Hyundai After Action Report
Closed the deal. $18,600 out the door - color was right, Big Boss happy.
When I reminded the salesman this was a cash deal he blanched, stuttered and left our cubicle (of doom for many).
Up to that point I was the guy learning about his life - reversing the usual roles. We were a natural. I noticed right away his knuckles had done some work in the ring. A power puncher, he, like so many sluggers, had chronic hand issues.
Cut to the chase - to make the guy's nut, pugilist sentimentalist that I am, I agreed to a no-origination fee, no pre-payment fee, Hyundai loan with a simple interest of 2.9%. That kicked back $750 in rebates to his corner. I put $11 grand down. Total interest over 4 years is $471. In sheeple terms, ten bucks a month.
I'll make 3 or 4 months of payments and then pay it off.
All that's left is to drive it until the wheels, doors and drive line fall off.
I was happy with the judges decision.
Closed the deal. $18,600 out the door - color was right, Big Boss happy.
When I reminded the salesman this was a cash deal he blanched, stuttered and left our cubicle (of doom for many).
Up to that point I was the guy learning about his life - reversing the usual roles. We were a natural. I noticed right away his knuckles had done some work in the ring. A power puncher, he, like so many sluggers, had chronic hand issues.
Cut to the chase - to make the guy's nut, pugilist sentimentalist that I am, I agreed to a no-origination fee, no pre-payment fee, Hyundai loan with a simple interest of 2.9%. That kicked back $750 in rebates to his corner. I put $11 grand down. Total interest over 4 years is $471. In sheeple terms, ten bucks a month.
I'll make 3 or 4 months of payments and then pay it off.
All that's left is to drive it until the wheels, doors and drive line fall off.
I was happy with the judges decision.