itulip bucket brigade anyone?
It is unclear just why Tepco released the following clip of what it alleges is a leak at Fukushima two and a half years after the infamous March 2011 catastrophe. If it is to restore confidence that it is finally trying to regain control over the Fukushima situation, that is simply laughable: for an organization that had to be nationalized and then lied for years, making up "safe" numbers out of thin air to avoid panic, this is not an option. If it is to indicate that the hype about the danger surrounding Fukushima is overblown, perhaps it should not have lied for years, and if really desperate to show just how safe the Fuku detritus is, maybe the great Japanese propaganda machine could have had some unlucky soul injest the water, as happened back in 2011. For whatever reason, the only thoughts that cross our minds as we watch this video is "what else is leaking over there?"
It is unclear just why Tepco released the following clip of what it alleges is a leak at Fukushima two and a half years after the infamous March 2011 catastrophe. If it is to restore confidence that it is finally trying to regain control over the Fukushima situation, that is simply laughable: for an organization that had to be nationalized and then lied for years, making up "safe" numbers out of thin air to avoid panic, this is not an option. If it is to indicate that the hype about the danger surrounding Fukushima is overblown, perhaps it should not have lied for years, and if really desperate to show just how safe the Fuku detritus is, maybe the great Japanese propaganda machine could have had some unlucky soul injest the water, as happened back in 2011. For whatever reason, the only thoughts that cross our minds as we watch this video is "what else is leaking over there?"