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Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

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  • Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

    get your f**king camera off me, asshole . . . .

    Thad Starner, just before he was dropped for a 10 count


    SAN FRANCISCO — Google’s wearable computer, the most anticipated piece of electronic wizardry since the iPad and iPhone, will not go on sale for many months.

    But the resistance is already under way.

    The glasseslike device, which allows users to access the Internet, take photos and film short snippets, has been pre-emptively banned by a Seattle bar. Large parts of Las Vegas will not welcome wearers. West Virginia legislators tried to make it illegal to use the gadget, known as Google Glass, while driving.

    “This is just the beginning,” said Timothy Toohey, a Los Angeles lawyer specializing in privacy issues. “Google Glass is going to cause quite a brawl.”

    As personal technology becomes increasingly nimble and invisible, Glass is prompting questions of whether it will distract drivers, upend relationships and strip people of what little privacy they still have in public.

    A pair of lens-less frames with a tiny computer attached to the right earpiece, Glass is promoted by Google as “seamless and empowering.” It will have the ability to capture any chance encounter, from a celebrity sighting to a grumpy salesclerk, and broadcast it to millions in seconds.

    “We are all now going to be both the paparazzi and the paparazzi’s target,” said Karen L. Stevenson, a lawyer with Buchalter Nemer in Los Angeles.

    Google stresses that Glass is a work in progress, with test versions now being released to 2,000 developers. Another 8,000 “explorers,” people handpicked by Google, will soon get a pair.

    Among the safeguards to make it less intrusive: you have to speak or touch it to activate it, and you have to look directly at someone to take a photograph or video of them.

    “We are thinking very carefully about how we design Glass because new technology always raises new issues,” said Courtney Hohne, a Google spokeswoman.

    Developers, however, are already cracking the limits of Glass. One created a small sensation in tech circles last week with a program that eliminated the need for gestures or voice commands. To snap a picture, all the user needs to do is wink.

    The 5 Point Cafe, a Seattle dive bar, was apparently the first to explicitly ban Glass. In part it was a publicity stunt — extremely successful, too, as it garnered worldwide attention — but the bar’s owner, Dave Meinert, said there was a serious side. The bar, he said, was “kind of a private place.”

    The legislators in West Virginia were not joking at all. The state banned texting while driving last year but hands-free devices are permitted. That left a loophole for Google Glass. The legislation was introduced too late to gain traction before the most recent session ended, but its sponsor says he is likely to try again.

    In Las Vegas, a Caesars Entertainment spokesman noted that computers and recording devices were prohibited in casinos. “We will not allow people to wear Glass while gambling or attending our shows,” he said.

    Louis Brandeis and Samuel Warren famously noted in 1890 that “numerous mechanical devices threaten to make good the prediction that ‘what is whispered in the closet shall be proclaimed from the house-tops.’ ”

    Glass is arriving just as the courts, politicians, privacy advocates, regulators, law enforcement and tech companies are once again arguing over the boundaries of technology in every walk of life.

    The Senate Judiciary Committee voted last month to require law enforcement to have a warrant to access e-mail, not just a subpoena. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s use of devices that mimic cellphone towers to track down criminals is being challenged in an Arizona case. A California district court recently ruled that private messages on social media were protected without a warrant.

    “Google Glass will test the right to privacy versus the First Amendment,” said Bradley Shear, a social media expert at George Washington University.

    Google has often been at the forefront of privacy issues. In 2004, it began a free e-mail service, making money by generating ads against the content. Two dozen privacy groups protested. Regulators were urged to investigate whether eavesdropping laws were being violated.

    For better or worse, people got used to the idea, and the protests quickly dissipated. Gmail now has over 425 million users. In a more recent episode, the company’s unauthorized data collection during its Street View mapping project prompted government investigations in a dozen countries.

    Like many Silicon Valley companies, Google takes the attitude that people should have nothing to hide from intrusive technology.
    “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place,” said Eric Schmidt, then Google’s chief executive, in 2009.

    Glass is a major step in Google’s efforts to diversify beyond search, and potentially an extremely lucrative move. Piper Jaffray, an analyst firm, estimates that wearable technology and another major initiative, self-driving cars, could ultimately be a $500 billion opportunity for the company. In the shorter term, IHS, a forecasting firm, estimates that shipments of smart glasses, led by Google Glass, could be as high as 6.6 million in three years.

    Thad Starner, a pioneer of wearable computing who is a technical adviser to the Glass team, says he thinks concerns about disruption are overblown.

