Scandal #1) Benghazi:* Not only what happened there, but Petraeus' role in the cover-up. This is big, but getting overshadowed by:
Scandal #2) IRS targeting conservative groups:* First we heard it was the Tea Party. Then a few more groups, then more, and more... And they've known about it for years, even before the election. Asking people about the content of their prayers??? How far out does it go, and how far up in the Administration will it go?
Scandal #3) DOJ running surveillance on reporters:* First we read there were a few files, then more came to light, and then an avalanche of files. First we were told it only affected the AP, then Reuters, then more and more news agencies. Now even liberal CBS is crying that they've been a target. Not only reporters and their sources, but even reporters' families. How far out does it go, and how far up in the Administration will it go?
Until now, the MSM pretty much gave the Administration kid-glove treatment, until news came to light that they themselves have been targets. That the Administration had been running roughshod over the "free press" and 1st Amendment. Will the MSM let this all go... once again tell us "nothing to see here, move along..." Or was this a bridge too far?
The breadth, depth and sheer audaciousness of these scandals is growing every day. But even more interesting (to me) than the scandals themselves, are the questions:
1. "Why now?" Why are they all coming to light in a big way right now?
2. Do any of these scandals have the weight to bring down the Administration, and will they? Should they?
* Too many articles to link, I don't even know where to start.
(Note to FRED: I didn't put this in Select News because it has nothing to do with economics, and it seems more a fit topic for News than Rant and Rave because it's so "news-y". But if you want to move it, I defer to your judgement.)