Re: Transmutation occuring in CFL light bulbs
Are you sure about that? Your claim implies that
A) There exists a sound premise and published specifications and
B) A Working model is even possible
The information below suggests that neither are true. BTW, aren't you an "industrial artisan" of some kind? Why don't you produce a working model?
Originally posted by Chris Coles
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A) There exists a sound premise and published specifications and
B) A Working model is even possible
The information below suggests that neither are true. BTW, aren't you an "industrial artisan" of some kind? Why don't you produce a working model?
An application in 2008 to patent the device internationally had received an unfavorable preliminary report on patentability at the World Intellectual Property Organization[28] from the European Patent Office, noting that the description of the device was based on "general statements and speculations" and citing "numerous deficiencies in both the description and in the evidence provided to support its feasibility" as well as incompatibilities with "generally accepted laws of physics and established theories."[29] The patent application was published on 15 October 2009