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Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

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  • #31
    Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

    GG is just one example of how technology changes our communication modes, and therefore our social environment. There are good and bad effects to each of these changes. Unfortunately, product development is driven by profit/loss criteria, not by net social benefit. So any of these changes may be net negative for society, even if profitable to the corporations selling them. (Take junk food as an example).

    If you invite some people to a picnic, formerly the events were known only to those present.
    But now somebody puts a video up on facebook, and what would have been an minor gaff between friends becomes known to the world.

    In "no sense of place" the effect of television is analyzed, and there are both good and bad effects.

    TV meant that politicians no longer had privacy. This demystified authority, which certainly has some good points. But it seems to have also led to some "dumbing down" of our political debate. We are not getting great leaders elected as much as we used to.

    Great leaders are not necessarily beautiful on TV, the way JFK was.


    • #32
      Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships


      Man Refuses to Stop Drone-Spying on Seattle Woman


      • #33
        Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

        Originally posted by LazyBoy View Post
        Man Refuses to Stop Drone-Spying on Seattle Woman
        if she has nothing to hide . . . .


        • #34
          Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

          That doesn't sound like nothing to sounds like harassment and stalking!
          Last edited by Forrest; May 13, 2013, 11:20 PM.


          • #35
            Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

            And by the way, when having nothing to hide yourself suddenly becomes a matter of life and death because the Goverment has just outlawed doing anything off camera, are you going to give in to that too?

            After all, nothing to hide...not your lovemaking, or holding your child (That's sexual harrassment now, you know), nor praying to your God...and since that is a lot of what this is about, get over yourself!


            • #36
              Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

              Originally posted by don View Post
              if she has nothing to hide . . . .
              Or maybe draw the blinds


              • #37
                Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

                You're not exactly Justin Bieber.


                • #38
                  Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

                  Originally posted by Forrest View Post
                  And by the way, when having nothing to hide yourself suddenly becomes a matter of life and death because the Goverment has just outlawed doing anything off camera, are you going to give in to that too?

                  After all, nothing to hide...not your lovemaking, or holding your child (That's sexual harrassment now, you know), nor praying to your God...and since that is a lot of what this is about, get over yourself!
                  Forest, you need to spend a little time brushing up on satire . . .


                  • #39
                    Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

                    Originally posted by don View Post
                    Forest, you need to spend a little time brushing up on satire . . .
                    I wasn't being satirical...I was referencing the italicized reference from the previous post.


                    • #40
                      Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

                      Originally posted by radon
                      Which are what exactly? I can already film and take photographs to my hearts content in a public place.
                      There's a big difference between raising your hand with your phone in it (to expose the lens on the back) vs. literally just winking to take a picture.

                      Originally posted by Polish Silver
                      record and recognize faces at political protest. ---China will love that

                      Plant bugs at every publicly accessible location to get dirt on people .

                      Walk through a home using GG, then sell the information to burglars.
                      The bigger issue IMO isn't even the invasion of privacy of the moment.

                      It will be the record itself. Consider that most prosecution of crime is a function of evidence. Consider secondly what a permanent digital video record of all actions means for prospective prosecution. Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'discovery'.

                      The entire 'what have you got to hide' spiel is equally a load of garbage.

                      Medical Marijuana is legal in many parts of California, but it is illegal federally. Many other actions may be legal in one country, but illegal in others. I just talked with someone last night who commented about how a Saudi who was drinking in a bar in the US is now facing prosecution back home.

                      A video record means anyone, anywhere, and largely anytime can prosecute for any action that's illegal anywhere. I can't remember the link, but there is this law professor talking about why you should never talk to police for any reason - and one primary reason is that there are at least 10,000 laws by which you can get nailed without having any idea whatsoever that you are breaking the law.


                      • #41
                        Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

                        Originally posted by Forrest View Post
                        I wasn't being satirical...I was referencing the italicized reference from the previous post.
                        I was with the nothing to hide comment


                        • #42
                          Re: making it easier

                          Originally posted by Polish_Silver View Post
                          Some of us are more conspiracy minded than others. Not getting a response does not mean people have not read or thought about a post. It can mean they couldn't think of anything pertinent to add.
                          Thank you for the encouragement. It's nice to know that these posts don't always reside in a black hole.

                          By the way, just walked passed my first Google Glass Eye Wearing kid. I immediately thought about this thread.
                          The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                          • #43
                            Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

                            Originally posted by Polish_Silver View Post
                            GG is just one example of how technology changes our communication modes, and therefore our social environment. There are good and bad effects to each of these changes. Unfortunately, product development is driven by profit/loss criteria, not by net social benefit. So any of these changes may be net negative for society, even if profitable to the corporations selling them. (Take junk food as an example).
                            This is where I would strongly strongly disagree. Technology is merely a technique for greater socail control by a smaller and smaller circle. Profit is merely a side benefit that is a secondary, not primary concern.

                            "The Human Use of Human Beings" by the founder of modern cybernetic techniques, Norbert Weiner, is a great place to start your research. I actually believe that Norbert grew a conscience after he realized what fuck-wits like von Neumann were going to do with his findings, and actually tried to yell his concerns out.

                            Hey, I challenge anyone here to go try and have a conversation with any MIT, Cal Tech, Harvard or Stanford Masters or PhD techie about the social implications of the foundational work for today's tech, and I guarantee you that you'll get a blank stare, or worse. The history is simply not taught, and they kids couldn't give a damn about it anyway. Sure, some will talk the socially politically correct talk, but real understading of the ramifications of their work is not something they're willing to consider.
                            Last edited by reggie; May 14, 2013, 10:17 PM.
                            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                            • #44
                              Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

                              Personal epiphanies of conscience occurred in the Manhattan Project, including Einstein.


                              • #45
                                Re: Technology redefines our communications and social relationships

                                Originally posted by reggie
                                Hey, I challenge anyone here to go try and have a conversation with any MIT, Cal Tech, Harvard or Stanford Masters or PhD techie about the social implications of the foundational work for today's tech, and I guarantee you that you'll get a blank stare, or worse.
                                Actually, many startups these days focus specifically on bending or breaking the law. If so - I really, really doubt societal implications matter either.

                                Most of the so-called 'sharing' economy tech startups are just seeking to redirect an existing revenue stream to themselves - with the benefit of avoiding the existing regulatory and tax regimes.

