TH*NK*NG (WRITE-OFFS) by Fred Cederholm
I’ve been thinking about write-offs. Actually I’ve been thinking about BILLIONS, Sub-prime/ Alt A mortgages, banks, the former S& Ls crisis, billions, and déjà vu. The late Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, a great orator, is perhaps most frequently remembered for his quip: “A BILLION here, a BILLION there and pretty soon you’re talking real money.” Dirksen was playing on the fact that you reach a point where dollar amounts become so large, they have little relevance or meaning - unless they are broken down, pro-rated, and allocated to where they impact individual or household levels.
You see last week saw more headlines involving the write-offs of investments in mortgage derivatives in the TENS of BILLIONS by still more banks and brokerage houses. In the US, front page ink shifted from Citibank to Wachovia, our seventh largest banking group. Be (un)rest assured, there will be far more ten, eleven, or twelve figure hits to yet other banks, pension funds, mutual funds, and insurance company portfolios! Huge losses to date haven’t scratched the surface, trust me on this.
There are a couple reasons for delaying/ breaking-up the announcements into bite sized billion chunks. First, there is identifying the investments. These were packaged in all shapes, sizes, and formats. One may TH*NK they don’t have any exposure, but as analysts (and auditors) dig deeper; these surface in hedge funds, mutual funds, money market funds, insurance company portfolios - you name it. Second, even if identified as CDO based, debates wrangle over valuation. Since most of them appear to be “amorphous globs of anonymous fungible debt” - NOT identified to specific properties or mortgages which might have some residual or cadaver value – the valuation becomes an all (par) or nothing (zero) proposition. Besides, nobody wants to acknowledge such a hit until they absolutely have to do it.
The “politics of panic control” is the biggest reason for spoon feeding this debacle to the public in bite sized billions. If they could quantify the ultimate total losses (I’m certain some super-dome-ball-park figure is being bantered about behind closed doors), the global public just couldn’t deal with it, the equity markets would tank, and the world’s intertwined banking/ financial systems would collapse. The bite sized billions approach may unnerve the public, but at least there is a perception that the problem is being addressed and dealt with. And… nobody has been forced out of business, into receivership, insolvency, or liquidation – not yet anyway. Bite sized billions in write-offs just can work miracles.
You see last week saw more headlines involving the write-offs of investments in mortgage derivatives in the TENS of BILLIONS by still more banks and brokerage houses. In the US, front page ink shifted from Citibank to Wachovia, our seventh largest banking group. Be (un)rest assured, there will be far more ten, eleven, or twelve figure hits to yet other banks, pension funds, mutual funds, and insurance company portfolios! Huge losses to date haven’t scratched the surface, trust me on this.
There are a couple reasons for delaying/ breaking-up the announcements into bite sized billion chunks. First, there is identifying the investments. These were packaged in all shapes, sizes, and formats. One may TH*NK they don’t have any exposure, but as analysts (and auditors) dig deeper; these surface in hedge funds, mutual funds, money market funds, insurance company portfolios - you name it. Second, even if identified as CDO based, debates wrangle over valuation. Since most of them appear to be “amorphous globs of anonymous fungible debt” - NOT identified to specific properties or mortgages which might have some residual or cadaver value – the valuation becomes an all (par) or nothing (zero) proposition. Besides, nobody wants to acknowledge such a hit until they absolutely have to do it.
The “politics of panic control” is the biggest reason for spoon feeding this debacle to the public in bite sized billions. If they could quantify the ultimate total losses (I’m certain some super-dome-ball-park figure is being bantered about behind closed doors), the global public just couldn’t deal with it, the equity markets would tank, and the world’s intertwined banking/ financial systems would collapse. The bite sized billions approach may unnerve the public, but at least there is a perception that the problem is being addressed and dealt with. And… nobody has been forced out of business, into receivership, insolvency, or liquidation – not yet anyway. Bite sized billions in write-offs just can work miracles.