gotta love george will's latest (below) re all the hotair billowing out of the beltway on the obama sequester - and - mo better even - is queen nancy's latest, with her continued blather about it being the repubs fault for no budget (and never mind that she/harry never got one done during her prev reign) and their support for 'tax breaks for big oil' - kinda funny tho, that in her/the dems screaming about 'taxbreaks for the rich' they fail to even mention, never mind complain about one particular taxbreak for some of the wealthiest of the top 10% (hint: most of which flows directly back to her home state)
but lets give george the spotlight here, as this really does tell it LIKE IT IS (vs how the lamestream media spinmasters are putting it):
The manufactured crisis of sequester
but lets give george the spotlight here, as this really does tell it LIKE IT IS (vs how the lamestream media spinmasters are putting it):
The manufactured crisis of sequester
Originally posted by if no1else, georgeWILL