a bank account). And for even the simplest job, they need to be credit checked, drug tested and fingerprinted. “My teenage daughter is a hostess in a restaurant,” says Sawa. “Even for that she was fingerprinted.” One bad rap, one devastating “credit event”, and you could lose your car or your home.

    In San Bernardino alone, there are officially 22,000 homeless schoolchildren, most of whose parents live in “extended stay” motels. It is a similar tale in Prince George’s County, Maryland, or Nassau County, New York. Most of the good jobs are too far away or too expensive to reach. But this is where you can afford to live. In LA they call it “cheap dirt”. “You don’t realise that you’re middle-class until you stop being middle-class,” says Kayava Lenoir, a 36-year-old African-American college graduate who lost her corporate sales job in 2009 and can now only find menial work in San Bernardino. She long ago defaulted on her home. “When I was earning a good salary, I took vacations in Jamaica,” she added. “Now I date men who’ve never been on a plane.”

    Even on the sunnier side of the Inland Empire, on the outskirts of Riverside city with its enchanting Spanish revival buildings, things are less comfortable than they look. The suburb of Orangecrest – so named for the actual orange grove that was removed to make way for it – looks nearly as plush as the cul-de-sacs in Desperate Housewives. One of its denizens, Imelda Santana, 51, a Mexican-born American, lost a very well-paid job at Citibank in 2009. As is often the case when financial calamity strikes, her marriage disintegrated. Now she lives in a large house with her three daughters. She has not made mortgage payments for two years. Several times she has been fined by the neighbourhood association for failing to mow her lawns or repaint the exterior of her house. Her creditors pursue her day and night. Yet she seems almost serene about her dramatically straitened circumstances. “I’ll short sell this house before the bank repossesses me,” she says, waving her hands casuially. “God will make sure I’m OK.”

    ©Spencer LowellImelda Santana. The resident of LA suburb Orangecrest once held a well-paid job at Citibank. Now she is hounded by creditors and has not made a mortgage payment in two years

    Until recently, Santana worried that she and her daughters stood out in Orangecrest. Then one afternoon she noticed how many of her neighbours had been disconnected by the Edison electricity company: the utility leaves a tell-tale red disconnection tag on every door. “People try to remove those tags as quick as they can,” she says. “It’s like a public shaming.” As Santana speaks, she fiddles with a glass pendant around her neck, like she would a rosary. Inside are the birthstones of each of her daughters. “If God was not on my side, I would have fallen into depression or drugs,” she says. “I’ve seen that happen often. But I know I will come back stronger.”

    Among US urban scholars there is disagreement about whether the impoverishment of so many US suburbs and the return of urban downtowns is a blip or a long-term trend. Some believe that after a bad few years American suburbia is poised to resume its role as the main engine of US economic growth. They do not anticipate a new urban golden age. For every sparkling new Pittsburgh or Denver, there is a still devastated Flint, Michigan or Gary, Indiana. As the US housing market starts to revive, even in “sandy state” foreclosure zones such as San Bernardino, their scepticism will be tested in the next two or three years. For now, most of the evidence is against them. During the subprime boom that ended in 2007, the advice for mortgage-seekers was to “drive until you qualify”. Almost anyone could eventually. The more America’s cities come back to life, and the more condominiums they build and the more organic stores they open, the further the poor will have to drive. It is a geographic inversion of the American Dream. “The suburbs were created to house the new middle-class in the 20th century,” says Katz of Brookings. “But the economy they were built around is vanishing. In the 21st century most of the good jobs are in the cities.” Nowadays the dream is as likely to involve an apartment close to the action in Manhattan or Haight-Ashbury as a picket fence McMansion in the suburbs. Owning a car is optional. But among suburbia’s current and former “boomburgs”, many people can no longer afford to dream. They are too busy plying the freeways. As Sawa jokes, “You can’t risk falling asleep at the wheel.”

    Edward Luce is the FT’s chief US commentator.

  • #2
    Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

    Follow this trail:

    Developers go into cheap land surrounding cities, build developments they want to sell. In collusion with local government, inner city services are starved of funds leading to visible decline of services and quality of life, in turn leading to flight to 'better' suburbs.

