Re: National planning Cyprus-style solution for New Zealand
Apparently in your mind, being a financial haven that's bought into industries in other countries is a mixed economy.
Singapore's so called 'home grown' industries - certainly in the areas that I am intimately familiar with - are a joke. Temasek's investments in so called P/C endeavors have been marked primarily by failure - it is only its investments in things like cellular services companies in other nations which have done well.
Equally 'Made in Singapore' - good luck finding that on anything.
Singapore's primary role in the P/C economy is flogging 1st world products into India and SE Asia. This makes it 'seem' like Singapore's economy has some P/C presence, but in reality, the exported products are made elsewhere then consumed in another elsewhere. Kind of like the maquiladoras on the US/Mexico border, only without even the labor.
Originally posted by PoZ
Singapore's so called 'home grown' industries - certainly in the areas that I am intimately familiar with - are a joke. Temasek's investments in so called P/C endeavors have been marked primarily by failure - it is only its investments in things like cellular services companies in other nations which have done well.
Equally 'Made in Singapore' - good luck finding that on anything.
Singapore's primary role in the P/C economy is flogging 1st world products into India and SE Asia. This makes it 'seem' like Singapore's economy has some P/C presence, but in reality, the exported products are made elsewhere then consumed in another elsewhere. Kind of like the maquiladoras on the US/Mexico border, only without even the labor.