    “Asocial people will be able to find a way to do asocial things with this technology, but on average people like to maintain the social contract,” Mr. Starner said. He added that he and colleagues had experimented with Glass-type devices for years, “and I can’t think of a single instance where something bad has happened.”

    An incident at a Silicon Valley event shows, however, the way the increasing ease in capturing a moment can lead to problems — even if unintentionally.

    Adria Richards, who worked for the Colorado e-mail company SendGrid, was offended by the jokes two men were cracking behind her at the PyCon developers conference. She posted a picture of them on Twitter with the mildly reproving comment, “Not cool.”

    One of the men, who has not been identified, was immediately fired by his employer, PlayHaven. “There is another side to this story,” he wrote on a hacking site, saying it was barely one lame sexual joke. “She gave me no warning, she smiled while she snapped the pic and sealed my fate,” he complained.

    Critics lashed out at Ms. Richards, using language much more offensive than the two men used. SendGrid was hacked. The company dismissed Ms. Richards, saying there was such an uproar over her conduct, it “put our business in danger.

    “I don’t think anyone who was part of what happened at PyCon that day could possibly have imagined how this issue would have exploded into the public consciousness,” Ms. Richards reflected later. She has not posted on Twitter since.

  • #2
    Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

    I was at a Google developers event in Mountain View, and witnessed a Google Glass demo by an early adopter.

    A few notes:

    1) The adopter - although he did not work for Google - was clearly a Google fanboy. He listed a long series of early interactions ranging from gmail, to android, to literally 8 different Google platforms. This was to illustrate his primary point: Google Glass right now is terrible much like all those other services were terrible to start with, but became great (his words).

    2) Google glass doesn't have any communications beyond Bluetooth. It has to connect into either Wifi or tether to a smartphone (any type)

    3) Google glass functions primarily via voice interactions. There is a key phrase (ok glass?), which presumably can be customized in the future. Once activated, the next phrase is used to choose an option - anywhere from a question, to take a picture/video, to play back video, etc

    4) The voice output is apparently bone conduction.

    5) As an early user, the demonstrator was valet parked and had 5 people working over him.

    6) The video output for Google glass is only over one eye - and is supposedly largely out of normal functioning vision.

    7) The presenter noted the price tag ($1500) but said it would likely be $200 to $500 by the time it got to "the rest of you"

    8) The demo'er also went to great lengths to talk about how 'wearable' computing was going to be the next big thing - talking about how fashion designers and what not were getting roped into this.

    Some notes from the demo:

    It was a dismal failure. The Google Glass attempted to tether every time the demo'er tried anything; as there were probably 200+ cell phones in the room, that didn't work well. Every attempted demo was interrupted multiple times by this quirk. I doubt this is a fundamental Google Glass issue as opposed to the law of demos.

    The video that was taken - was very jerky and poor quality. It is supposed to be 720p, but what I saw was more like a 5MP image at 1 to 2 frames per second. A measured pass across the audience resulted was literally 2 frames.

    The voice to text functioned fairly well. There were a couple hiccups, but the demonstration question of "what is xxx divided by yyy" (xxx and yyy being 3 digit numbers) functioned correctly the second time. Not sure how well it would work in a very noisy environment.

    All in all, what Google Glass is clearly intended to do is to transplant the Google internet portal function into more and more of people's waking moments. Instead of having to call up the internet on your smartphone, you can now tap your Google glass and ask the question directly.

    Instead of raising your phone and pointing its camera somewhere, you can just tap your Google glass (or wink, as one hacker has already modified Google Glass picture taking to do).

    Instead of consulting your cell phone via vision or voice when getting directions, you can have it displayed on your right eye - accessible by looking up.

    IMO - there will be a certain group that loves this. But I don't see too many people getting into this. The demoer noted, for example, that he now never leaves home without wallet, smartphone, and Google Glass. Were he female, that would be on top of purse and makeup, with Google Glass also interfering with the ability to wear a nice designer pair of sunglasses.

    For the stylish eyeglass wearing computer programmer, the Google Glass probably is a nice step forward.

    I'm not so sure for anyone else.

    Google Glass also represents a very significant attack target for privacy invasion.

    Google Glass contains 682 Mb of storage, so loss of the physical device could represent a very large data haul for a prospective thief. Smartphones are similar, but primarily contain photos and email access whereas presumably Google Glass users would perform more of their online activity on Google Glass vs. their home PC.

    Google Glass is also a wireless peripheral, and thus represents yet another means to access what the owner is seeing/browsing/thinking/asking about. We've already seen cell phone texts/emails/photos hacked; Google Glass would be yet another portal to do so.
    Last edited by c1ue; May 07, 2013, 11:57 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

      Google Glass Wearer: he said something like, 'R U lookin' at me'

      Officer: and then what happened?