    Fast forward a few years - inner cities now are dirt cheap. Crumbing building and trash strewn land are bought for cheap, and tax bases reset. Inner city gentrification along with increasing quality of life and services lure suburban youth back into the inner cities.



    • #3
      Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
      Follow this trail:

      Developers go into cheap land surrounding cities, build developments they want to sell. In collusion with local government, inner city services are starved of funds leading to visible decline of services and quality of life, in turn leading to flight to 'better' suburbs.

      Fast forward a few years - inner cities now are dirt cheap. Crumbing building and trash strewn land are bought for cheap, and tax bases reset. Inner city gentrification along with increasing quality of life and services lure suburban youth back into the inner cities.

      Not fiction, perhaps more a mix of opportunity and experience. (Wonder how many housing tracks Willie Horton helped to sell?)


      • #4
        Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

        "Detroit Lives"

        Documentary, 30 minutes


        • #5
          Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

          What happened to Starving Steve? This is his kind of topic, but I see he hasn't posted in a year.


          • #6
            Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

            Originally posted by LazyBoy View Post
            What happened to Starving Steve? This is his kind of topic, but I see he hasn't posted in a year.
            He was apparently slipping a bit, and a relative (I believe his daughter?) had an account. It seemed that he might have been struggling; perhaps iTulip might not have been contributing to optimizing his mental health.

            Where is Starving Steve?

            We all wish him well.
            Last edited by astonas; June 10, 2013, 07:14 PM.


            • #7
              Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

              Originally posted by astonas View Post
              He was apparently slipping a bit, and a relative (I believe his daughter?) had an account. It seemed that he might have been struggling; perhaps iTulip might not have been contributing to optimizing his mental health.

              Where is Starving Steve?

              We all wish him well.
              poor guy... it was all too much for him.


              • #8
                Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

                Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                Follow this trail:

                Developers go into cheap land surrounding cities, build developments they want to sell. In collusion with local government, inner city services are starved of funds leading to visible decline of services and quality of life, in turn leading to flight to 'better' suburbs.

                Fast forward a few years - inner cities now are dirt cheap. Crumbing building and trash strewn land are bought for cheap, and tax bases reset. Inner city gentrification along with increasing quality of life and services lure suburban youth back into the inner cities.

                Still requires jobs. Unless they can sponge off Mom and Dad, young people aren't going to come to the city just because the developers bought cheap land and services have improved. No jobs, nobody to buy those shiny new condos...except in Vancouver, where the Chinese are apparently going to buy up every single box with a roof (if you believe the realtors)


                • #9
                  Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

                  Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                  Still requires jobs. Unless they can sponge off Mom and Dad, young people aren't going to come to the city just because the developers bought cheap land and services have improved. No jobs, nobody to buy those shiny new condos...
                  +1 (and not restricted to just young people - no jobs, no people . . .)


                  • #10
                    Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

                    I've noticed this trend in my area. The first ring of older suburbs are becoming cess pools now. Yes some gentrification is going on in town, but by no means enough to halt the inevitable downward slide going on in cities. Its not like all the infrastructure and crime problems leave with the people relocating to the burbs. A lot of cities are in shambles, with crumbling bridges, sewers, etc. A lot of the gentrification is simply yuppies( often very young and naive) buying 50+ year old homes and dumping some money in them and then taking out a 30 year mortgage. I see first hand the cost of keeping up these old money pits and when you add on the high taxes that will be required to rebuild infrastructure and fight high crime, you will just as likely see another yuppie flight down the road. Only the wealthiest will be able to afford the luxury of living in town in the nicer areas and of course the tax burden will have to be absorbed by them.

                    I have a relative who lives in one of these gentrified areas. He has had to sink quite a bit of money in repairs into a depreciating home and from what I understand is so upside down he is basically stuck there. Luckily he likes living there still, but his wife did get beat up by a pimp a few years ago. And of course they've had the usual spate of break ins that goes along with a neighborhood like that. I'm not convinced the tide can be turned but then I'm sure every city is different.


                    • #11
                      Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

                      An impressive number of powerful corporations rode the white stallion of suburbia

                      Its ever-expanding-outward ring was all good for Big Oil, Housing, Concrete, Auto, Builders, Construction Trade Unions, Real Estate, Lenders, Insurance, etc.

