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  • Re: (lack of) privilege in engineering

    Originally posted by lektrode View Post
    would think mr silver, thats because engineers actually have to be proficient at the hard stuff - you know: math, science - at least REAL science, as opposed to political 'science' - and so dont/cant get away with spouting BS and sucking up to get ahead (or need to resort to 'giving it' for a promotion ;)

    and this ones even better!

    That is wonderful, thanks. I have a role as a technical resource, project manager, AND administrative manager. The challenge of staying effective while subject to a myriad of interuptions is at the front of my challenges at work every day.

    Here's one unrelated to those you posted, hopefully no one is offended I had modified the label on the door so it states the role I have (and others in our organization who contend with such personalities that I shared it with).



    • Re: (lack of) privilege in engineering

      Originally posted by wayiwalk View Post
      That is wonderful, thanks. I have a role as a technical resource, project manager, AND administrative manager. The challenge of staying effective while subject to a myriad of interuptions is at the front of my challenges at work every day.
      but at the least, way - since IIRC, you're an engineer by training?, tho certainly not limited by, you're technically competent/qualified/proficient for those admin functions - had to marvel at some of my employers in the past, at 2 co's in particular - in very hightech fields, where engineering/design was _everything_ - the ceo had the attitude that the engineers were replaceable, but his management skills were what 'made the company' - was somewhat hilarious that the core of the design crew up and left shortly after that became known - it was a takeover sitch and the former ceo being s-canned made the rest of the key people leave with him = why to this day i appreciate dilbert...

      methinks the same dynamic is at work in lots of the ever-more-conglomeritzed corporate behemoths: the 'masters of the universe' mentality (likely a function of the commoditization of the MBA)

      Here's one unrelated to those you posted, hopefully no one is offended I had modified the label on the door so it states the role I have (and others in our organization who contend with such personalities that I shared it with).

      oh yeah, that illusion was shattered for me on my first factory job, on the 'weekend night shift' 12hours from 7p to 7am...
      and there was nothing quite like the sensation of getting out of work after 12hours on the feet and then having to ride my bicycle the 5mi back home - at 0700, in january, in NH, in a snowstorm, if not at 10below0 - to get over being 'special'...


      • Re: (lack of) privilege in engineering

        Originally posted by plinko View Post
        Good engineers work from home .
        need any help?
        thats precisely my only goal in life at this point (after having been thoroughly demoralized by not only the 6grand/year for essentially parking 2 vehicles and thats just to PARK them, not capitalized costs of em and having to endure the daily clusterf__k where most of my clientle is, i'm about done having to drive my customers, unless they want to pay the full rate for traveltime to n from - at this point, i'd rather 'live off the land' and eat bugs and dirt fer dinner!

        Seriously though, I started contracting from home and live next to a ski lift and only need to drive once a week, less if I was patient enough to take the bus across the street. Who cares about cars (although I wouldn't mind an X1d, honda element, or an old vw van kitted with a subaru diesel engine)
        oh man, you are definitely my idol - and i almost did exactly same with the vanagon that i had (the 3rd one), but ended up just replacing the airboxer (and i will _never_ put myself thru that again...)

        and - just for grins - take a look at 'my mountain' - where our favorite form of weather is stoking my groove at this very moment... we'll see if the moment of truth will happen by 2morow (feelin like a kid on xmas eve about now ;)


        • Re: FBI, mortgage fraud, and Bush

          Originally posted by Polish_Silver View Post
          Well, the FBI was going after the mortgage fraud, until Bush told them to drop that and focus on terrorism. How I love 9-11 ! It seems to have created our situation in so many ways!
          almost fergot this one P - and ya just knew, didnt ya - that i couldnt resist....

          well.. where to begin... yep, 9/11 was The Watershed Moment, if there ever was one - in what beltway politix has done to our country, over the past 15or16 years in particular... and while i'd rather not be accused of stickin up for geedubya&co - at least we didnt hear much out of him about what he 'inherited', did we? - since i dont ever recall anything from them about what the prev occupant had stuck them with ???

          and yeah, i agree completely about what 9/11 did - and we dont even need to get into the other crowning achievement of geedubya's predecessor, now do we....

