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Currency (War) Fear Spreads Across Latin America
Re: Currency (War) Fear Spreads Across Latin America
with a few exceptions, most wars are fought for perceived short and longterm economic gain. currency wars can and have graduated into shooting wars . . .
Legendary trader Yra Harris says, “The currency wars are real, and the game is on.” Harris says the global currency war is what helped Volkswagen gain market share in the last few years. So, what is Japan doing? It is cutting the value of its currency so Toyota will gain market share. The currency war is also what’s been driving gold higher. Harris says, “Is gold in a bull market? Absolutely. Is gold a tired bull for the moment? Absolutely. . . . I think you’d be crazy to sell because there are so many variables of uncertainty.” Harris goes on to predict, “What do I think is the most explosive event for gold? It is the day Draghi (President of the ECB) can no longer jawbone quantitative easing. He actually has to step up to the plate.” Harris is counting on the Fed to continue to pump out dollars. He says, “I can go to sleep at night and know one thing–the Fed will not allow deflation.” The reason is simple, according to Harris, “We live on debt in this society. Debt based societies cannot absorb a deflationary spiral.”