                      Now that pony has run its course

                      As to what comes next there's as much confusion and opportunism as there was certainty riding Big White


                      • #12
                        Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

                        Originally posted by GRG55
                        Still requires jobs. Unless they can sponge off Mom and Dad, young people aren't going to come to the city just because the developers bought cheap land and services have improved. No jobs, nobody to buy those shiny new condos...except in Vancouver, where the Chinese are apparently going to buy up every single box with a roof (if you believe the realtors)
                        That's happening too. Between the Twitter 'tax exception' and all the various other (undocumented) exceptions, at least in SF - there are companies moving in. And this ignores the impact of private busing which Google/Yahoo/many others do. Secondary jobs are also there: services like higher end restaurants which don't generally work well in suburbs.

                        Originally posted by flintlock
                        I've noticed this trend in my area. The first ring of older suburbs are becoming cess pools now. Yes some gentrification is going on in town, but by no means enough to halt the inevitable downward slide going on in cities. Its not like all the infrastructure and crime problems leave with the people relocating to the burbs. A lot of cities are in shambles, with crumbling bridges, sewers, etc. A lot of the gentrification is simply yuppies( often very young and naive) buying 50+ year old homes and dumping some money in them and then taking out a 30 year mortgage. I see first hand the cost of keeping up these old money pits and when you add on the high taxes that will be required to rebuild infrastructure and fight high crime, you will just as likely see another yuppie flight down the road. Only the wealthiest will be able to afford the luxury of living in town in the nicer areas and of course the tax burden will have to be absorbed by them.
                        I agree that the process isn't identical everywhere; less dense cities definitely are different.

                        I'd also note that the Baby Boom bulge was another big factor: that demographic pig in a python added overdrive to the process.

                        Originally posted by don
                        Not fiction, perhaps more a mix of opportunity and experience. (Wonder how many housing tracks Willie Horton helped to sell?)
                        In fact, it was a plan - at least for a few cities:


                        In this indictment of those who have wrecked New York, Robert Fitch points to the financial and real-estate elites. Their goals, he argues, have been simple and monolithic: to increase the value of the land they own by extruding low-rent workers and factories, replacing them with high-rent professionals and office buildings. The planning establishment has been able of raise the value of real estate inside the city boundaries over twenty-fold. In doing so, Fitch suggests, it effectively closed New York’s deep-water port, eliminated its freight rail system, shuttered its factories and destroyed its capacity for incubating new business.

                        Now the real-estate values have collapsed. The city is left with 65,000,000 square feet of office space—enough to last, without any new building, to the middle of the twenty-first century. In pursuit of those who are responsible, Fitch arraigns the great and the bad of the city’s establishment: Roger Starr, architect of “planned shrinkage” (the withdrawal of fire, police and mass transit services from black and Latino neighborhoods); the Ford Foundation, which proposed converting vast tracts of the South Bronx into a vegetable garden; City Hall fixers like John Zucotti, Herb Sturz and James Felt, who cut the deals between government and real estate by working for both sides; and the Rockefeller family, whose involuntary investment in the Rockefeller Center became a gigantic “tar baby,” nearly swallowing up their entire fortune.
                        The mechanism: the Regional Plan Association


                        In 1922, some of New York’s most prominent business and professional leaders joined forces to launch an ambitious effort to survey, analyze and plan the future growth of the metropolitan region. This initiative was the first to recognize a New York metropolitan region– one that encompassed New Jersey and Connecticut. The results of this effort were the publication in 1929 of the landmark “Regional Plan of New York and Its Environs,” the first long-range, region-wide master plan for the New York metropolitan region, and the formation of the Regional Plan Association, an organization whose purpose at the time was to see that the plan was implemented.
                        Developing long-range regional plans remained a core focus of the organization over the next nine decades, and it remains a key part of the organization’s role today. Yet over the years, long-range plans have come to represent only a fraction of RPA’s work. Since the 1930s, RPA has conducted groundbreaking research on issues of land use, transportation, the environmental, economic development and opportunity. It also has led advocacy campaigns in support of the organization’s goal of fostering a thriving, diverse and environmentally sustainable region.