      GGW: he just snatched my Glass right off my face and said, 'what ya gonna do about it, Google Boy', and left . . . .


      • #4
        Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

        I will refuse to talk to anyone wearing those things around me.


        • #5
          Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

          here's a classic - a two-part classic - response by a senior partisan . . . .

          "what is the world coming to? Some day in the future, at birth we all will have a miniature computer implanted covering everything we will ever need to know!. Frankly I enjoyed growing up reading boys books, riding a bike instead of a fancy car, going to a 25 cents double feature at the theater, taking a girlfriend to a drug store for splitting a soda and a hamburger for under a buck. Even my sports interest was fulfilled by playing baseball,football and basketball with other kids on a vacant lot!. I feel sorry for the new generation more today! At least Obama will be history when today's children grow up and vote!"

          Obama is everywhere . . . .

          great job, guys . . . . . . . .


          • #6
            Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

            Aren't there places in the US where it's illegal to record the police? Is wearing GG going to get you a nightstick in the head there? (IMO, recording the police should be encouraged. So if GG somehow lead to a repeal of those laws, I'd be very pleased.)


            • #7
              Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

              Originally posted by LazyBoy View Post
              Aren't there places in the US where it's illegal to record the police? Is wearing GG going to get you a nightstick in the head there? (IMO, recording the police should be encouraged. So if GG somehow lead to a repeal of those laws, I'd be very pleased.)
              You are now officially in the wrong country . . . .


              • #8
                Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

                The First and Seventh circuit court decisions are of the opinion that no expectation of privacy exists in a public place, but that doesn't mean you won't be arrested.

                I'm buying one as soon as they become available. I spend a bit of time in the 90s with a "wearable", and I do use that term loosely, computer with a monitor mounted on my glasses. It was a lot of fun. I just hope google solved the whiplash problem.


                • #9
                  Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

                  Originally posted by radon View Post
                  The First and Seventh circuit court decisions are of the opinion that no expectation of privacy exists in a public place, but that doesn't mean you won't be arrested.

                  I'm buying one as soon as they become available. I spend a bit of time in the 90s with a "wearable", and I do use that term loosely, computer with a monitor mounted on my glasses. It was a lot of fun. I just hope google solved the whiplash problem.
                  Will you be recording strangers . . . .


                  • #10
                    Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

                    Originally posted by LazyBoy View Post
                    Aren't there places in the US where it's illegal to record the police? Is wearing GG going to get you a nightstick in the head there? (IMO, recording the police should be encouraged. So if GG somehow lead to a repeal of those laws, I'd be very pleased.)
                    The police one is probably subject to change but the child abuse one is going to be much harder to solve. Lets hope you don't capture any evidence of child abuse on your google glasses as you will be in big trouble if you do.



                    • #11
                      Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

                      Originally posted by LazyBoy
                      Aren't there places in the US where it's illegal to record the police? Is wearing GG going to get you a nightstick in the head there? (IMO, recording the police should be encouraged. So if GG somehow lead to a repeal of those laws, I'd be very pleased.)
                      There aren't laws specifically prohibiting recording police. However, there are laws on the books preventing wiretapping and similar forms of unwanted surveillance. It is these laws which have been used in the past to try and suppress videos.

                      Here's a decent overview on the situation:


                      The real issue with Google Glass is that it trods all over the grey area of what constitutes expectation of privacy. In the past, there were specific cues that voice or video recording is occurring - and absence of such would constitute violation of the aforementioned 'antisnooping' or 'anti-Peeping Tom' laws.

                      With Google Glass, the cues by default exist but people have already figured out how to remove them. Are the people around Google Glass wearers still entitled to some protection or expectation of privacy?
                      Last edited by c1ue; May 08, 2013, 10:57 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

                        Originally posted by don View Post
                        Will you be recording strangers . . . .
                        Of course. Every business you enter has CCTV nowadays and there are camera on the street as well. I'm going to assume they are used to it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

                          Originally posted by radon View Post
                          Of course. Every business you enter has CCTV nowadays and there are camera on the street as well. I'm going to assume they are used to it.
                          Can't wait to see your highlight reel - or is that outtakes?


                          • #14
                            Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

                            The ones I have from my dash cam are pretty funny. Including the video of insurance fraud.


                            • #15
                              Re: Google Glass - a Confrontation Waiting to Happen

                              Originally posted by radon View Post
                              The ones I have from my dash cam are pretty funny. Including the video of insurance fraud.
                              Reminds me of the Russian dash cam videos. They're pretty funny . . . .