                        In recent years, RPA has helped drive consensus about the need to increase rail service between New York and New Jersey and to develop a new Amtrak hub at the future Moynihan Station. Groundbreaking research by RPA demonstrated that shortening rail commutes in New Jersey significantly increased home values near stations. RPA projected that the completion of the East Side Access project linking the Long Island Rail Road to Grand Central Terminal would boost home values in Long Island.
                        RPA helped protect and provide access to the important natural landscapes that sustain our cities and suburbs. RPA led efforts to revitalize Gateway National Recreation Area and Governors Island and successfully campaigned for greenways along the Brooklyn Waterfront and Jamaica Bay. RPA also has been working with communities to help protect the forested watersheds of the New Jersey Highlands critical to water supply. Our research has advanced thinking about the economic value of urban parks and the importance of large landscape conservation.
                        Recognizing that New York is facing many of the same challenges as its global peers, RPA in 2012 and 2013 held unprecedented summits in New York and Singapore for leaders of the world’s top transit agencies.

                        At the start of the 21st century, RPA's activities and accomplishments were shaped by the Third Regional Plan and by history. Most notably, shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, RPA convened the Civic Alliance to Rebuild Downtown New York, a coalition of more than 75 business, community and environmental groups representing a cross-section of New York and the region to provide an umbrella for civic planning and advocacy efforts in support of the rebuilding process. The alliance helped the civic community play a crucial role in the process, hosting the historic “Listening to the City” forums and working closely with rebuilding officials on development principles and project ideas.
                        In the 2000s, RPA was proud to have played a prominent role in a milestone for the region: the return of Governors Island to the people of New York and the creation of a thriving public park. RPA also led efforts to secure public funding for vital transportation projects, including the Second Avenue Subway.
                        In 2005, RPA was the first major civic group to call for a major mixed-use district on the Hudson Rail Yards instead of a football stadium. The plan ultimately adopted by the city closely resembled RPA’s proposal.
                        RPA also worked with local communities to develop plans for Stamford, Conn., East Harlem and developed recommendations for a new central business district in Long Island City that were later implemented.
                        During this decade, RPA formed the Northeast Alliance for Rail and America 2050 programs to provide leadership in the Northeast and across the U.S. on a broad range of transportation and economic-development issues.

                        In 1996, RPA released its third regional plan, "A Region at Risk: The Third Regional Plan for the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Metropolitan Region." It issued an urgent call to public and private sector leaders in the 31-county tri-state area to band together to harness the region's superior human, economic and natural resources, and presented programs to improve the region's cornerstones: its economy, environment and social equity.
                        RPA also helped form the Empire State Transportation Alliance, a coalition of more than 40 civic, business, labor and environmental groups, to promote sound investment in transportation infrastructure.
                        During this decade, RPA proposed the creation of a rail line linking Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx to allow commuters to travel between boroughs without having to enter Manhattan. That idea is once again being discussed by city leaders.
                        RPA formed the Governors Island Group, a coalition of civic, preservation and business groups, and released a report which recommended that Governors Island become a great new public park and that commercial development be in keeping with the historic structures that exist there.
                        Construction and operation began on a light rail line along the west bank of the Hudson River in New Jersey, an idea drawn from RPA studies in 1966 and 1985. RPA played a major role in securing federal, state and private funding to purchase New York’s vast Sterling Forest property for preservation as a state park. RPA also played a prominent role in plans to revitalize Newark’s downtown, and encouraged denser development in key suburban hub cities.

                        RPA supported the Metropolitan Transit Authority as it negotiated a capital budgeting program to rehabilitate buses, subways and commuter rail systems. RPA also advocated a one-mile extension of Newark Airport's people-mover to connect the airport to the Northeast Corridor commuter line, a project that became the AirTrain. RPA helped establish New Jersey Future to campaign for the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan, which was adopted in 1992. RPA produced a report for Downtown Brooklyn that proposed a new development complex: Metrotech Center.

                        In Paterson, N.J., RPA helped preserve an historic factory district by proposing that a new highway circumvent it. In plans for the New Jersey Meadowlands, RPA increased housing densities and reduced office development that would have further drained surrounding cities.

                        RPA led the effort to create Gateway National Recreation Center, which in 1972 became the first major federal recreation area in an urban setting.
                        During the decade, RPA helped foster the creation of NJ Transit and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The Mass Transit Act of 1964 adopted RPA's principle of federal assumption of capital costs for urban mass transit. RPA persuaded New Jersey officials to establish the Capital Needs Commission, which recommended a bond program that generated almost $1 billion for critical infrastructure and capital investments.
                        In an era when the automobile was paramount, RPA lobbied for limited car access to the region's core to reduce congestion and encourage the use of mass transit. The organization convinced the New Jersey Turnpike Authority to route new highway lanes to the George Washington Bridge, instead of to the Lincoln Tunnel; challenged a proposal to add a third tube to the Queens-Midtown Tunnel; and opposed a bridge across the Long Island Sound from Rye to Oyster Bay.

                        The Verrazano Narrows Bridge, begun by the Port Authority in 1955, effectively completed the regional highway system that had been proposed by RPA in 1929.
                        Development around Newark Bay, including the seaport and Newark Airport, followed RPA's recommendation that more Port Authority industrial activities should locate outside Manhattan.

                        At a time when Robert Moses’s ideas about public works went largely unquestioned, RPA opposed Robert Moses's proposal to build a bridge from Manhattan's Battery Park to Brooklyn. RPA instead supported the idea of constructing a tunnel between Brooklyn and the Battery, a project that was completed in 1950.
                        In 1949, New York Life Insurance Company completed Fresh Meadows, a residential development in Queens that embodied many of RPA's neighborhood unit principles-mixed-level residences, nearby schools and shopping, open spaces and pedestrian connections.

                        Recommended in RPA’s First Regional Plan, the New Jersey skyway from Elizabeth to the Holland Tunnel was completed in 1932; the Whitestone Bridge connecting the Long Island highway system with the Bronx arterial system was completed in 1939; and the Henry Hudson Parkway was built between 1935 and 1938.
                        RPA identified specific natural areas that could be acquired for public use and persuaded various public agencies to purchase land, doubling the region's park space. Early acquisitions were made in Nassau, Suffolk, Putnam and Dutchess counties, and in Flushing Meadows, Orchard Beach Park and the Palisades.
                        RPA assisted local governments to establish planning boards, including a city planning commission for New York City. From 1929 to 1939, the number of planning boards in the region increased from 61 to 204.
                        RPA suggested the location of regional airports, endorsing the city's proposal for expanded operations at Idlewild Airport, now JFK. Later, RPA was instrumental in putting the administration of the three regional airports -- Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark -- together under the Port Authority.

                        Based on RPA’s recommendation in the first regional plan, the Port Authority relocated a planned Hudson River crossing at 57th Street and replaced it with the George Washington Bridge at 178th Street. As an organization with a regional outlook, RPA understood that the bridge would primarily be used for through travel and should avoid the congestion of midtown. The George Washington Bridge was completed in 1931.
                        Last edited by c1ue; June 12, 2013, 09:08 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

                          at least in SF
                          and it is an exception. has been for some time.


                          • #14
                            Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

                            Originally posted by don
                            and it is an exception. has been for some time.
                            If so, then so is New York, and increasingly other cities like Boston, Chicago, etc.

                            Only Philadelphia seems to have missed this boat - of the major non-Deep South cities.


                            • #15
                              Re: FT: Urban Renewal?

                              Still requires jobs. Unless they can sponge off Mom and Dad, young people aren't going to come to the city just because the developers bought cheap land and services have improved. No jobs, nobody to buy those shiny new condos.
                              A lot of the "kids" who are employable enough to be mobile like cities.

                              A relative works in a small engineering firm on Long Island. For a while now, they've had trouble finding and retaining young talent. Most of the young engineers employable people in the area want to move to Brooklyn. Eventually, the firm opened a second office in Brooklyn. That same relative has a daughter that's moved to Brooklyn and is scraping by in service jobs. It's the place to be.

                              I live and work in suburban NJ. If my company gets over it's larger issues, it will need to deal with the difficulty of attracting and retaining engineering talent. (I came many years ago when the name meant something and there were other perks now long gone.)

                              Most younger people who are educated and mobile didn't grow up saying "I want to live in the suburbs."

